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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. The comment was not only rude and demeaning but if he was older the comment would be considered sexual harassment. Even in junior and high schools sexual harassment occurs. As an adult this type of comment could cause him to be fired, sued or even jailed. Not to mention how the person on the receiving end could feel about themselves. Yes, this young boy should have it explained to him that this comment is wrong and WHY it is wrong from the perspective of the person on the receiving end.
  2. MrsB, was anything said about a fund set up for the memorial that we can donate to?
  3. I don't recognize what you are calling "Braly". Where is it? Is there a fund for the memorial so that we can send in monetary donations? The crash happened 2 days before my 8th birthday. My mom, brother and I were living out at Rose's Store. Both sides of my family were from the Hwy 101 area near Rose's or some were the Roses. Two of my uncles were volunteers with the Union Volunteer Fire Dept, one of which was assistant chief. They both worked the scene for days. I remember the evening that it happened the news came on TV and the stations were showing scenes of the wreckage. I didn't know
  4. It's the same chick that was in the tree watching the same guy. Yes, those commercials creep the heck out of me! Isn't stalking a felony offense now? In my 20s I had 2 stalkers. We are talking leaving a note on my car and waiting, watching for me at NIGHT to come out of Walmart and find the note. Chasing me around while I am in my car on my way home and I am trying to lose him long enough to get to my apartment, run up the stairs and lock my doors. Then another time he calls and leaves a message telling me he bought special tickets for BOTH of us to attend a certain event! Having ATT put t
  5. I noticed the watch on the National Weather Service web site. "RAINFALL TOTALS WILL AVERAGE 2 TO 3 INCHES ACROSS NORTH GEORGIA...WITH LOCALLY HIGHER AMOUNTS POSSIBLE." Flood Watch Statement
  6. Oh you two are killing me! I have SO needed this tonight because I have been really down for 2 days. FBBC your husband sounds like mine because he will do the exact same thing at that same store, hurry into the entrance so fast that my slow rear is still at the car. He grabs a flat bed cart to get the larger things (cases of bottled water, 50 lb bags of cat litter) while I grab a small cart to get the smaller items. I've met him at the register many times and he will be standing there, not in line mind you, just waiting on me so that we can check out together. I've asked him if he thinks
  7. Be careful on choosing a kitty enclosure. Whether you buy a premade one or design your own remember that any mesh made of nylon or polyester can be ripped through easily by a kitty with claws (think of window screens, they are made of the same thing). Also, if kitty has no way to get into a shelter (shed, home, etc.) then basically kitty can become a snack or meal for dogs, wild dogs, coyotes, hawks, etc. I am hoping to have a long back porch built onto the house, with cage wire over the mosquito screening and a cat door for the cats to go in/out of the house. I would like to get a cat door th
  8. Get a copy of your medical records from your urologist and seek a second opinion from another one who may actually help with the stone. Also, I would find a gastrologist to check the pancreas, gallbladder, appendix, colon etc. instead of an ER. If you have a fever then don't put it off. I pray that you feel better very soon.
  9. I really like that show! If I am having a hard time with my insomnia all night then sometimes I will stay awake until the reruns come on at 10am. I have the DVD sets for Buffy, Angel, Millenium and Saving Grace, I guess now I need the Supernatural ones too. What station and time does it come on Friday nights?
  10. msgastorm


    Yes it did! I have been awake all night listening to it hit against the side of the house right behind my headboard. It was so relaxing, but I could not get to sleep. I believe the forecast for Dallas said that before it clears out we should have 2-3". Last time I checked it was about 1 1/2". Metro Atlanta really needs a lot of it to catch up on the rain defeceit that we ALREADY have for the year.
  11. If you go up there hiking then try not to go alone or at least let someone know where you are going. I have always heard that there are actual mining shafts still around that have never been filled in. Edit: Your goldmine photo link doesn't work. It takes me to MY facebook page.
  12. All I've got to say on the subject is that I am also married to a dipper and dip spit looks just like CocaCola. Don't EVER set your bottle of CocaCola down next to a bottle of spit! No, I did not swallow! Blech! Although, In over 10 years of marriage I can say I never did it again.
  13. Zyrtec will take a couple of days to build up and start fully working. So give it at LEAST that long.
  14. Zyrtec works on both indoor and outdoor allergies. Not all antihistamines do that. It is also a 24 hour antihistamine. Not all antihistamines are 24 hour. I have noticed that it works well on itchy skin or hives compared to other antihistamines. Then my doctor told me that it is known to work better on hives than other antihistamines. Zyrtec was a prescription medication until a few years ago. I love the new gel caps in it. They seem to absorb better and work faster for me.
  15. I take Zyrtec and Nasonex everyday, year round, for years now and usually take Benadryl at night. I STILL have problems during pollen season with runny eyes and wheezing, or getting hives if I go outside with any bare skin showing. The Zyrtec does help with the hives some, but not during pollen season if I go outside. Even with all of this I have a runny nose and fluid/popping in my ears year round. For those who have pollen allergies it does help to shower after you have returned home for the rest of the day/night. Washing the pollen off your skin and hair does help. I hope those of y
  16. I am looking for a VERY GOOD one and ASAP! Anywhere within a 30 mile radius, as long as they are good. Overnight I had a crown to break off at the gum line and I need to have it fixed. Yes, it does happen. Especially if a root canal had previously been done. Over time the remainder of the root becomes weak. I have had it to happen before to a different tooth/root and the prosthodontist I had been using cemented in a post with a new crown on it. It has worked great for years. Now I have had another one to break the same way, but my prosthodontist has retired! I actually loved being se
  17. Here in New Hope the winds were horrible! We had some hard rain but I don't think any hail or much lightening. The storms were diminishing in strength by the time they reached NW Georgia.
  18. The new park would be a great location for one in that area.
  19. I am behind the dragstrip off of East Paulding and I can usually hear them with a window open. I am not sure if the one I can hear is from the elementary school off of Mt. Tabor or East Paulding High.
  20. According to the National Weather Service we have 100% chance of severe storms tonight with wind gusts up to 20 mph. NWS forecast for Dallas, GA
  21. From watching the pictures of your back yard as you have posted them over the winter, it appears that your fence and trees are being slowly buried! Just remember that in Minnesota floods will come with the spring thaw. I am sure that you have heard the local running joke that the state bird is the mosquito? Hubby grew up in Minnesota. He moved from Minnesota to Georgia in 94' and he says he has no plans to ever move us up there!
  22. Thank you for the posting SS and CC. Our neighbor used them last year and is very happy, but I wanted to see more than 1 personal recommendation. You have both helped me.
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