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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Don't like to, feel trepidation about, wincing when, yeah. Fear? I think a relationship would not be healthy if one partner feared (true fear, I'm talking about) telling the other about something. The glasses thing to me, bless your heart, would be one of those wincing things.
  2. I agree that I will NEVER not vote, and if the whole set-up hadn't been one of stupidity, I wouldn't complain, and I didn't complain on my account, but the whole thing was just stupid and unnecessary.
  3. Yes, dear, I know...I already said I was too busy to vote last week, and this is VOTING DAY, after all.
  4. Oh, good heavens...yours was worse than mine! I at least had on tennis shoes.
  5. Hear, hear! I'm trying to get our crew to do the same. You bitter clinger hick, you.
  6. Oh, man...I pray God's comfort for the wife and the baby.
  7. Yeah, mommy done run off with her new boyfriends some days ago. They had to track her down to arrest her sorry butt. Oh, and God bless you foster parents. My parents were foster parents when I was little, and it breaks my heart even now to realize the dire situations these kids face. (And re: bad foster parents - special place in hell for them, too.)
  8. Yeah, I saw that one coming. I have heard bad things about WF. I heard the other day some good things about opening a checking account online with ING...I'm looking into that. I also like credit unions...they are non-profit, so they don't have a lot of the crap regular banks do.
  9. Weatherboy, you saved me the trouble of starting my own topic. So, I’m in NE Paulding and my polling place has been Russom Elementary forever. Never takes more than about 10 minutes to vote except Presidential elections, and then it might be 30-45 minutes (more if at peak times). So today I go vote…2 HOURS AND 35 MINUTES start to finish. Which I remembered they combined our polling place with the Mt. Tabor/Pickett’s Mill folks, but that didn’t seem to account for the hordes of people. To make matters worse, the wind was cold, and we were outside for a short while. To make matters wors
  10. I'm a pretty upbeat easygoing person who likes to see the good in people and cut them slack, etc. And I've never been a violent person. But there are times - and this is one - when I fantasize about taking a baseball bat to someone and just keep going and going and going. And going and going and going, until when I'm finally exhausted, there's just a greasy spot on the sidewalk. Dear God in heaven. I just pray for these babies.
  11. Mama will be sentenced Thursday when daughter is sentenced. heh heh heh
  12. I've been here seven years and have never had a trick-or-treater. But we don't have street lights, and our driveways are long. So it's easy being a Halloween Grinch!
  13. 2:30?!?!? That is just WRONG! Anyhoo, I'm sure you'll be fine. My mother had hers on Friday, wanted to go out to eat that night (but we dissuaded her), and went back to work on Monday.
  14. Not true in Tennessee. They don't have income tax or ad valorem tax, and their sales tax in most places is 8%-9%. My brother's house is valued at $600,000; mine is valued at $200,000. He's in the city limits; I'm not. His combined property taxes are a little bit less than mine, AND he pays no state income tax, AND he pays no ad valorem tax. Yeah, I'm moving there as soon as I can see my way clear.
  15. People are whack, man. The mind boggles at this attitude, truly. I also wondered if she was DUI and that's why she ran. Doesn't matter why...that would just be a logical explanation. I love that she turned down the 50 years...I hope the judge hammers her in sentencing, and her idiot mother, too. Morons.
  16. Congrats, but WTH re: banning stucco? Do they mean real stucco or that fake crap you can beat in with a hammer? But why ban either? Why ban anything? I swear, I hate people. Esp. politicians.
  17. I could not agree more. I am sick to death of voting for the lesser of two evils, and wherever and whenever possible, I am not going to do it again, whatever the result. I'm voting for Monds.
  18. I am so terribly sorry. I've been to NO twice over the years, and both times just had the most creepy and oppressive feeling while I was there. Spent a week there each time and have seen it all, including French Quarter at night. It could be a lovely city, but all the evil just makes it not worth going there ever again. momof3 - twins again.
  19. BTW - thanks for posting the information for those of us too busy with other stuff to listen. (Or too lazy. )
  20. OK, call me crazy, but if I'm running the risk of spending many years behind bars, I don't think it's gonna be over the take of a small-town McD's with me making a getaway in a Corolla.
  21. What I love is people who have mega skeletons in their own closets just RAGGING on the opposition. (Casey Cagle, et al)
  22. Plus, local shops have CHARACTER. Esp. bookstores. I love local bookstores. I promise, I'm gonna make the trek to see you one day.
  23. OK, good news. Some things are worth fainting over.
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