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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. I work nights and sometimes I have a problem sleeping during the day so I normally will take some Melatonin before I got to bed. There are times when I take the Melatonin that I have some extremely vivid nightmares that I actually wake up with a start with my heart racing because of the dream. At first I thought it might be related to PTSD but if I do not take the Melatonin I never have those type of dreams.
  2. We do have to log into our phones which records our start and stop time. Of course they say don't log in more then 5 minutes early because it screws up their "metrics". Few years back they sent an email stating to come in 15 minutes early to start everything up but of course we were not getting paid for that time, thus the lawsuit. Majority of the people do come in early, start their PC and go get their coffee while they wait but there is always going to be those that come in at the last minute, then go get their coffee and start their computers on company time. . Then stand around
  3. So if you did knock something over would you be obligated to pay for it?
  4. This is a never ending discussion because of a pending lawsuit where I work at. What time are you suppose to start work. In a nutshell I work in a technical support center were we take primarily live customer calls. We have a number of applications that we have to have running in order to do our job and take calls. The debate is, if you have a scheduled start time of 0800 should you come in at 0800 and turn your computer on and start our applications and then when every thing is ready start taking calls? (takes about 5-10 minutes to get everything going) Or should you come in
  5. Jumping on the bandwagon of never shopping at that location. The Dallas location is much nicer. Both are equal distance from where I live but usually end up having to go to Acworth anyway because the Dallas location does not sell what I want and Acworth is the only location I have found the stuff at.
  6. If you slow down and turn on your blinker the police is going to know that you have acknowledge them and are looking for a safe place to pull over. They would not want you to stop in the middle of the road were it is not safe for you and them. I saw a guy stop in the fast lane on 285 once because the police was pulling him over, the cop got out of his car (not a smart move if you ask me that is what the PA is for) and was yelling at the driver for stopping in the middle of the road. I drove by slow caused they were stopped in the middle of the lane and I could hear the cop using a fe
  7. First off, you would think they would know the card number that was issued to the person who claims it was lost/stolen and cancel it so it can't be used. Second, if I was to sell my card to someone else for 50 cents on the dollar the State is not getting ripped off, I am. If the State issues me a card for $500 and I sell that card for $250 I am loosing $250 and the card is still only worth $500 whether I use it or someone else uses it. Fraud would be if I made a false claim to get the card in the first place. Maybe it would be smarter to issue like a debit card in the persons
  8. If you like DSL AT&T Up to 6.0 Mbps is around $20 a month.
  9. Arrrg, why does NetFlix leave some stuff on streaming media forever yet take other stuff off after only a few months. I was half way through the final episode of Lobstermen when they took it off.
  10. More then likely this person does this all the time at that store and they just put up with it because they do not want a confrontation. I was at a Hardees long time ago, when I use to eat fast food, and I saw someone do the exact same thing, the employees noticed them doing it but you could tell from their reaction, or lack there of, that they were use to it.
  11. Judge Rules Gay League Can Limit Number of Heterosexual Players A federal judge ruled Thursday that a gay softball league can limit the number of heterosexuals on its teams, the Courthouse News Service reports. The ruling was announced after three bisexual men claimed they were kicked out of the Gay Softball World Series for not being gay enough and filed a lawsuit in Washington state against the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Association. The three men, playing for a San Francisco softball team, were challenged on their sexuality by a rival team, citing a rule that limits no
  12. You can say the name in your post, just not the title. So let me guess, Mrs Winners?
  13. I stopped watching that show after George died(left). He was one of the best characters they had but they really did not develop his character as good as they should have. I can't stand Meredeth and Christina.
  14. Dexter is awesome but your really should try Sons of Anarchy. It gets better as it goes along.
  15. That seems like the most probably reason. I don't buy the play fighting thing for one minute.
  16. You can't be serious. You seem like you are a smart business man Pubby so tell me this, when it cost more to run your business, labor cost, transportation, product etc, etc, etc, do you keep charging the same price to the consumers for the product you sell? Or do you have to raise your prices in order to cover your extra cost to produce your product? When you raise your prices to cover your increased costs does your profit suddenly go up also or does it remain the same? There is no extra $1.49/gallon just sitting around for someone to put in their pocket.
  17. States make more money off a gallon of gas then the oil company does.
  18. Some people just feel the rules don't apply to them.
  19. The whole defense is a crock. If the child drowned as they claim a normal person would have been distraught and not gone on as if nothing happened. Also why is it that the person always ends up claiming to be abused? That is still no excuse for killing your kid.
  20. Yes there is an exit from the parking lot in front of where the car rider line ends. It has nothing to do with people being rude. There is 2 lines, if a car is parked in the right line the left line is still going to fill up and people are still going to go around the parked car and start filling up the right line from the front. Once there is cars at the front of both lines you are not getting out unless you want to try to squeeze between the cars, which I have seen people do BTW.
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