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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. If it's private money, I don't care what they do with it.
  2. I had the head cold version of this (it never made it to the chest, thank God), and it took FOREVER to leave!!! I'm pretty sure mine was a virus, but dang...it just kept on and on and on hanging on. :blech:
  3. IIRC, the state DOR is what caused Cabela's to cancel plans to build in Bartow (at the Adairsville exit). I think the state wanted to tax their internet bidness. (Yeah, right. Cabela's?) And the state wouldn't back down. Morons. I wondered what was going on at Emerson...the property sat quiet for a good while, but they've been pushing a lot of dirt around lately. Interesting. I don't get it, but apparently somebody does.
  4. Is this the church on the right just before Dallas-Nebo turns off to the left, or am I thinking of something else? My nephew would love to see this...
  5. I prefer my cooking to eating out for breakfast most of the time. Although I do like Bojangle's and Waffle House. The Brookstone Waffle House is da BOMB.
  6. No problems speaking in public here. I'm one of those like Dallas Bigfoot...I do MUCH better when I don't over-prepare. As long as I know the subject, my problem is not running too long and/or speaking too fast to be understood easily. Oh, and rabbit trails. I don't do it a lot, but it's very tempting to follow a good rabbit trail. I'd rather speak or sing in front of a large group any day, though, instead of a small group, and esp. if that small group includes people I know and love.
  7. Well, that is just so sweet of you to say. It has been awhile, and we do still miss him terribly. I wished (and still do wish) so badly that I could have taken away his sickness, but it was not to be. But God knows. I just have to leave it in His capable and loving hands. And thank you.
  8. We will be there. Probably all three nights, if my tot nephew has any say in the matter.
  9. Yes, after I hugged him, beat him with a stick I would. Not really, but I would threaten severely. My nephews KNOW they're gonna be in deep doo-doo if they don't stay with me wherever we are.
  10. Don't beat yourself up...everybody handles stressful situations differently. I'm one of those cool-under-pressure folks who falls apart later. EXCEPT during the time I was helping my mom care for my terminally ill father for an extended period of time (five years, the last three of which were just...really, REALLY bad) - I was stressed beyond belief, wasn't sleeping, was sick (literally) every month with something, etc., etc., etc. Anyhoo, during that time, everything I knew about myself flew right out the window, and I behaved and reacted to things far differently from the way I normally w
  11. Oh, I know. I was just saying that the county would have been far better off to settle, but then, duh...the county would have been better off without 7,894 new subdivisions per year during that time (and I never exaggerate), but we see where that got us, too. sigh
  12. I like the never seeing people again part, but the cold part just killed it for me. I am a reptile, doncha know.
  13. Hey, that was a very sweet post. I didn't have anybody out and about, but it's times like this that pcom truly shines. I hereby give Pubby a mayberry for thinking up this whole enterprise.
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHA OK, I'm down wi' it, den. hahahahaa
  15. Awwwwwwwwwww...bless your heart! And his, too! How old is he now? Pore little feller...
  16. What about the boys? Are they going, too? Are you just going to leave them here, whining for their human?
  17. This is a rather unique case...I really don't see how settling would have harmed the county in any way. AND the least they could have done is not spend a frickin' million dollars to keep him out of court.
  18. Great minds. Yeah, I'd definitely send them a letter on letterhead at the very least. Not cool. Not cool at all. I'm sure a lot of people just don't think, but geez Louise - USE YOUR BRAIN, people!!!
  19. Well, I'm with surepip on this one. They KNOWINGLY took land that belonged to him and then dared him to do something about it. That is wrong any way you cut it. It has nothing to do with whatever else is going on around him. At the very least he deserves his day in court and we the taxpayers deserve to have our money spent on something besides $1M in lawyer fees for them to try to avoid that.
  20. I'll snag it as IH2D and I go sliding past in the 'Stang.
  21. Yes. Only I read that as "Bile Ridge", and I'm thinkin' !!!
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