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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. hoohaa


    I have reached my quota for positive post votes for the day, so You my dear, are not alone!
  2. I once gave a seminar to the Paralegal section of Georgia Trial Lawyers on the Unauthorized Practice of Law. We may wanna back out of this link... edited to add.. you can't file a J-U-D-G-M-E-N-T until there has been an adjudication (i.e. service of process, discovery, trial....) and PS judgment only has one E. Toodles!
  3. Thank you for the info. I am thankful that everyone is OK. The sr. kid that told me was SO UPSET, he said two fatalities... He was very distraught, that is why I came to PCOM for info. He was not clear. Praise God.
  4. HOA can sue, get a judgment, file a lien and/or come after the property owner's assets, not yours. Seems like not having pool access would be a breach in the terms of your lease/rental agreement? Was it an amenity listed in the lease/rental contract? I would make a subtle inquiry with your landlord and gauge his/her response. Go from there. If you smell BS .... cover your ASSets accordingly. If the HO is not paying the HOA, to me that would be a good indication there may be trouble paying the mortgage. Check the local legal organ/Dallas New Era for Paulding. Look for your property
  5. hoohaa


    Millcreek, Thank you for that. Good Sunday morning to ya!
  6. So you are saying it has GPS so you're all good? 220, 221, whatever it takes! (mister Mom movie quote) Night Ya'll!
  7. That is AWESOME! Congrats to ya'll and your son. I know you are beaming with pride! :clapping: :clapping:
  8. SERIOUSLY? If you can't find it, how in the He&& do you expect us to? Blondie? Can you help us out here?
  9. One more post and I'll hit 1000! Not sure how to feel. 6 and a half years is a long time to only have spoken out 1000 times. Either I am shy, or a looky loo. Either way, I love PCOM!
  10. UM.... this is why I no longer go to the Hiram Wally world. The lawn furniture outside is a haven for deviants exposing their "wares" at all hours of the evening on any given day of the week. My dear sister in law was followed thru the store by one such deviant, who she tried to ignore until he began speaking loudly so she turned around only to see that he had his "wares" pulled out proclaiming his need for a "date" with her. She ran up front and the clerks called security/police. The clerks told her this is a common occurrence. They have to have their security police the waresmen off the
  11. RR I agree. The trucks are different from the cars. Dodge/Mopar/Chrysler cars are another breed. Hijack to say - my Daddy thought he could scare me off from driving telling me I had to learn to drive his 1965 baby blue dodge with metal conduit bumpers, three speed on the column, linkage that would hang, and yes, I had to lift the hood and climb like a spidermonkey on the engine and flip the linkage...aka embarass myself in front of my friends. The challenge was, I could drive with my license once I could show him I could shift, brake, and oh yeah, pull out of the old Dallas post office. No
  12. I had a Saturn Coupe 4 door. It was an awesome car for the first 160,000 miles. About that time it developed a crack in the fuel rail, coincidently around the same time the fan motor went bad. Long story short, it overheated, the gas fumes from the fuel rail ignited, shut the engine down as I coasted into the turn lane in the 3400 block of Peachtree. I saw flames shoot out the dash on the drivers side by my door and heard and felt a large KABOOM. I got the H out of D and ran screaming down the turn lane to a car behind me sitting in the turn lane. It was like a bad Bruce Willis movie. We saw t
  13. There's an old saying, ya can't polish a turrrd.
  14. The HS student and another lady at our table said there were tarps on the gurneies. 92 was shut down in both directions for a time. I have no personal knowledge, only second hand. That is why I am here asking.
  15. I asked but the young man was in obvious distress. He said there was one small car in pieces. Both fatalities struck tree lines head on. Yep. Prayers for the families. Esp. the little baby who lost her Daddy.
  16. My grandpa was a game warden in Witchita, KS. Hunting,fishing, animal watching all my life trying to keep up with my Papa, Dad and three older brothers! I have my first deep sea trip planned here in a few weeks. Can't wait!
  17. After the "little tow" post yesterday, I saw this and thought, where'd she hide the bodies!!! :rofl:
  18. Anyone already start a thread about this and I missed it? Three cars, one in the creek, two fatalities, one infant injured? Would have happened 5:30-5:45 just as that 5 minute rain shower hit. This is the same location of 92 that has seen several fatality accidents since last December, coming down the hill past Pickett's Mill? I saw and heard Police and EMT's headed that way. I was at the EPROTC awards dinner last night seated next to an EPHS Sr. ROTC member who had mud on his uniform. He said the mud was from rushing to the crash scene on 4 wheeler and assisting others to pry ope
  19. Another Martins would do just fine!
  20. 7 lbs 12 oz! 29th my foot! CONGRATULATIONS MRS. & MR. B! Welcome Jackson! I hope you are getting some well deserved rest!
  21. What she said!! I feel ya! My youngest will be 17 this year. After two boys, nothing prepared me for a teenage girl! Except that I was a teenage girl at one time.... Still no help!
  22. There's an app for that! PUSH!
  23. Oops, I forgot to say... Happy "LABOR DAY" Mrs.B!
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