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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. Anthony Keidis - Scar Tissue, but only for the pictures...
  2. Keep it strictly business. On a business level he needs to make it right. If not, take him to smalls claims court. He's no blood of yours. Whatever he may want or not want to do for his grandson is between them, not him and you/your daughter. You're expecting too much. Some people were raised by wolves and need to be kept at arms length. Business is business and just that.
  3. I got some last week while we were there too! They are delish! Good just sliced up warm with a pinch of cracked pepper. So yummy! Nothing like the Kroger produce...
  4. My yard is really, REALLY green. I take no credit. It's due to limited mowing. DH has been out of town with work so much that it hasn't gotten mowed but every 10-14 days. Sorry to my neighbors! It's looking pretty good right now though.
  5. Thank you. I agree wholeheartedly. Let's hope the DA stays on page with me, and the Judge sees it our way too.
  6. hoohaa


    That is terrible. Poor Momma/Wife. On what should have been a most joyous day.
  7. It is a cut and paste done in haste by a distraught mother. But thanks for the spelling nazi comment.
  8. Kids? Heck, I WANT ONE! DH and I have taken over DD's Wii. We kicked teenage and twenty year old tail on the Wii! It's almost like dare I say it, EXERCISE. We love it!
  9. Understood. I thought of that too, but clearer heads prevailed.
  10. I never asked for this and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. And as for the show, yer welcome! Grab that torch and join up!
  11. I would like to extend an personal invite to Pubby if he is so inclined to attend. Thank you.
  12. Brandon Casey Walden Bond hearing is set for: June 23, 9:00 a.m. Paulding County Courthouse, Magistrate Courtroom 1st floor. (MARK YOUR CALENDAR PLEASE) Charges : 1. Enticing a child for indecent purposes 2. Simple Assault 3. Criminal Trespass Any and all citizens of Paulding County who wish to join me and voice their opinion as to whether this man should be able to post a bond, please feel free to attend. Thank you.
  13. Both my parents worked for Lockheed and Boeing. Mom was one of the first female business reps. ever elected. She was the recording secretary and then the first female business rep. at Local 709 for many years. I miss Bud Bowen. He used to let me run thru the Union Hall and he'd set me on his lap and read books to me. Good times!
  14. DH is starting off in Suwanee, and ending up in Hackensack! God bless him.
  15. Keep in mind, I DID NOT WRITE THIS.... In honor of Governor Schwarzenegger, a new commandment has been added to the Bible. Be sure to write this one in underneath the other ten: "Thou Shalt Not Share Thy Rod With Thy Staff"
  16. Sitting on a beach, and or FISHING!
  17. That is my hood! What are they blowing up? GUARD DAD having baked beans again for dinner?
  18. He is ADORABLE! Look at those dimples! What a cutie patooty!
  19. Well clearly you had MetroPCS 10 years ago. They have since stepped up their game/coverage and service. I have ZERO complaints.
  20. You, Me, we'd be under the jail! Not to mention he had his wife in the car with him! what a bouche! After reading up on this Lexus LFA, 552 HP!!! I wanna go test drive it. I just wonder, it's so small, who's gonna come with me to pry it off my behind when I go to get out? Lexus LFA
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