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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. YES! He probably peed on it and killed it!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9TGj2jrJk8
  3. Wow that is a big change! Thank you for the explanation.
  4. I heard it over our house and knew it sounded lower than usual. I am about 1/4 mile from Publix. The crime scene unit sounds strange.
  5. Lisa, I have a question about that. It has been years since I worked with Wellstar so I am not sure how this new system is set up. I understand that medical records such as reports can easily be transferred, but what about radiology films such as CT and MRI scans, regular xray films and such?
  6. ZZ Top is touring again and I am hoping they will add Atlanta or Birmingham. I've been checking every week. I know Def Leppard will be coming to Atlanta this summer.
  7. We've been with Cook's Pest Control for many years. They are very reliable for our monthly visits. We receive ant bait treatment in stations around the house and a spray around the perimeter of the house for other insects. They have a system in place for ant mounds, they treat what mounds they see and if you find another mound then mark it with their little flag and they will treat it. Eventually our fire ant mounds DISAPPEARED after moving around several times. A couple of years ago, while weed eating around a small retaining wall, my husband came across a wasp nest in the ground. They c
  8. I LMAO at the DOUBLE plank. Yep, that is a couple "planking" all right! LOL
  9. I had a MILD concussion on the C1 vertebra once. C1 is your first one in the base of the skull. The night I got it I didn't know I had it and I couldn't stay awake. I went home, where I lived ALONE and went on to bed. My doctor fussed me out about it later because I could have went into a coma, but I didn't know! I had headaches that reoccurred at the SAME TIME every day for over 6 weeks! It was weird how my concussion seemed to know the exact time every day to start with the headache. The best thing for it was a heating pad on low or medium. I even had to use it at work. I also had a lot of d
  10. Sounds like the exact same thing I have except that so far I have no coughing. If what I have were the flu then my fibromyalgia pain would be through the roof because of the body aches that come with the flu. I've been taking my usual Zyrtec and Nasonex with Advil but I have added psuedophedrine for a decongestant. I am also taking my usual daily multivitamin but I have added extra C and I am also drinking juice. I think it is just a cold but I don't usually run a fever, ever in fact. I am praying that I will be feeling better by tomorrow and I hope you are too.
  11. Last week he started taking a medication that had only been partially researched in mice! He was stealing it. The mice started dying, from tumors I think. The last part of the show it showed several "lumps" that he was finding and kind of leads you to believe he is going to try and do surgery on himself to remove them. I bet he ends up back in the mental hospital!
  12. If it is from a long hair animal the fur can be spun into thread and knit. I have seen hand made sweaters and purses from cat hair. I have a Dyson Animal vacuum and can fill the darn thing at least twice with cat hair (4 cats, 3 are long hair) just vacuuming once or twice a week. I wish I could make money on it. My female cat has hair that feels softer than rabbit hair, more like mink.
  13. I remember it. I went to the daycare that was next door. We would sometimes go in for Dilly bars.
  14. Ehhh...I've been MsGaStorm since 1998. It's sentimental because my husband and I met online during my use of the name. We have been married almost 11 years now, so I want to keep it. I also LOVE storms and weather since I was about 5. I bet that has some interesting stories.
  15. I was born on Easter in Ft. Hood (dad was stationed there but both parents are from Paulding). A neighbor I grew up and went to school with called me the "Easter Cowgirl". One leg is slightly shorter than the other. I also sleep with ear plugs because I wake frequently, which is partially due to my insomnia.
  16. A word of advice. If you are mailing the gift I would NOT SEND A GIFT CARD! Lately there have been a ton of mail thefts where the thieves simply rip open the envelope, steal and use the gift card. At Christmas 2010 I sent 3 packages with gift CHECKS by USPS Priority Mail. Two of the three packages were found ripped open because thieves were looking for gift cards or cash. For one of them I received a call from a USPS supervisor in the sorting center in Montgomery. Neither of us could figure out what the package was doing there in the first place, much less ripped open. The package was being se
  17. Don't worry, we will be back in the 70s by Wednesday and the 80s by Friday. I for one am enjoying this weather because for several months of summer I will have to remain inside by the AC. I have become to heat sensitive for about 5+ years now. I hate it because I use to love summer. National Weather Service forecast for Dallas, GA
  18. OOhhhhhhhh she is SO stinking CUTE!!!
  19. I only seen 3 maps and a few photos on that website. The maps are very interesting to me. When I was growing up here my mom and brother panned a few gold flakes out of a creek near Braswell Mountain (with permission of the land owner of course), so the map of the gold veins in the county I find intriguing, The Paulding County Genealogical Society can also be found on FaceBook.
  20. Congrats Hoohaa! Maybe you have better things to do than to chat a lot on P.com? Since joining in October 2008 I have over 2,600 posts. I guess I talk too much?
  21. I was wondering why you were posting in the middle of the night, as I haven't noticed you being a regular late nighter. I hope DH is ok.
  22. Good morning! My husband will get to come home this weekend FINALLY! He travels for work and they have been so busy since before Christmas. The National Weather Service says that today we have a 40% chance of showers and thunderstorms with a 50% chance of the same tonight. Have a great day everyone! NWS forecast for Dallas, GA
  23. Is the honey locally produced? I need some to see if it will help my allergies. I will be planning to come out. Be careful in the heat!
  24. Woohoo!! :yahoo: Do you think we all have a touch of baby fever?
  25. I get vertigo from watching some commercials and roller coaster shows ON TV. My husband thinks it is funny, but I can't help it. I lasted 1:30 into this video before my stomach turned/flipped, whatever it does! BTW, from my understanding the parachute ride at Six Flags is about 200 feet.
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