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Everything posted by JBrigman

  1. O don't bother...they keep a huge percent! I think you get 30% of the sale. And they can just put your item on sale whenever they want. I've been in there about 4 times now, once I bought 2 shirts, but I just never see quality items there. Many boy's clothes with holes or stains, which shocks me in a true consignment store. I do hope they succeed, but they'll have to change some things for that to happen.
  2. Eating Captain's D's is like eating Church's Chicken...some things are just better left unsaid! Nachos are on the menu here tonight.
  3. I have to know...was it from Woodstock Furniture Outlet? Same thing happened to me a few years back. I was so ticked because I needed it here for a family gathering, so I canceled and went somewhere else. They never credit my credit card back and I had to fight them and dispute it through my credit card company and swore I'd never ever go back there again. Finally my credit card co. got the money part fixed.
  4. Who really cares if we get the mail on Saturday?
  5. I say everyone just calls in cold and lazy for the day. We could all stay under the covers until noon!
  6. Spent the day at Chuck E. Cheese...they had a great time!
  7. You're nuts! Tomorrow & Saturday it's supposed to reach a real feel of 62...I think we all might pull out the flip flops and celebrate!
  8. Screw 80 degrees, I'd take 100 over this crap! You can hop in a pool to cool off but not much you can do when it's this cold but pull up the covers...
  9. So even though I left water dripping, the pipes froze, water still dripping out! Well that was yesterday morning's surprise and this morning's surprise was the pipes busted! UH! Summer...where are you??? You'll never catch me complaining as the sweat rolls of my forehead while I'm working outside ever again!!!
  10. I think you make things harder for a kid with a weird spelling. I like both names, never known a Piper other than the actress, but do know a Briley and I would spell it more simply for the kid's sake.
  11. Gee thanks for caring, but I actually like having my kids home with me for the summer, a real summer anyway...
  12. So could this change the school calendar for the upcoming year?
  13. I don't think something like a dress has much of a resale value. It's one of those things I think you either hang on to or just donate it somewhere.
  14. Calling for what? Let's face it - it was cold! We used what we used, I'm sure it's accurate. Mine is more that it's EVER been too!
  15. I'm not sure which is more wasteful...winter break or early release days?
  16. Did anyone get a letter send home about donated specific items to their school to make "complete health care kits?" We did, my son goes to Poole, and I'm glad to do it. But the specifics are killing me. As a couponer I have tons of extra stuff, but their are measurements the towels have to be within and certain ounces the bars of soap have to be. Anyone have any insight into this? I don't want to donate something that won't be used, but on the other hand do the Haitian people care of my bars of soap are 2.8 oz. and they wanted 3 oz......
  17. Do share Disney lover! And I wouldn't be at all mad about the the time I lost cause it's so awesome they stayed beside the shipping vessel that whole time.
  18. If it were me, I'd put signs up with a picture of the bike and offer a reward, then someone is going to be scared to ride it, dump it and anyone will turn something in for a reward! I might add, no questions asked and send him out with some signs and a staple gun...
  19. I'll sell you my Eddie Bauer Pac-n-play, has the insert for the bassinet with a mobile and the vibrating thing. It was Chloe's, then Meadow's... $25
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