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Everything posted by JBrigman

  1. If it's you or you know who this person is, please have them contact me. Thanks! Jennifer JPR@jenniferspetrescue.com
  2. I guess I could do that...truth is I just don't want to get 3 kids out of the car with me to go in a pay, but I guess it would be the same, cause I'd still be paying with my check card.
  3. I run my Visa Check Card as a credit card.
  4. Why the heck do they cut me off at $75? They are loosing money and I need more gas than that...uh!
  5. Only the 1st item that scans wrong they give to you for free...
  6. My parents paid for a condo for 1 week in PCB for me, my boyfriend and all the friends we could pack in there...it was fun! But I think I'd trade it for Paris anyday!
  7. JBrigman


    ewe that would be terrific, thanks, I'll definately check.
  8. JBrigman


    exactly what I said...
  9. JBrigman


    Yea, I'll have to pass...3 kids with me, hubby at work and cleaning the house like a mad woman for company tomorrow... But I probably have to do that one day before the date. I thought it would be a good place to go for the winter months.
  10. JBrigman


    That's why I was asking. The fine print reads you must redeem it by May 12, 2010 to get the 1 year membership. I just hope we make it there by then.
  11. JBrigman


    Anyone been to Fernbank Museum lately? How did you like it?
  12. The info it has on me is fine by me and as for my husband, the address it has is over 13 years old, so it's not very up to date.
  13. $100 a night is a pretty good deal. We don't like the high rises either, too much work with little kids in tow!
  14. I know 2 Beagles were picked up yesterday off of Willow Springs. What area of town are you in?
  15. I'm hoping we can hold out until June too! But I'm not gonna' hold my breath cause the husband is already hot and cranky today!
  16. When you can sleep with all your windows open!
  17. It's also been on recordings that call the house on more than 1 occasion already.
  18. YES, I see it everywhere and my 2 year old thinks it's COOL! She yells "pink tar mommy!"
  19. Where in the world is the Hiram Sports Complex? Just can't place it in my brain!
  20. Taco Bell and a Cadberry Egg...I went all out tonight!
  21. I need my car done so badly, but it's so hard to get it dropped off and picked up with 3 kids and not have a car for a whole day.
  22. Who's as excited as me? He made A/B Honor Role again and is mortified that I framed his certificate!
  23. I just sent them a long letter telling them that if they don't correct my bill and remove the late fee, that after 8 years as a local customer, I was leaving! They have customer No-Service for sure!
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