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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. Funny....the same people who say officers enforcing speeding laws are nothing but 'revenue generators' who could be out catching 'real criminals' are all in favor of this being enforced.
  2. Never cared for it and I love Italian. I probably went 10 times....most of the time the food had as much flavor as a microwave dinner or something was cold (usually the lasagna).
  3. If she 'cried rape' then the only thing she could have claimed was that it was against her will which is a forceable rape...not statutory rape. Statutory rape means she would have admitted she was a willing participant yet the law was broken because she was not old enough to legally give consent. They are even not remotely the same situation.
  4. Defiantly not. The reason it is so tricky driving in inclement weather in the south is because it is usually ice and not snow.
  5. No it doesn't. I do not understand why people keep repeating this. Those convicted of statutory rape are not required to register as a sex offender unless they are over the age of 21. The story of some 17yo going to prison and having to register because his girlfriend was 15 are false. It is a story many sex offenders spread to try to gain acceptance because they know many will not take the time to go through public records and find the true story. ....an before anyone mentions Genarlow Wilson. He was actually indited on sodomy and forcible rape (not statutory) because the female
  6. That is terrible....RIP Deputy Crawford. I saw it on the ODMP this morning....
  7. Exactly....lots of other single parents made proper plans and still willingly went to war to serve their country. Many did not make it home. I really have a hard time feeling sorry for her.
  8. She got off very lucky considering they just stripped her benefits and separated her. However...since her discharge was something other than honorable she will have to explain it for life. Had they followed through with the initial charge of 'missing movement' she would have spent some time away as it was her responsibility to have a child care plan in place 90 day prior to deployment. This was never about child care...she just resented going to war.
  9. I would use the one the Sheriff's Office maintains on the link CarolineElizabeth provided above. Many of the 3rd parts sites are hit or miss with accuracy of info.
  10. Nothing appears to be sticking to the roads it should be fine. A little snow won't hurt, thankfully it is not ice this time.
  11. Yes...if they are stopped for speeding and are found to be in violation of the class D license conditions they will receive both citations. The reason is the legislature made it clear there were no exceptions to violating the terms of the class D license, they also made a requirement for the officer to issue a citation for the original reason of the stop. Since the class D is suspended when 4 points are accumulated any moving violation will put them in danger of suspension, some will suspend it on the first offense.
  12. I guess I am confused....how do you know the officers did not do anything. It is not like the kid will go to jail....the worst that can happen is a citation for juvenile court.
  13. No points....just an extra fine and probably an impounded car. If they get caught there are no warnings per state law. The officer is required to write the citation for the initial infraction along with the citation for the license conditions. A class D license will be suspended if they accumulate 4 points so any moving violation will put them on the edge or even suspend their license.
  14. That drives me insane. I usually tell them we only take bad parents to jail. I will not let a parent make their child scared of me. I have never thought that was funny but apparently many people do.
  15. I would call Pate's appliance in Dallas. They have always did me right. However....it is probably not cost effective to repair and 8yo model. I had the same thing happen a few months ago.
  16. That is actually a great idea, I would rather have that than emissions. Many states require an inspection prior to renewing the yearly vehicle registration. It is amazing how many people drive unsafe vehicles just out of laziness.
  17. Correct....you will never know. For example....not too long ago I was responding to a report of a DUI driver with unrestrained children in the car. I was trying to get ahead of the car to intercept it. I passed a few cars and pulled into a business complex at the next intersection which was still in sight of some of the cars. I am sure at least one of them assumed I was 'abusing' my lights as they saw me sitting in the parking lot as they passed. However, 3 minutes later the car passed on the other roadway. The driver was in fact DUI and she did have her children in the car. Thankfully
  18. There are a million reasons. Most people do not understand how officers prioritize and respond to calls. They usually fall into 3 catagories. -get there when you can...response time is not an issue. -get their as quickly as possible. The officer may uses emergency equipment to avoid unnecessary delay such as isolated vehicles, traffic lights, ect....yet it does not rise to a full emergency response which places the oficer and motoring public in a higher level of danger. -full out emergency run...you were needed there 2 minutes ago. 80% of LE responses fall in the 2nd
  19. There could be a million reasons they did that and it could have been the proper thing to do at that time. Unless you are sitting in the patrol car unfortunatly you do not know what they were doing or why they did it. If you try to judge it without that knowledge you usually end up thinking along these lines. Officers spend hours upon hours each day driving. I have never known of an officer who used his emergency lights just to speed...it makes no sense. If you see me speeding I am responding to a call.
  20. Since you directed that towards me I will respond. Sometimes I have little control on where I stop a vehicle. When I do I try everything in my power to make it safe for me and the person I stop. Sometimes it dosen't work out that way. While you may assume every time you see someone get stopped it is for a minor violation it may not be the case. It is not illegal to sit on the shoulder or median with our lights off. It is not dangerous since no one should be driving there to begin with. As for enforcing speed on grades, drivers still need to be aware of that and control their vehicle
  21. Its all a perception of a moment in time. I have had people tell me on a few occasions about how they noticed so many "more officers on the street today". I just smile and nod knowing we were quite a few short due to numerous reasons and we had ran full shifts for the past week. More officers? No. In that persons perception in the one area they travelled at that specific time. Apparently yes.
  22. Attempting to enforce traffic laws? Local agencies are the primary enforcement on any stretch of interstate running through their jurisdiction. Those agencies are the same ones who get the 'credit' for all the injury and fatality wrecks so they have the biggest hand in trying to prevent them.
  23. You critized them for simply doing their job, enforcing the laws. It is usually the 'petty' things that get people hurt and LE sees the results of it daily.
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