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Everything posted by ohmygosh

  1. We have used magic jack for a few months; if power goes out it's gone, calls going out are clear, calls coming in are not and we have to call back most people. Words are dropped, quite often, but we use cell phones 95% of the time anyway. We will soon fire AT&T permanently (DSL)...got a recent message that if you're rude to their Indian help people, you will be dropped!!! Husband has hearing aids and trouble understanding a heavily accented voice on the phone, and frequently (sad to say) has to say, "will you repeat that? I can't understand you". Now thinks we may be dropped, befor
  2. YES, she can still have children, with one ovary; but let's pray for this one to be saved. God will continue to bless your family, as He obviously has with devotion to each other.
  3. read THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett, which will be released as a movie in a couple of weeks; loved it, but was a hard look at household "help" (maids) in southern homes in the 1960's. Realistic characters; author being criticized, which adds to the interest for me.
  4. I'm treasuring my time of reading through all of Adriana Trigiani's books. Just finished Very Valentine and have to order Viola in Reel Life, Viola in the Spot Light, and My Great Brit Book (library user, here). She's an Italian writer, whose characters are very Italian in USA, with fascinating visits to Italy. Also have Amy Tan's The Bonesetter's Daughter on hand.
  5. I'm glad to hear she has a new one; I LOVE her books!
  6. Cobb Pediatrics is not allowed to practice at Cobb General (Wellstar)!!! A relative had lined up a dr from that group, then found out they couldn't see the newborn at Cobb, so she changed. If you do use them, a hospital staff member sees the baby.
  7. toonament for tournament referring to A driver's liscense as THEM...I got them today. YOU GOT ONE. the overused words: AMAZING, Journey, Ride (as in this was an amazing journey (or ride)...on reality shows) warsh for wash lucious (yuk), yummy, don't that beat all, where you stay?, 40 cent (rather than cents)or dollar instead of dollars full as a tick on a hound's back rottnin for rotting AND, of course, PUKE
  8. THANKS so much!!! I wanted her to call Jeanne, but she's afraid of husband's reaction; I'll urge her to call and meet with her anyway.
  9. friend needs a GOOD divorce attorney, who will go nose to nose with an obnoxious, threatening husband; tried to work it out online style, but he won't cooperate anymore. he doesn't respect women, and having one may launch him into verbal attacks which would complicate matters more. she met with one male attorney, who told her to expect to top out at at least $2700, but be ready for more; plus she didn't like him at all, so I told her I'd try here.
  10. Claritin D works for me; Zyrtec did not
  11. why not just a ponytail of your own, clean hair in the summertime? quick and easy and stylish right now;Add a visor, dorag, whatever, but you'd be able to wash it and feel clean
  12. I watch this, since I'm fascinated by people. I think it's unbelievable how he races around from 1 to another, and they laugh and giggle at his every sophomoric comment. They put up with his "deep" reflections and all that crap I listened to in college in the 70's!! Just a remix of junk to justify doing whatever you want to do.
  13. children with daily behavior issues NEED recess, but I'd take away 5 minutes, making him sit and watch others play; talking to him seriously about WHY he is sitting out and that this will happen every day if he continues to do whatever he is doing,. I suspect he is wiggly, talkative, uninterested in focusing on "work" they are doing and is probably unaware that he can control it; perhaps he hasn't picked up on the proper behavior for working at seat, standing in line, eating quietly, listening,etc. and needs specific instruction and guidance on these aspects of school; like a one on one tut
  14. simply: equal parts of white grape juice and ginger ale; gets rave reviews, not sickly sweet or tart
  15. breakfast seems to be almost all regulars, we barely got coffee refills without flagging down the waitress, who was busy talking to group after group!! liked it A LOT more, before the change, so we just stick to N.Hope's Rodneys.
  16. it's HIS money, HIS child, HIS decision, and a child (no matter what the age) will usually always come first; this should be no surprise, if your relationship has been going on a few years, especially if there is no real commitment to you (such as marriage)
  17. Stephano, Pia, Scotty, Paul, Casey, Jacob all wonderful and personable. Lauren Alaina (already has stage name!) gets on my last nerve; over the top full of herself, but what a singer
  18. yes, he withdrew his name; there was a release to media today..........so everyone just relax and know there are much worse evils in the world AND on every college campus than he would have ever been
  19. thoughtlessly eating fast food or buffet food, as if it's ok for my body!
  20. Thank you for your sensible, correct response. Kindness doesn't end with please and thank you; it should go much deeper to real compassion for each other, particularly those who need it. This should be easily handled by conscientious teachers and administrators and other parents who are of like mind with your post; those who are raising their children to be loving and considerate of others, rather than self centered with a "what about me" whine.
  21. You will be prayed for here; you were so wonderfully kind to my daughter a few weeks ago that I will never forget you. May God comfort you and yours.
  22. another reason I don't go to Ryan's - no dress code
  23. a favorite place!! BUT, if you get a greek salad, you have to ask for NO anchovies, if you don't want hairy fish amongst your olives.
  24. my DH even uses his, if he naps; is afraid of a heart attack or stroke that he was warned could happen, since he stops breathing so much during a minute, jerks his body then gasps and starts back breathing; it's scary to watch him sleep without it
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