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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. You got that right, sister! If I were she, when he got out of jail (which I would not bond his sorry butt out), I would kick said sorry butt to Rockmart and back and tell him this is his one chance to shape up, or he can find somebody else to put up with that crap. This baby does NOT NEED that sort of mess in its tiny life. Edited to add: If it's not his baby, then mama needs a slap upside the head as well. But baby still don't need no mess.
  2. My mom's surgery was so bad she puttered around all afternoon after she got home from the hospital and wanted to go out to eat that night. She also has never had diarrhea, and has felt sooooo much better since it's been out. She said the worst of her pain was the nurse having to try three times to get her IV in right. May your surgery be every bit as bad as Mother's.
  3. DAMN that Obama...he even made the gym memberships cost more! Actually, I'm quite conservative and I agree with you that the near past increases and the current increases have nothing much to do with ObamaCare. (Except the companies like 3M, who have announced they are dropping coverage for their retirees due to ObamaCare.) Most of it doesn't even kick in till 2014. I think future costs will go through the roof and those will be directly related to ObamaCare, which I believe he wants to happen so they can say see the system doesn't work so now the gubment will have to take it over.
  4. I quite agree...I just don't trust the sorry dogs to spend the money on that. And not to be snotty or anything, but our money on this will go to South Georgia, since that's where the no trauma centers are. I'm just in a mean no-tax mood. How about we cut some other crap out of the budget and put THAT money towards the trauma centers? (And no, I don't know what, but if I had to, I guarantee I could come up with something.)
  5. Dammit...I should know by now to go with my gut. I'll mull over what Pubby wrote, but I'm back to all NOs now.
  6. It's really easy, and VERY satisfying. I was gonna suggest YouTube...I've watched videos to better understand a stitch I've never done before, etc. Once you get the basics, you'll be off in a flash. After you learn the basics, check out a site called ravelry.com - patterns GALORE, many of them free. (Check crochet if you don't want to see knit patterns as well.) I never buy patterns, because there are so many freebies. I just made my SIL a neckwarmer, my sister a lovely scarf, and both of them a pair of gloves. They came out great, and they LOVED them.
  7. Clark Howard says #4 is a good one; it gives the state the right to privatize utilities somehow thereby saving the state money on same. I'm also inclined to vote NO on all...that's the only one I'm waffling on. DEFINITELY no to #1, #2, and #3. Can't remember #5, but better NO than sorry.
  8. I immediately thought of Lindsay Lohan when I heard this. Poor girl...have you seen the pics of her (Miley) in London, etc.? She's not headed in a good direction.
  9. Just...wow. I will keep this young man and his family in my prayers. God bless him (and y'all) for his service.
  10. :clapping: :clapping: I'd be ashamed to be used in this manner by those wanting the trauma center amendment.
  11. Because, dearest, it was a quick and easy way to get more tax money, and they could do it, so they did it. Never mind that you all should have been grandfathered in, so to speak. And now they're finding out about the Law of Unintended Consequences - most folks I have heard talk about it are turning in their prestige tags and using regular tags, which takes away the extra money from the state for the prestige tags, and costs the state money because they're having to issue regular tags. Morons.
  12. I personally think we live in a culture of fear that others use to manipulate us. We fear poor health, crime, terrorism, you name it, and we become slaves to that fear. Not all fear is bad (read Gift of Fear by Gavin deBecker), but this obsessive preoccupation with what "might" happen is just silly, and totally not in our best interests. That's why I try to think past whatever it is that somebody's getting me to do to see if it profits them if I do it, and are they really concerned, what happens if I don't, etc. Ditto. Wouldn't get my daughter (if I had one) the Gardasil vaccine,
  13. I hate manipulative people/commercials/programs/whatever. It just makes me want to turn around and go the other way.
  14. I know...I just felt compelled to chime in again. I must be bored.
  15. Well, crap...time to bring out my mantra again. I SWEAR, I HATE PEOPLE. I'm sorry they got your sign, but congratulations on the birth of baby!
  16. That was brutal...what a mean parent you are.
  17. Awesome. Military men and women are my true heroes, as well as LE and fire types.
  18. I still think it's a lame name for a shoe store. The original Ms. Buzz Kill.
  19. Awww...cute. I got nothin'...I'm lame...I just have a pumpkin out with some mums. But here is one of my faves taht I look at every year.
  20. Forsythia? Boxwood? COME ON, PEOPLE - y'all got to do a better job of 'splainin' things!!!
  21. How did she settle on the name? I got nothin', because it sorta seems a little too cutesy. Not tryin' to be mean...I could be wrong and people will love it. As DGITW - she does this sort of thing.
  22. mei lan


    People are nuts in ANY weather. They can't drive in the rain, they can't drive in the sun (hurts their widdle eyes, they can't drive when there's an accident on the far side of the opposite side of the interstate...I swear. GAH!
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