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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. I remember, was sitting in the day room at my company in Panama. SCN which was the US tv station broke into regular programing with video of the people climbing over the wall and dancing on it.
  2. Shows you how desperate some people really are.
  3. There is a sign on the Ace Hardware store doors on E Paulding Dr that they will be reopening soon.
  4. Where did you see that at? I went to work at 9PM and most places where at $3.24.
  5. If you post a status update you can go back and remove it. Just like if someone makes a comment to something you post you can remove it. At least with FB you can pick and choose who you want to be your friends and have access to your information. You post something on Pcom the whole world can see it.
  6. So with all the technology we have today why is it we can only make an electric car (Leaf) go 80-90 miles between charges. If the energizer bunny can power the ISS why can't we power the cars more. I don't see why they can't install an alternator attached to the axles that will charge the batteries as you drive.
  7. I have no complaints about Abney. My kid is in 4th grade and has gone there since kindergarten. All his teachers have been very nice and other then what the BOE did to the previous principle I have no complaints. I have meet and talked to the new principle for a few minutes at the spelling bee last month and he seems like a nice guy.
  8. We are not allowed to get the oil in Alaska or the Gulf because of environmentalist and Democrats. They would rather you pay $5+ a gallon because it only fuels their agenda for alternative energy. The technology exists today so that getting the oil would have little to no environmental impact. Of course accidents like the recent Gulf spill can still happen but the risk of another Gulf oil spill are minimal at best. But the environmentalists and Democrats would still use that as an excuse for not drilling.
  9. Name one thing a union is good for other then extorting money from a company? There is more then enough laws to cover everything else. Unions are a blight on our economy. They do nothing to promote productivity. Doesn't matter whether you work hard or don't work hard everyone gets the same pay raise.
  10. I have addressed the same question before, why is the girl not charged? The answer is she is not old enough to consent. Of course neither are the boys so nothing was consensual. The mother on the other hand should be nominated for the mother of the year award.
  11. I still get a chuckle when people post the stuff about FB privacy and your information. Here is a little suggestion, if you don't want FB, or anything other social network, to have your personal information....................stop providing it to them.
  12. Nice spin on it. The reality is it is not funded by telecom companies. It is funded by Federal mandated taxes on the people who actually pay their own cell phone bill. To say that it is funded by the telecom companies would be to imply that the telcom companies pay for the low income phone service out of the kindness of their heart and that cost if not forced on the taxpayers who actually pay their own cell phone bills. I know reality bytes.
  13. He would have preferred that you did not mention the income redistribution which pays for the cell phones.
  14. collective bargaining is not a right so there is nothing to be taken away. If you don't like what the job has to offer you have a right not to take the job.
  15. What am I missing here? If the mother is at work shouldn't the kid be in daycare or babysitter? Why is she bringing her kid to work with her?
  16. I noticed that the Ace on E Paulding still has stuff on the shelves. That is sort of weird because usually when a place closes they either sell everything off before hand or move the inventory to another location. It almost looks like they just locked the doors and never came back. Place has been closed for a while now.
  17. Easiest way to ignore is just don't read their posts. There is several people if I see them start a topic I don't even bother looking at it. But then some times it is fun to read the responses to their dribble.
  18. Oh cool it is on. I love that show. could have sworn it was moved to Saturday.
  19. I use to watch it ever week with my son when it was on Tues nights. Now that it is on Saturday I can not watch it because I have to work.
  20. Didn't they close the Hiram office? Had to turn in a cable box last June and they said that the highway 41 location was the closes.
  21. I pay everything online with the exception of the water and trash. Don't ask why I guess I just never bothered to set those up.
  22. I realize that The Trash Taxi is a family ran business but they could at least have a billing statement that has the tear off part that you send back in with your payment.
  23. I do believe they have a sidewalk on each side of the road. I am not sure if it extends all the way up to the CVS but it does cover the majority of seven hills rd.
  24. Probably a software issue? Does not sound like the Geek squad knows what they are talking about. Either it is or it is not. Check your device manager, right click My Computer click manage. See if there is like a yellow mark on your sound device, might be the driver needs reinstalled or something.
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