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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. I believe Camilla started the hat thing several years ago. I heard them say on the BBCA that many of the hats worn by the guests were made by Camilla's hat maker.
  2. If you are going to enter then you better hurry. It is next weekend and they only allow 35 teams or registrants.
  3. :rofl: To Caroline E. Don't tell grandma that they have already been living together, she might have a stroke! Kate even cooks for him.
  4. I think Kate and William are smiling more during their wedding day than Diana and Charles did. I noticed that they did not say "you may kiss the bride" and share a wedding kiss. Is that an American custom? I also noticed that Prince William saluted during the carriage ride when "God Bless America" was playing and it was playing as they entered into the palace gates. Was this a tribute to Princess Kate?
  5. I frequently have babies and children I have never met smile at me in restaurants or grocery stores. This is such a blessing for someone who had planned to be a mother but will not be. I do not mean that I am TRYING to make them laugh but that they will take one or two looks at me and start smiling or giggling! My husband's laughter. Any of my 4 cats playing and acting silly. Sunshine. Sometimes a good song. I agree with the smell of roses or a bouquet. I cut almost a dozen stems of mine and placed them in vases the other day.
  6. Yesterday (Wednesday) I filled up at Sam's Club in Hiram on premium. It was $3.98/gallon. We drove home from Destin on Sunday and we seen one place that premium was almost $4.30/gallon. We have to use premium in both the car and the truck.
  7. Clio, those small miracles do happen. I am very glad that it had such perfect timing and she is safe. Was she able to leave the area?
  8. :clapping: :good: :drinks:
  9. I have just turned my TV station to channel 46 CBS Atlanta News at 4. They have stated that the middle school and high school students will be out of school next week, by the end of the week a new location should be set up for the remaining month of school. The city of Ringgold is having problems with basics like water as the water treatment plant cannot function without power.
  10. I don't know why that man hasn't opened his own restaurant. Everyone that has tasted his cooking says that they love it.
  11. Same here. I have not heard of anything in the EPHS area and I live off of East Paulding. Maybe he is referring to the 2 dead in Polk county. I heard of this on The Weather Channel in the middle of the night.
  12. The Weather Channel states that this system has produced the worst outbreak of tornados since the super system of 1974. I was only 5 but I remember one thing about that system very vividly. My grandparents house was on highway 101. My mother and grandmother were standing in the middle of the livingroom away from the windows. My grandfather was behind the solid oak front door, looking out of the small glass window in the top, at his pasture land across hwy 101. I wanted to see, so for a split second he held me up behind the front door to look out. There was a low hanging cloud across the road i
  13. Another squall line has developed in Northern Alabama. Huntsville is currently under a tornado warning. This line should be carefully watched as it may be headed our way. It definitely appears to be headed towards Rome. NWS Northern Alabama Radar
  14. If you do not have a basement then a room with a lot of plumbing pipes in the walls, underneath the flooring, etc. and no windows will be safer than a ditch. The plumbing pipes help to support the walls so they are less likely to fall on you. A bathroom, kitchen or laundry room that does not have windows would be a good place to go. If it's a bathroom then get into the bath tub. Take a flash light and cell phone, weather radio, etc. with you. We have a basement so I herd all 4 cats downstairs into 1 room and we are all shut in until the threat of a tornado has passed. Winds and hail alone
  15. West Alabama currently has tornado WARNINGS out.
  16. Wonderful news! My prayers will continue for a quick recovery.
  17. Before placing a bid is any information given about the contents or are the bidders simply taking a chance that they will win something of value?
  18. We are very close to Mount Tabor Park in a subdivision off of East Paulding Drive. My husband purchased our 4bed/2bath house new in 1998. We have a septic tank in the back yard, with a storm drain in the road at the edge of our front yard and we have NEVER had a tank problem. Not in 13 years! Edited to add: ALL of our lines run into the septic tank and we use RidX. Sometimes, as we are driving by the Mount Tabor Park entrance near the light, there is a sulphur smell (rotten egg smell) coming from the gas main across the street. The sulphur is purposely added into the gas so that a leak can
  19. I KNOW! She makes a wonderful welcoming comittee just being her self! Welcome to Paulding.com PC Citzen.
  20. I KNOW!! What DID they do?? Having a health scare can make you decide to "take life by the horns", so to speak, and live it more fully. I've been there. I am very happily surprised for the two of you. Johnny you must have only let close friends know you had a girlfriend as most of us seem to be shocked, just as Pubby stated we would be! Congratulations and I wish you many happy years together. A rose for your bride. (I think it would be a good idea for your friends at Paulding.com to throw a wedding party for the happy couple. )
  21. I know it is not the same but even Pogo had to change the way jackpot prizes were won a few months ago. Many people pay a yearly membership fee on Pogo.
  22. Call Metromont in Hiram and see if they will deliver a small load. This is a large company but they may also do small loads. It doesn't hurt to call and ask.
  23. Are these art pieces for sale? How much is "The Litter Box"? PM me if you would prefer not to post here.
  24. I have had chronic pelvic pain since the age of 13! We are not talking about bad cramps. Back then it would hit as a combination of severe cramps, headache, diarrhea, nausea, "spinning room", sweats and feeling like I was about to pass out. These symptoms usually would hit all at once and it would be off/on for a couple of days. As I got older the pain and other symptoms eased up some but it was and is still severe and sometimes will also occur midmonth. It was about the age of 35 that the pain's intensity increased again, possibly due to perimenopause. The doctor and I aren't quite sure becau
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