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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Man, talk about sad songs. After that one, cue up Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley and Allison Krauss. GAH!!! Talk about crying in your beer...
  2. Of course, you. I have no quarrel with you; I've just been confused by some of your posts. I meant what I said about you being my heroes.
  3. If by MoBay you mean Montego Bay, and you've never been there, DON'T GO!!! I'm guessing you're not being entirely serious, but it reminded me of just how hideously awful a place Jamaica is. Ye gods...WHAT a hellhole. Talk about drugs, rampant unemployment, gangs out the wazoo...majorly creepy. And I didn't think the water/sand was all that, either. Bahamas, OTOH, has LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY water and sand. I'm not a particular Bahamas fan, but the people are very nice and the environment is just marvelous. Ditto Dominican Republic, and I hear Turks & Caicos is nice as well. Haven't be
  4. I totally agree. Anybody could have an accident (although if she was DUI, that was a stupid decision), and a young person might be really scared and leave the scene. But a good person would have called police after she got home and realized what she did and turned herself in, consequences be damned. She was obviously from a well-educated background, her parents obviously were not morons (till her mom proved otherwise), and if this was her first offense, with her going to grad school, etc., she probably would have gotten off lightly, and everybody would have probably been ok with it. I reme
  5. OK, then. I am perfectly happy with the sentence, and if she were DUI, it should have been even more severe. (Just how stupid was this girl, to leave a joint in the ashtray???)
  6. I do vote in every election, no matter how small, and I resent being made into a pariah because I exercised my right to vote ON VOTING DAY and complained about the illogical, bone-headed set-up. No extra money would have been spent by putting a bunch of extra voting machines at each precinct (assuming they still have all the machines from when they had 28 precincts), and that was the major bottleneck. Also, I know exactly what the issues are and what each candidate stands for long before I vote. I simply do not feel that people who vote on VOTING DAY should be penalized.
  7. I am totally talking to you and Friendly Geek the next time I have need of a puter.
  8. I think he's really 12, which is prolly why he lost. Seriously, Will - you are a class act, and you have the great distinction of being only the second or third Democrat who has ever motivated me to vote for them. I do not regret voting, and I think you ran a class campaign. I'm with C. Mark...you are a winner no matter what lies ahead. Thank you for putting in such a tremendous effort into public service...we are better for it. Edited to add that you're in excellent company - Zell Miller and the late Dr. Larry McDonald are the only two others I can think of who earned my respect
  9. I figured that was where this was headed. Damn.
  10. Well said. Probably also taken into account by judgey wudgey (to borrow a silly moniker from the Three Stooges).
  11. YOWSA!!! Can't say I'm unhappy, but I'm guessing the judge took into account all we have discussed as well. I'm glad mom didn't get off scot-free. I'm sure dad who was called back from Saudi Arabia or wherever he was working is just shaking his head.
  12. Awesome. That makes my heart happy. God bless all you fine veterans and active military...you are truly my heroes.
  13. Oh, dude!!! I used to be the VERIEST Reds fan when I was a kid...I would keep a scorecard while listening to them play the Braves on the radio. RIP, sir. A class act.
  14. Ain't no way I'm takin' that bet. And you're right...terribly sad.
  15. I'm right there with you, sister...only more so.
  16. I put my letters in the mail this morning to Ms. Holden and Mssrs. Austin, Kirby, and Barnett. This attitude is INFURIATING and there is truly no excuse. Extra voting machines and extra ballot cards shouldn't be much of an expense, assuming they still had extras from when they had more polling places. I am still just so angry.
  17. 'Cept me! I am totally like you...I even continue going 5 over the speed limit if a cop car is behind me, and I do move over if I sense he is wanting to get somewhere. I HATE STUPID DRIVERS!!! Mrs. B, if only you and I were co-Queens of the Universe...we'd change some things, we would.
  18. My heart wants to give her five consecutive life sentences (one for each of the lives she cost by her recklessness) of hard labor on a chain gang. My feelings take into account her stupidity and apparent lack of remorse. But my mind says 3-5 is reasonable. Then, I say put her on probation for like 10 years and have her do community service somewhere like Shepherd every other weekend where she's forced to deal with people every day whose lives are ruined just because of people like her. I say give the mother 3-5 as well.
  19. I would just like to go on record as saying that I appreciate SO MUCH what Pubby has done in envisioning, creating, and sustaining paulding.com. In a county where no real news organ exists, this service is INVALUABLE to us. I cannot imagine the time, effort, and money you have put into this venture, and I for one wouldn't want to take it on. But I appreciate your willingness to do so, and I must say that you have done an awesome job. I also appreciate that you are a journalist (even considering their current - and perhaps deserved - poor reputation in many circles), because we desp
  20. Oh, honey - I just printed out Webster Mom's post and am composing a snail mail letter to Ms. Holden cc'ing David Austin and my commissioner even as we speak. I am LIVID.
  21. I haven't talked to him, but I'm guessing to set himself apart from the field. Everybody in Paulding who wants to get anywhere runs as a Republican, and being an unknown, he would have finished way back in the pack (see: Jason Antivitarte). But by being a conservative Democrat, he had a bigger platform from which to put forth his ideas. He (and I) just misjudged how many people here just see R and vote that way. Again, I am VERY VERY conservative (probably more so than 99% of the people on this board), but I do not vote party...I vote for whom I feel is the best candidate, an I research m
  22. I thought it was next Thursday? But it's entirely possible probable that I'm confused.
  23. :spewing diet coke all over monitor: I love this quote: He said because the felony charge did not include the commission or conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude, they left her fate up to the school district. So attempting to harm and possibly kill your husband has nothing to do with moral turpitude??? Ye freakin' gods.
  24. OH MY LORD...I thought I was mad before...I'm LIVID after reading that arrogant response!!! I deliberately didn't send an e-mail or call today because I wanted to calm down first, but damnation, that just SENDS ME!!! :angry2: How DARE she lay the blame for this fiasco on us, the voters??? And excuse me, but even with the fewer polling places, what is her excuse for not having many machines at the crowded polling places? NINE machines and NINE voting cards at Russom??? Really??? And the solution to that is to spit in my eye and tell me to vote early??? Which, as I already stated, I
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