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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I personally believe that ocngresscritters should make the same as the average pay of non-com military personnel. Maybe that would straighten up a few things. And God bless all our military folks...you will never know how grateful I am for your service.
  2. Def. running slow, but I got a Mayberry, too! Hey, that shameless groveling thing apparently works. And of course, everybody knows that Christmas Eve mayberries are way better than Christmas Eve Eve mayberries. heh
  3. Well, crap - they gave you a mayberry because while in a fevered sickly state I said you're wonderful and smart? sigh
  4. Well, you could cede your time to someone else who needs it, I suppose. Sort of like when a congresscritter doesn't use up all of his time talking and says Madam Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time or whatever. But you don't want people to think you don't have any grievances, either. Just let loose again, I say.
  5. Yeah, ain't even gonna bother clickin' on ze linky. I can just cry a bucket right now and be done with it. sigh
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I've made it all year without hearing that sappy Christmas shoes THING!!! I won't click on it, I won't! Please, God - just two more days. GAH!!!
  7. Oh, come on, now...he gets one and I don't? Help! Help! Help! Ernest T.? Boss? Bobbie Jo? Anybody?
  8. I think this was something different than an announcement per se...this was a feature write-up in the NYT, via a regular segment about newly-married couples. Come to find out, the new wife is a friend of the editor of the NYT, which is how the whole story got in there in the first place. Interesting to me is the backlash the paper and the couple received from readers after the initial story ran. A regular announcement? Fine. Whatever. A feature write-up slanted towards how virtuous they were for waiting till they tore up two families (including five kids) to be together, not so much.
  9. Matchbox cars. I was such a tomboy...I had hundreds. I still have some of them.
  10. Well, crap, what was the original title? This is one of the best Muppet videos, btw. My 3-year-old nephew and I watch it often.
  11. mei lan


    Oh, and be sure to write a check.
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA Nutcracker, Kool-Aid man...hahahahahahahahaahahaha
  13. Oh, dear...please don't tell my 3-year-old nephew about this. He will drag me there come hell or high water.
  14. What's so funny to me about this video every time I see it is not so much the baby laughing, although that's hilarious...it's that he's laughing at something so random as "BING!" done in varying tones. Hilarious.
  15. Well done, chica, well done!!! (I don't know who gave you a neggie, but I'll add to it just to make you feel better. ) Oh, and if you're happy and you know it, I just might slap you if I'm in a cranky mood.
  16. Good luck...I finally found them, but I drove and drove and drove and went down many an uninhabited cul-de-sac afore I fount 'em.
  17. Holy crap! My mom has a new electric rotisserie thingy that sits on the counter, and I thought about doing the same thing. Maybe not.
  18. You darn kids GET OFFA MY LAWN!
  19. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! What an angel. Thanks for posting! And Merry Christmas to y'all. I hope you have a great one, and the rest of your family, too.
  20. That is just gross on several levels. People have no manners anymore.
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