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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. Look at her myspace page. The pic of the son in undenyable. It's Arnold jr. http://www.myspace.com/422912073/photos/2169473#%7B%22ImageId%22%3A2169473%7D
  2. Awesome thing Sheriff Gulledge did. I saw the pics on FB yesterday. The news didn't show the Sheriff not once!
  3. My BFF lives out off old Cartersville on a one way in, one way out road. She and her hubby custom built their home on family land. Her cousin put a double wide on his family land next to her. Unfortunately, he rented it out. It went south from there. The law was out there constantly. They knew the renters were "cooking" over there. They called the law everytime. They got busted a few times. Stopped paying rent. Cousin finally got so sick of it he sold the land/trailer to my BFF. She promptly evicted the renters. They asked her, what are you gonna do with the trailer when we're gone, to whi
  4. Trapped in office. Cannot get to seals road. P-I-C-T-U-R-E-S???!!!???
  5. I am no help re: tickets, but wanted to say you will love Ft. Wildnerness. They keep that place sparkling and no bugs! There are bunnies and ducks that hang out in the campground and will come up to your picnic area to beg. (and be pee'd on by the occaisional loose boy!) In the evenings they have a large campground/bleacher area and build a bon fire with Chip and Dale sing a longs and such. You can take the boat from the docks in Ft. Wildnerness over to the parks and or train to the parks. It was fun! Ya'll will have a blast!
  6. MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!!
  7. I got one in my elbow, worked within 24 hours and I've never had to go back again. Sorry this one is not working fast enough. Maybe if you ice the knee?
  8. Painfully shy if I didn't know you. Was often mistaken for stuck up. Had a close knit group of BFFs, mostly guy friends. I was at the top of the top in band but not a geek. I don't care if you call student conducter a geek, I WAS NOT A GEEK! I was the one of two in Paulding to make Regional Band, but the only one to make Allstate Band. I played solo accompaniments with the choir also. Loved the symphony, rocker on the weekends. My group smoked weed, but somehow we all grew out of that and have become hard working accomplished professionals. Well most of us anyhow! (not it!)
  9. Where is the FUN in that? I keeeed I keeeeeed!
  10. Go to Southbeach and take in the "view"! Helps if you do tequila shots after breakfast/walk on the beach. Then you can "nap" on the beach til time for lunch. Lunch usually involves shopping and more tequila. Followed by naps with an ocean breeze either in condo or poolside, your choice. Followed by a night out walking from restaraunt to oxygen bar! Taxi home! Hot tub! Rinse, repeat! You will be happy to get home to your own self in the mirror after a week of that! Your mileage may vary!
  11. Mark Willix is a commerce member on here. I am sure he could help ya!
  12. I would have never imagined it until I got caught up in I-285 traffic where they busted one of those rolling meth labs. Had to get haz-mat out and shut down the interstate. No fun! People esp. druggies ARE CRAZY!
  13. I wouldn't call it a midlife crisis, but I had a similar experience. I wanted to dye my hair blonde, as I've been a lifelong auburn haired girl, my older sister was always blonde. She looked beautiful, we looked alike, so I thought why not! Dear hubby grumbled every time I mentioned it. He finally told me I WOULD NOT dye my hair, end of story. So that went over well. I dyed my hair the next week and took his sister to South Beach for a week's stay at my bosses condo. Left him with all three kids to figure out their school/sitter schedules. (I did stock the fridge before I left). His siste
  14. Log on to Equifax and pull your credit and check for identity theft NOW! You get one free a year.
  15. Good. Poor little girl, what she's put her through.
  16. Judgment is the preferred spelling in a legal context throughout the common law world[citation needed]. The spelling judgment is also found in the Authorized Version of the Bible. In a non-legal context, however, the situation differs between countries. The spelling judgement (with e added) is common in the United Kingdom in a non-legal context, possibly because writing dg without a following e for the /dʒ/ was seen as an incorrect spelling[citation needed]. The spelling judgment without the e is however often listed first and in any case without comment or regional restriction in major UK
  17. DD and I went there a few weeks ago. Loved it, and the owners were so sweet!
  18. Preach it sister! I spent all day Saturday chasing tumble weeds across the wood floor. I was sooooo ready to take the clippers to that kitty! And on that note, anyone know where I can take my long haired cat to get him shaved lion cut? Seriously, I'll pay, cause I'm am OVER all the sheading!
  19. Why thank you for taking time out from yall's HONEYMOON to congrat lil ole me. Seriously! Hope you are having the time of your lives! Thank you!
  20. That seems to be the accurate status quo on how that works!
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