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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Bless her heart!!! Keeping her in my prayers!
  2. I second that! Eym great response!
  3. Its the quiet I cant get used to but I guess I should enjoy it. When my grandbaby gets here quiet will be a thing of the past.....lol My kids tell me I think too much because I end up worrying about something! Meeting another great person from P.com would be nice.
  4. LOL.....I agree with you on this one! If I didnt have reminders set up on my phone I would be in a mess!!
  5. Its a sad day for Paulding Transportation with the passing of Marvin Locklear. Sadie and Pat we love you and our hearts are breaking for you and your family. It was a privilege to know and work with Marvin. He always had a smile and kind word for everyone. He will be so missed. You are all in my prayers.
  6. Well the clean as you go would do me in. Its been over 7 years since the hubby left. I have lately been kinda enjoying keeping my space (my room) however I like it. If I dont feel like picking everything up for a few days I dont. I have never been a clean freak per say but I can only stand it so long and then I gotta scrub things down but thats up to me and thats the part I have learned to like.
  7. Yep done the turkey thing more than once!! Ohhh....I gotta check out the book forum!! I read at least two at a time! I have one on the bus and one at home.
  8. I understand that! All my animals sleep with me though. One of my dogs snores louder than my son...LOL I love down comforters and flannel sheets!!!! I always run at least one fan all year!!
  9. I do stuff like this all the time! The last one was when I put a roast in the crockpot for dinner before I went to work. I get home and the roast wasn't cooked at all. It was then I realized I had plugged in the electric pencil sharpener instead of the crockpot! Its pretty peaceful. I am just so used to the noise! Hope your having a good weekend!
  10. Am I the only one who think these two are creepy?
  11. Thanks guys!!! Loving this weather! Havent got out my PJs all day. All caught up on Fringe now I am working on the Mentalist. I am such a TV and books junkie.
  12. I am getting used to it. Havent had many in the 22 years
  13. Well, I am just hanging out with my 2 dogs and my cat catching up on Fringe and wanted to wave at everyone! My son is at a concert with a friend and my daughter and her husband is out visiting his family and its way to quiet in the house!!! Work was crazy last week and still trying to get my car fixed. I am such a egghead by the way. I got this neat thing to grow a sunflower and have been watering it and keeping it in the sun but a sunflower never grew. Yesterday my daughters husband noticed that there was a plastic bag with the seeds in it little pot. I never thought to look for that....lol
  14. LMBO! Chicks always have it handled. We just let the men think they know what they are doing once in a while. I hope it get moved ok Lady!!! HUGS
  15. I hope u throw those suckers in their yard after u sweep them up. My son has one that is pump action and can shoot through the plastic lid he uses to put his targets on. Those things can do damage even though the pellets are plastic.
  16. LMBO....mercy dont need that to happen I have to get up early enough as it is now! Just my worrying wart ways waking me up. Thank you for the info Lady! Luv ya!!
  17. Mrs G would you mind sending me directions from Bill Carruth right at 278? I am not really sure where the church is. Thank You!!
  18. a 1st grader who got on the bus this morning and proudly gave me 2 cookies she had made.
  19. hmmm...... Do I want to ask? Yes I am having a great week!! It was great to meet all of you as well. Wouldnt mind doing it again! HUGS!!!
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