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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. I cracked up that the muggers name is Miranda. I guess he knows his rights.
  2. I don't know if anyone read the update but now they are saying she was taken to a vacant apartment, and sexually assaulted before she was stabbed and beaten to death and her body placed in a trash bin. A seven year old child. My daughter is having my first grandchild in Feb and cant imagine someone who is sick enough to do this. I am sorry I would go to jail for life because I would kill someone who hurt my child.
  3. I am one of those people that if I have a coupon that will expire before I will use it I leave it on the shelf. I am always grateful when I find one! I have a Famous Footwear advantage card and you get $5 or $10 coupons after you spend so much. Buy one Get one on clearance is the bomb....lol I cant afford the regular prices. If I cant use it I will look for someone shopping in the store to give it to.
  4. I will chime in on Mr and Mrs G!!
  5. Fred wouldnt have it any other way! Look them up Facebook or call 770 222 -2252 for the daily specials.
  6. Good morning! Now if someone would kindly take this cold away I would be much happier!
  7. Slow down. Don't pick your nose. And wear those seat belts! You absolutely need to slow down and wear your seatbelt while picking your nose! ! My cold meds are kicking in....lol
  8. Congrats!!! There is so much more out there now to make life easier with a baby than there was 19 yrs ago! I keep telling my daughter how lucky she is!
  9. This one cracks me up too!!! Just seeing grown men scream like little girls is hilarious!
  10. I keep telling people something gonna fall off sooner or later at this rate!! Cant sleep worth a darn, forget what I am saying in the sentence sometimes or find stuff I had 5 minutes ago!!
  11. I am coming over to your house!! It takes me a little bit to stand up straight in the morning!
  12. Well, I am laying here with an ice pack on my knee that's elevated and heating pad on my back. I am 47 but feeling about 90 right now... I never understood when I was younger why older folks would talk about their aches and pain when you asked them how they are doing. I do now!!
  13. My daughter and her hubby is going to the in-laws and my son is going to his dad's. Gonna be a quiet day just me and the dogs.
  14. Mrs G and all those who came together to help made it possible showed those familes a true Thanksgiving blessing.
  15. I have and will continue to pray for her as well. I am so sorry for all she has endured. When we go through things like this it may be Gods plan for her to help someone else who will go through this. Your daughter and your family are a living testimony to your faith in God.
  16. If she has a history of mental illness why on earth would she be allowed anywhere near that baby especially after she left him alone in a car. There are so many people who would do anything to have a child and people like this that treat them like trash.
  17. Yes there are wonderful people here! She only had a crib when at the begining of the week and now she has so much more! You have all helped me to start spoiling this baby! I am so looking forward to meeting Riley Grace Hope!
  18. Yes it was and you are a great lady!
  19. Thank you to Gog8tors as well!! It was really good to meet you as well!!
  20. I just wanted to say thank you to Mrs G, Workingforaliving, K96W8 and sweet tea for everything you have done for my daughter. I wish there was someway to show you the happiness in her because of your caring and generosity. We spent 2 hours just looking at all the baby clothes and she has been in heaven setting up everything in the baby's room. It was good to see you again Workingforaliving and meeting those I had not had the pleasure of meeting yet. The big hearts of the people here is like no other place. God Bless each and everyone of you.
  21. I will have to agree with Blondie.....LOL
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