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Everything posted by JBrigman

  1. OK, so they are all on the same date? You'd think they'd space them out more.
  2. I would pass on it for now if you've never been, it will be one messy, muddy hike down the hill to get there!
  3. Is it true they always eat at Chick-Fila for free?
  4. That's just ridiculous! No school should = no practice or game either.
  5. I can't wait to watch it today...they are both 2 of my favorites!
  6. My kids couldn't wait to get out in it! They are eating their lunch in their tree house right now. I'll have to force them in when it starts raining again...
  7. Doesn't have anything to do with our dentist, just our ortho and we're using Dr. Justice on Dallas Highway. Do you have a suggestion for a second opinion?
  8. Only 3 games...are you kidding...try $450? I am not 100% sold that they are necissary.
  9. So my son just turned 7 and he has the million dollar mouth. If it's not one thing in his mouth costing me $ it's another. Well now after several trips to the Ortho, who we are very happy with, they say he needs 2 space maintainers put in. One on top, which my insurance will pay for to hold the spot for his adult tooth to come in. We had the molar pulled, after it was capped and still needed to be removed. And they say he needs one on the bottom to hold a space for an adult tooth that we had to have pulled 9 months ago. Yes, an adult tooth, it was discolored, mis-shaped, and wouldn't eru
  10. How does the zoo and the government have anything in common? The zoo pays someone to do it, so they can feed the pandas that people pay money to come and see on display...
  11. Maybe they were worried they'd get a ticket for not having a car seat!
  12. I like it and my 4 year old will call me in from another room just to watch it with him.
  13. I don't eat pork, but for my family I'm cooking Baby Baby Ribs for the 1st time ever...so wish me luck! And I'll have a turkey sandwich.
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