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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. As much as people want....weather forecasting will never be an exact science. All they can do is go by probabilities, many times they are right but many times they are wrong. Well the main reason is metro Atlanta traffic is much heavier than most surrounding areas. If the roads are congested with millions of people then the plows and trucks cannot get there to do the job.
  2. I love watching truck threads....always reminds me of 3rd grade playground.
  3. Mine wanted one, is a good kid so he earned it and I can afford it. That's why.
  4. LOL....that isn't a drop in the bucket to solving their problems. $2B in losses and $2B in new debt in the past 2 years and their best answer is only saving $65M.
  5. Where did I say I agreed with shooting in the middle of the night? Bottom line, this place if full of people who complain anytime someone shoots, even if it is at 1pm.
  6. I guess so. I grew up around hunting and shooting guns for sport. I find nothing out of the ordinary to hear someone target shooting. Of course, I am not scared of my own shadow either and try to let people be.
  7. Actually there is no law about how far you have to be from a residence. What will get you in trouble shooting a gun is when it is done in an unsafe direction which falls under the reckless conduct law, on another's property, within 150 feet of a roadway or while under the influence. Other than that it is legal, simply hearing gun shots is not a really not a reason to freak out.
  8. According to the police report the dispute started over the phone before the movie even started. The shooter told management and when he returned to the theater there was another verbal dispute between the two. The victim threw popcorn and the suspect shot him. No witnesses reported any physical contact between the two.
  9. School punishment and criminal punishment are two totally separate things which have separate standards of proof. Both serve a purpose and both are needed. The courts should focus on the appropriate punishment or rehabilitation as the law dictates. The school should focus on punishment as listed in the school code of conduct and even complete removal of the students who are committing crimes on campus which degrades the overall goal of creating an environment for education.
  10. It doesn't fix the problem, I tried. You see, most people browse the board by sorting active topics. When 10 of the first 25 topics are all yours, all about virtually the same stuff, it impedes viewing everything else without adding multiple pages. All putting you on ignore does is blocks your name.
  11. I have as much right to post as those who clog up the boards daily. You post topics for discussion expect them to be discussed.
  12. It is...that is why I posted. Thanks for your concern though. You can quit fixating on every post I make though.
  13. Could you not add that to the other dozen topics you started on the same thing?
  14. No...it is just another example of a waste of law enforcement resources in civil matters. First, a LEO has no reason to even call an ex because they said "you don't deserve to see the children", has no legal standing to request that not be said and certainly has no standing to infer there would be legal repercussions. Cops enforce the law, not phrases you don't want to hear.
  15. If their judgement is so poor they do it on school grounds they deserve every bit of punishment that comes their way. Rehab and morals are for the home, the school has a duty to remove the troublemakers from those there to learn.
  16. That is about the average....Smirnoff is not really a high end vodka.
  17. Just dress warm....people live in areas where it is this cold all winter. Not that big of a deal.
  18. Are you two the same person? Every time a certain one posts on any topic the other comes along to stroke his ego.
  19. He absolutely hammered the county manager for ignoring every recommendation he made. Basically, he said public safety is at a critical level now and with the move of the Braves it will be at crisis level and he wants no part of it.
  20. For the PTA to act like the overwhelming majority of kids don't have Facebook would be pretty naive. They are not telling your kid they have to have one to participate but it is obviously a viable option for the majority. Hell, some parent out there is saying "computer....my kid isn't touching a computer". You simply cannot please everyone.
  21. She is dead, no question about it. Every doctor involved has agreed 100% and now the Coroner's Office issued a death certificate. I do not see how legally they can send the corpse to another facility and subject it to continued medical procedures.
  22. Stop with your common sense and such, that isn't appreciated here.
  23. No....a combo of age, history of injury and the defenses adapting will doom him. The running QB was a big thing for a few years until defenses adapted to it. Now the only ones able to do it with any success are the bigger guys who more physically resemble RB's than a classic QB.
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