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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Don't even get me started! When we called to inquire about dropping our landline they offered up a special that was going to run us just under $30 tax and fee's included. Got the bill and instead of our $50ish bill going down it went up to $65. Called back and whoever it was didn't know what special we were talking about so we just dropped the landline and just have the DSL. The DSL service goes out several times a day. Sometimes we just wait a minute or two and it kicks back on, other times we have to restart it. Such a pain when I am working on a report for work. I am definitel
  2. We donate our to the Art teacher at the elementary school my youngest attends. They always seem to have a need.
  3. My husband went last Tuesday and said the lines weren't long at all. Regarding lockers: we went to Cedar Point earlier in the Summer and I was miffed about the lockers too. It wasn't considered a busy day but some of the rides had waits that were 90 minutes plus. After nearly passing out in one line and not wanting to pay $3.50 for a vending machine drink I bought some of the refill cups before we got into the next line only to find out they weren't allowed in that line and I had to rent a locker. The rides there that didn't have the bins (I think many did) had their reasons. For o
  4. There is a place on here that advertises quite often. I called them a few years back and they (at that time) paid $50. If I remember correctly they don't fix them but oh gosh, what is the word where they have them crushed? Anyways, that is what they do. They don't care what condition it is in so if you truly just want it removed it may be the way to go.
  5. That's much higher than we paid and we are a family of 5. Definitley go check out esurance.com and compare prices. Also be sure to check reviews~~the cheapest is not always the best. The plan we had had a high deductible but we also got 3 co-pay visits a year before we had to start meeting it. Even though my hubby now gets insurance through work we are looking at getting it on our own again. The coverage seems worse than what we had. For example just got some cavities filled on one of the kiddo's. Dr. called insurance and our portion was supposed to be @$150~~well low and behold
  6. The promo code for Greystone is gspower11. The ticket price says something like $28.13 (give or take a few cents). Once tax is added in the price is $30 total plus we had to pay $5.30 processing fee~~this didn't change whether I put one or two tickets in the cart.
  7. How did you go about getting these? I tried the link online and it took me to the sixflags website and I started the process but it didn't ask me for the Promo code so it looked like I was going to be paying the higher price.
  8. I just started a post about this last night. The best deal I have found so far is if you have Greystone power you can get them for $30. That is about $8 better than the Coke can deal.
  9. Pooey! Where is a dislike button when you need one.
  10. Read that earlier~~sad but in this day and age not unexpected.
  11. I voted too! Good Luck Scott and Amy!
  12. We did and had the BEST time. Our whole family went incuding my husband who took off work to go. It was great. I plan to see it again. The only one of my kids not into Harry Potter said it was really good. My ony wish is that it would have been longer. I wanted to see more of the supporting cast~~oh well~~I can read the books for that. We went to NCG, I got there just before 6:00 pm, saw part 1 at 9:00 and then party 2 just after midnight. We also got some commemorative" Harry Potter 3-D glasses. The NCG people were great, they came into the thearter before and between the movies t
  13. Quarters~~my Dad used to give me rolls of quarters for laundry and vending machines. Of course that was back in 86-91 so today it might be more helpful to send a stack of $1's instead.
  14. I ate there once. The people were very nice and I really wanted to like it but I didn't. I am not one to waste food but I actually didn't finish what I got and threw it out. I plan to go back and try something else though. Like I said the people working could not have been any nicer.
  15. I can't help you with the quickbooks but I was thinking maybe you might end up with the software after all. Something similar happened to my sister when she ordered something off Ebay a few years back that was pulled by Ebay and the seller still sent her the item. Good Luck!
  16. Awesome pictures! I'd be dreaming of that too if I'd been there. Most of my dreams do seem to involve a beach and warm weather (not hot, humid, just warm and breezy). gwill8866~~Have a great time in Florida. Not sure how much time you'll actually get to spend in those padded chairs with those young kids around though~~lol. I'm not a seafood person at all but there is something about the grouper in Florida that I can not resist.
  17. I'm so excited to hear the Ex is on board. I had come back here hoping for a positive update. I don't think the distance will hurt the relationship at all. When my hubby worked out of state for a few years it seemed like the time we spent with him he was even more focused on us than ever. Plus with skype, Ovo, Facebook, etc... it's not like they can't keep in touch. Have a great time!! I look forward to hearing all about it on p.com
  18. When I read the Harry Potter books I can absolutely picture myself there. I have read those books so many times and seen the movies that there are scenes that didn't make the movies that I swear did because I can picture them. I think though that it depends on the books. There are some I don't but probably more than half that I do. Like someone said if it is written well you can't not picture yourself there. Although if I thought about it there are probably some books that are well written that aren't meant to make you feel like you are there as well.
  19. Now that is a scary looking dog. Sorry for those that may have that particular breed and I you can't always judge by looks alone but still. I'm so glad that this appears to be getting taken care of. I sincerely hope this is the end of you having to deal with them. And I agree ``Kim Cobb rocks!!
  20. We also have Verizon and I have had several messages left for me without the phone even ringing. Glad to hear it is not just me. I have always been pleased with our Verizon service though. At one point we switched to Sprint and the coverage was horrible so we switched back. Hopefully this problem is temporary cause I really don't want to go with anyone other than Verizon.
  21. Thanks for the heads up. My husband will be coming home from work in the next couple of hours and that is the route he usually takes. I'm going to text him now to tell him just to hop on I-75 or take the back way roads.
  22. He is awesome, isn't he? I only met him once 3 or so years ago and he made a great impression!
  23. I am giving it a go but I wasn't able to link you in my post. I also had someone chat me that they couldn't find your page even after typing in the name~sigh~I told them to keep trying so hopefully it will come up for them eventually.
  24. That is so impressive how you were able to take care of it right away. Way to go!! We lost one a few days ago and still have not gotten it taken care of. It has not quite hit the ground yet but is stuck in some other trees. We are still pricing out getting it taken down vs. buying our own chain saw and upping my hubby's life insurance ~~j/k on the life insurance. Unfortunately it was part of a pair and it's twin is now leaning toward our house. You know, I should probably go check on it right now
  25. Thanks for posting this. I was glad to see that Moses did so well in Reading and E/LA. I think they also placed first in Math and then second in SS and Science. I would like to have seen those scores a little higher but I am not surprised they were where they were. Especially when you have Math and LA teachers having to teach SS.. The SS teacher my daughter had there (that was the best and most passionate about SS) told me recently that they were slated to teach all Math classes next year. Sigh. Great job Moses!! I also noticed that there was a link to the Graduation test resu
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