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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. He needs to stay where he's at, that's for sure. Momma Bear still hasn't calmed down yet!
  2. Open records request to the Sheriff's office. It is a matter of public record.
  3. 33 year old Brandon Casey Walden is being held in the Paulding County Jail. He currently has NO Bail! Charges: 1.Inticing a minor for indecent purposes 2.assault 3.criminal trespass on school grounds.
  4. Blast from the past.... From Johnny Bravo - Woah Momma.. Im pretty and you're pretty! Lets go home and stare at each other!
  5. (((HUGS))) n more (((HUGS))). So sorry for you loss.
  6. I'm gonna redeem my BIGSKY guarantee claim right about now. I eat next to nothing, work out, walk, but nothing makes it go away! It's all about metabolism for some folks. Jus saying. Don't speak for everyone until you've been there.
  7. Those are some awesome pictures. Thank you!!
  8. Dallas Highway at Sandtown Road, Landrover rolled over into a yard.
  9. ....Hey Babee,,,,, oh wait, I'm married, and I'm straight, but, YOU Look NICE!
  10. It's not just you. It's not your vehicle. I drive a Chevy Silverado truck. Idiots are everywhere, on their dang phone, eating and non-driving, applying lipstick, you name it. It's not just you!
  11. Awww, sorry she is feeling under the weather. Give her lots of cuddle hugs, then crank up the JAMES BROWN! When can I schedule my beach myself at Jennys pool day???
  12. I am glad you have a positive response to post. Me and mine (x3) not so much.
  13. I do not take kindly to ANYONE telling me what to do... But this makes me dance and shake my groove thang!!!
  14. Elmo sez.... not so much! If it helps any, he still chases his tail in a circle until he gets dizzy and falls down, after that he bites his rear leg in a circle until he falls out.... Think about the kid in the movie "Parenthood" (Steve Martin...) with the bucket on his head running into walls, that's my ELMO!
  15. I am living on love, good juju, whatever you wanna call it. Counting my blessings. Kissing my sweet girl still sleeping in on Sunday on the noggin. LIFE IS GOOD. ENJOY! No one gets out alive. PS Did I mention NO BOND for perp. YAY!! It helps with explaining things and letting her know she was not a target but a random victim of illness.
  16. Awesome! I cannot attend, but will be there in spirit! :clapping:
  17. Did I mention the part about how thankful I am for all of yall.. If not, I am thankful for all of you PC!
  18. Worth the drive to villa rica unless you speak hindu. Not hating, just saying. They make you wait Forever! And are less than empathetic. They have a time schedule for each patient. They have to DX you in under x minutes. BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS Did I mention BULL S&^%^$
  19. I read about that. How can I make a donation if I cannot attend? Cmon Grump azz YOU KNOW U WANNA SHAKE THAT THANG! Happy Sunday morning! Now get to stepping!!!
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