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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. Many shopping centers do not have speed bumps. That complex is by no means the only one.
  2. Idiots. They will do or say anything to demonize the west to further their agenda.
  3. I just find it funny she tried to bully the responding officers by threatening to call her 'contacts' which included their Chief.
  4. It is possible it is because the weapon was bought by a minor.
  5. No one ever wants their program to be cut. They always think the cuts should start somewhere else.
  6. I would have made a personal visit by now and either got a guaranteed delivery time or a refund.
  7. I think the Postal Service is fighting a losing battle. They built and now maintain a huge infrastructure which depends on mail volume to be profitable. They are now making less profit per customer as technology changes while costs are still rising. The only way they can stay ahead is to dramatically raise the cost of postage.
  8. FYI....a driving record is not normally checked on every traffic stop. The normal GCIC response just advises if the license class, status and any suspensions.
  9. Charging for bags makes no sense. Should I be responsible for paying the salary of the person running the register who scans the items? No. The cost is factored in to the profit the store makes off the goods we purchase.
  10. It would be a total nightmare. Our society revolves around a 5 day week and it is now common place for both parents to work. Dropping a day for the school children to simply be chaos. I also find it funny people think those at the BOE and principals of the schools are 'well paid'. Most have Masters or Doctoral degrees and the costs that comes with them....they could make much more in the private sector.
  11. You will never make everyone happy...no matter how hard you try. It should be in the hands of the local officials who answer directly to the local voters. We do not need some legislator at state level doing what he thinks is correct for everyone.
  12. That is at the extreme low end of the salary range of someone who takes on the responsiblilty of a company the size of GM. GM needed a someone to bring the company out of bankrupcy.....they got someone with loads of experience and a great history who was willing to defer the majority of their salary. It is just what they needed.
  13. You are required to file to form....non-filing is confirmation you agree with the tax assessment.
  14. Because intoxication comes in many forms and many times is the result of multiple substances. For example, I have seen plenty of people at .04 who also popped a Xanax which were in no condition to drive. I have seen all 0's on the breath test and had a person who could not stand on their own due to a few Oxycontin's. Since there is no way I can determine what a person has taken on the side of the road the only way I can check them is to do all the tests availble to me.
  15. The only Standarized Field Sobriety tests are the walk and turn, one leg stand, and the Nystagmus test of the eyes. While you can do other tests they will not carry the weight of the big 3. I do not know of any officers who do the backward ABC's. I personally don't think I could do it either. Lawyers will attack the validity of any indicator in court. They will claim the bloodshot eyes were because of a sinus infection or allergies. Poor balance was caused by a leg injury or inner ear infection. They will claim the slurred speech is normal for their client since they usually nev
  16. The testing process was not created just to give us something to do on the side of the road. There were extensive studies that went into their creation. The tests were specifically designed to divide a persons attention which is in essence what driving an automobile requires. The person must concentrate on the road, steer and brake at the same time along with other things. The unimpaired mind does it without having to think about it, the impaired mind cannot. Impairment makes a person concentrate on a single task which makes the other tasks suffer. While a roadside test can show impai
  17. What you are describing is nothing more than a standard roadside evaluation. It is normal to follow up with a portable breath tester after the physical evaluations are over. It is another tool to make sure you are only arresting people who are indeed intoxicated. If the person is believed to be under the influence and formally arrested then Implied Consent kicks in where the legal breath/blood test is given which is more accurate.
  18. Arguing, physical resistance and fighting with the officer will never make the situation turn out any better. There is a time and place to contest a charge...it is in court.
  19. I have been unable to find any reporting on the severity of the accident. I only know she apparently had some sort of mouth injury which usually accompanies an air bag. Where did you find it was only a fender bender and that her injury probably came from bumping her head as she got into the patrol car?
  20. The business is grandfathered in if there is new construction.
  21. Many seem to be ignoring that she was also in an automible accident prior to the arrest. She was already bleeding from the mouth when she was brought into the room which shows did receive injuries. I wonder if her laywer would admit if any of those injuries were from the wreck?
  22. He got caught and did not like the punishment. If you do not like the system then work to change it....killing innocent people never fixed anything.
  23. ---She was already under arrest....the breath test is the final step in the investigation. ---Not a Miranda situation where she has the right to counsel ....but don't let that stop you.
  24. It appears most of his problems were the result of not filing tax returns at all for his business and under reporting his income. It had nothing to do with tax code or accountants, he just felt he did not have to participate and ultimatly turned to hate the people who held him accountable.
  25. After reading other articles which detailed his past troubles I must say he brought a lot of it on himself and he had a delusional of a few things.
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