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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. It is the most common practice because it is a specific right mentioned in the 5th amendment. Grand juries review all felony cases which includes those where a suspect has been arrested and cases with no arrest where the investigation is complete. ....because he is in a no win situation. Whatever decision he makes will be ridiculed by the opposing side. Easiest way, and most Constitutional, is to present the findings to a GJ and let them decide.
  2. They are certainly not one and the same. However, many anti-LE/gov types are drawn to the survivalist lifestyle because many live in a fantasy world thinking things are going to crumble tomorrow.
  3. Nothing improper about it. Any serious situation where there could be questions about impartiality should be reviewed by a GJ. If it isn't it leaves too many questions when one person is left with the decision. It is a vital aspect in our legal system.
  4. My advice....that situation needs an adult in it pretty bad.
  5. If he understands why blacks mistrust the police then he also must understand why society now has a mistrust of the entire inner city thug culture. The young black male is the most violent thing we have ever seen in this country and the black community is doing nothing to stop it even though their own race is taking the most casualties. It is a war zone in the inner cities and the rest of society knows someone must be there to enforce the law to keep it contained. Black people see that as oppression, society see it as a reaction to the crime levels in their community.
  6. I think some would just rather be a victim and die. Fight or flight, some only know flight and if that response is impossible they will simply surrender to their fate. It has been commonplace in society even in the early days, in the same communities some would fight back to the death and some would cower and wait for the executioners sword to the back of the head.
  7. Not at all. I am just commenting on how those who are still grasping at straws to support Brown are acting. You clearly have a version of events you are using to discredit the officer, you portray those as fact, when someone gives an opposing view you discredit its use as an unsupported assertion.
  8. Anything that happened to the officer is an assertion, anything that happened to the robber on the run is a fact. Got it.
  9. Of course they will call and then when something bad happens they will be on the news talking about "they shot him for no reason".
  10. I think I have them figured out....there is no using force to stop or protect in their book. No matter what the crime is if deadly force is used, irrespective of how dangerous the actions of the criminal, irrespective of self defense laws, irrespective of defense of others laws, irrespective of fleeing felon laws, it is a capital offense. There is no in between, you can only gently ask them to stop and if they kill you also the so be it.
  11. You don't know what you don't know. It is either reluctance to admit they are wrong or not enough intelligence to comprehend that others are right.
  12. BS....today's police force is the most professional it has ever been. There are more restrictions, more transparency, video, audio, more over watch, more community inclusive policies, more training on diffusing situations, more of a push for less lethal options than anytime in history. The "good old days" of policing consisted on a club, gun and sap. One of those was applied to every problem, even minor ones, with virtually no accountability. Street "lessons" were common practice and expected. You mouth off you got a busted lip, you fight you take a trip to the hospital probably with a br
  13. Wow...you are something else. I think you are the poster child for someone living in a delusional fantasy world.
  14. Thank God the officer was able to get out of the death trap of an automobile so he could have a fighting chance. If not it would be another dead cop which wouldn't even be discussed on this site. A hot local story for a week and then just another statistic. I would bring up the law enforcement justifications for using deadly force for apprehension under the fleeing felon laws but I would be afraid some heads would explode as many times as 'judge jury and executioner' have been repeated.
  15. That isn't approval...that is political pandering. The Missouri State Guard is under sole control of the Governor.
  16. Every situation is different. In some situations it is completely wrong, in others it's completely reasonable. Totality of the circumstances. And....really.....a Hollywood show is some standard we apply to the real world? Shooting guns out of hands! Hilarious.
  17. Oh you can bet that is what will be claimed. The gentle giant was just looking for a hug.
  18. That is without question. Maybe they can do one of those online donations for him that are so popular today. Hell, if they can raise several hundred thousand for an idiot woman who was arrested for leaving her infant in a hot car because people felt sorry because she was going to a job interview they could do the same for him.
  19. There is a difference in the reserves and the state guard. See if the Missouri National Guard fits into that genius. You should have read further in Wikipedia.
  20. They still tried to apply the hate crime portion of the civil rights legislation and failed.
  21. Well you see....there are certain professions out there where we put people who can really handle their business, the important real world life and death stuff that most cannot manage. These are the people society calls when they need help. It comes in spurts and they go when needed. We put the rest of the people who can't cut it doing the more mundane jobs that keeps them busier such as sorting letters or something.
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