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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Well, even though I didn't meet anyone new I have been checking p.com several times a day since the contest started to see if anyone got my card and messaged me the code. I think Pubby's list is just the cards he still has at the office and not a complete list so if your name isn't on it (and mine isn't) I take that to mean it is still out there somewhere. Hopefully who ever has mine will message me the code today. If not it was still a nice idea so thanks Pubby!
  2. That's awesome. I voted for you as well. Please post a link here and on FB with a link to the next round of voting. How many more days are the lights going to be up?
  3. My Mom got a fire for Christmas and loves it. I bought her the Marware cover that was on her Amazon wishlist, I believe it was @$45 but that was on sale. I'll have to ask her how it is working out after she has had it a couple of weeks. My youngest sister got the Fire when it first came out and she loves it as well.
  4. I can beat that~~I was at Kroger today in Acworth and saw a display of Easter candy .
  5. I think they are the house you are talking about. The lights go to music but I can't remember the station either. They are located in Oliver Place (enter the S/D take your first left and they are at the end on the right ). Oliver Place is located off of Dallas-Acworth Hwy. Oh and I voted as well. The link was posted on on of our schools FB pages (Abney Community Group or something like that). Good Luck!!
  6. I used to live in Palmetto Dunes. Boy that was the life. We were on the second hole of a golf course and within walking distance of the beach. Sorry I don't have any recommendations but it's been over 15 years and alot of the places I know of or might remember have changed names and hands many times.
  7. American Horror Story I've stuck it out however we don't get the channel it is on and I did miss a few of the episodes including the one where the neighbor girl was struck by the car. I watch them on Hulu and they only have five episodes at a time (the first one and the latest four). I do enjoy it. When it first came on I thought it would be a great show for my horror loving 8th grader but I have to say I am so glad I watched it first. It is definitely NOT kid appropriate. I wouldn't even call it big kid appropriate.
  8. I can't thank you enough RioGrace, it took a few hours but now all my treasured voicemails are safe on my computer. I ended up using www.online-ConVert.com to convert the files to .mp3 markdavd~~usually this is the case but I guess there is something about the phone I am switching from and the one I am switching too that makes this not possible. I think the I-phone's messages are stored differently or maybe the technology has changed. Some of these messages are from 2006 and I have had atleast two different types of phones in that time and the phone I am just switching from was replaced
  9. Thanks! I will go check that out now. Looks like I have a QCP? That is what the file ends in anyway .qcp
  10. I don't know what file extensions are and I'm not sure if Media Player will run them. When I click on it I am not given the choice of where to run them.
  11. So I upgraded my Samsung phone to an I-phone 4S last week and have been hesitant to switch over because I am going to lose some voicemails that have sentimental meaning to me. We called Verizon and they walked us through saving them to a disc but I can't listen to them when I put the disc in my computer. The message I get is says that the file cannot be opened because it is not a file that QuickTime understands. I also tried burning the sound file to a CD disc and I get the same message when I try to open it. One option is to pay a third party but they charge $10 for the first voicem
  12. I wrap everything including the stockings. When the kids wake up about an hour or two after I have finished wrapping everything they are allowed to open up their stockings until my husband and I get up. I remember opening up the tiniest of gifts inside my stocking growing up so I guess that is why I do it. When the kids were little I think the big gift was from Santa but after they started school the question came about why would Santa get one kid a Playstation and another clothes. After that Santa starting bringing a board game or football, etc... The kids still think of the big gif
  13. How cool, what did she talk about? I probably would have Tivo'd it if I had know that. I find Paris and her brothers fascinating for some reason and she is so beautiful. I really hope they are happy.
  14. We have gone to Felix Family Lights the past several years and now we will add your house as well~~can't wait~~thanks for posting!!!
  15. My pet peeve, although not people related is when you get gas and pay at the pump and then the machine tells you to go inside for your receipt. Of course this only seems to happen when I need a receipt and am in a hurry~~lol.
  16. I had a sub in high school that I thought was hot~~thankfully I kept that to myself.
  17. We went and had a great time. My daughter is in the band at East so seeing them and the other bands was a treat. I loved the Whoville float and the girl scout one that had the American Girl dolls. We had more candy thrown at us than we could have dreamed and myself and my kids passed much of itt on to an older gentleman sitting next to me and then to a little boy sitting behind us. We also arrived around 12:15 and found a spot real close in the bank parking lot across from the Old Courthouse. Usually by that time (45 minutes before start time) the streets there are lined with cars b
  18. There is nothing like a Mayberry to make an already great day even better!! I <3 Mayberries
  19. What makes you think they aren't? I think many of them are with friends and family. I have always gone out alone or with one of my kids after the rest of the family has gone to bed but I do notice a lot of matching sweatshirts and couples and obviously groups of gals all out together. One year we were visiting family in Florida and leaving the next day. My BIL asked if I was upset to be missing the sales. I said "No, because I plan to be out and back before anyone else is awake" and I was. This year I actually have my sister visiting and she is looking forward to going. After
  20. I'm kind of getting tired of people complaining about the poor workers who have to go in Thanksgiving night. They have the WHOLE day to spend with their family. The only store I know that is open all day Thanksgiving is K-mart and they have been doing that for years. Haven't heard any complaints about them. Well, not in regards to being open on Thanksgiving anyway .
  21. Very slow, very annoying......I figured it was weather related.
  22. In regards to Black Friday shopping, I love it. I usually leave late Thanksgiving night to head out. Last year I bought the majority of my gifts online when I discovered most of the stuff I was going out for was available on Thanksgiving day online. Still you couldn't keep me from heading out. I love how happy and festive everyone is. I meet some of the nicest people. I love the Christmas music, the funky holiday sweaters, I love hearing someone bummed about not getting something and then I make it my mission to find it (discarded somewhere when someone changed their mind). It is just
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