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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. I used to hide under my bed and watch it!
  2. so this isnt the same Audrey's that across from the old courthouse?
  3. Bless your heart! I hope the Dr's can figure out how to help you. God will see you through it and you have a lot of prayers for you right now. Feel better so you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!
  4. I believe in prayer too GG and I will prayer for you feeling better and that the baby stays healthy! Have a blessed day!
  5. I was starting to feel like Patrick Swayze in Ghost. Guess that makes you guys my Whoopi Goldburg....
  6. Whew....That makes me feel better Mrs G!
  7. LOL....Thanks! I took a bath and put my deodorant on. Uh oh.....it might be spreading.
  8. Do I have posting cooties because lately every topic I comment on dies.
  9. LOL....what time is dinner. Just dont wanna see ? I REA
  10. I have posting coodies again. I swear I wash my hands everyday and even cough in my elbow.
  11. Think its time for flood lights and video cameras.
  12. Thank You! You know what though this past year with all that's happened it has been one of change in me. I am not looking at everything in a negative way anymore. God has shown me that no matter what he is there. Its taken me a good long while to get here though. About 7 yrs. When my husband left and I had to raise two teens alone it took a toll on me but now that I am on the other side of it (thanks to a lot of you here on P.com) what's going on now just another bump in the road. To those who may be going through a hard time whether it be the same as I have been through or something different
  13. My Christmas was good. The kids went to their dad's and then my daughter and her hubby went to his Mom's until Sunday night! Spent a little time with my family. Britt came home excited with the stuff she got for the baby. She still has so much more to get. But God will see us though. She also had an OB appointment. She was told she had too much ambiotic fluid so the baby is only about 3 and 1/2 pounds because of it. Please keep her in your prayers. I need your prayers to. MRI report shows I have a bone chip in my hip and the X-rays from my knee show one as well. The sprain is from tripping as
  14. Glad she is feeling better!
  15. LMBO.....booty I don't have but I do love this song. I think about Cameron Diaz in Charlie's Angles when I hear this song. I am cracking up with all the political snarling going on over Michelle Obama's butt!!
  16. I ran into Brenda today and we spent 30 minutes just standing in Target talking. I was really glad to see her today! I have missed her. She had pneumonia not to long ago and I was upset I didn't know. I would have at least called and checked on her. She said she misses Helping Hands. She thinks the world of you and your husband. I told her how much you have blessed my family. Just wanted to let you know. Have a blessed Christmas Special Lady! You deserve it for all you do!
  17. Amen Bunkys dad! I have at least one that is a year old that I dont need. If anyone knows of someone who does let me know. I may have two they can have.
  18. The letter I received said that you didn't have to do anything. That the funds would be distributed for those who BOA charged excess fees.
  19. I like the Smithfield ham Sam's carries. It has a sweet glaze pack with it in case you want to make it like Honey Baked.
  20. That is so awesome!! I am so glad that happened.
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