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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I am just so sorry. I will keep them in my prayers.
  2. Yes, and that is an understatement. I don't know how many bads you would need to put in the sentence for it to be accurate. sigh Lord, I hate this.
  3. Speaking as a non-business owner, it doesn't bother me. If I want to buy whatever they're selling (say, vidalia onions...mmmm...), I do. If not, I just say no.
  4. You talkin' to me? I got it.
  5. Ain't got no iphone, so I don't need no steeenkin' apps. Pfft.
  6. You know, I have heard such great stories about the new-fangled ones they are using today. One guy I know had trouble for YEARS with various procedures, etc., and had a new kind installed, and it has changed his life. I'm so glad it went well. I did pray for you and him (without knowing who it was, but that's ok, 'cause God knows), even though I didn't post that I did. This makes me happy.
  7. Well, if it's wrong of you, then it's wrong of me, too. Dude was pulled over on Bolton Road around 11 p.m. This reminds me of the post by wcso84 in a thread a couple of weeks ago talking about intuition - he said there have been times he'll follow a car intending to pull it over, but just gets a sense that something is VERY WRONG, and he'll turn off and not pull it over, because he is pretty sure something bad would happen. I sure wish this trooper hadn't pulled this dude over. Sad, sad, sad.
  8. I think I'm with you there, bro. And while the Democrats are bad re: spending, the Republicans have done no better. They may have not done as badly, but they sure as heck haven't done any better.
  9. Oh, man...I heard this earlier, and I just felt sick to my stomach. I pray God's comfort on his family. I just cannot imagine getting that call. And such a surprise, stopping a vehicle in that area...who'd'a thunk it? GRRRRRRRRRR... I am just so sorry. Man, I just want to cry.
  10. OMG - are you my late father?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAA I cannot even tell you how many vehicles our family had over the years...and ALWAYS more than the people in the family. hahahahahaahaha That just cracked me up. Good times, yessir... RE: energy plan - expand nuclear energy, drill on our own land, develop shale, build refineries (which new ones haven't been built since God was a boy, apparently). BTW - France gets something like 75% of its electricity from nuclear plants, and sells much of the rest of what they produce to European countries.
  11. Oh, yeah. Honey, if you can get him away from me, you can have him, 'cause I sure don't want him if that's the case.
  12. Hey, sounds like she made a great decision. No FB fan am I.
  13. HEY!!! I like Zipperneck's idea! FBBC - this kid's egg donor sounds like a piece-o-work.
  14. Well, crap. I've found properties before that the bank owned, and it showed the name. I wonder if you called the Tax Assessor's office and got them to look it up for you?
  15. Well, crappy-doodle-doo. I'm sorry you had to have it done, but maybe this will fix it for good. I sure hope so.
  16. You should be able to get the owner info from paulding.gov - here's the linky I use: http://qpublic5.qpublic.net/ga_paulding.html?layers=parcels+parcels2+roads+parcel_sales Off-topic - is this the same foot you hurt earlier? Was this surgery expected?
  17. hahaha I knew you were...I was making a funny. But I forget - where are you getting married again? And yes, I'd have pics made here, too.
  18. Money paragraph FTA: Privacy law writer Frederick Lane tells the Detroit Free Press the law typically is used to prosecute identity theft and stealing trade secrets. He says he questions if a wife can expect privacy on a computer she shares with her husband. Interesting to see what this case will yield. I will say that the average bear wouldn't have to do any of these new-fangled tech things to find out if someone is cheating. All it takes is a wee bit of legwork. If you didn't want to spend money on a PI, you wouldn't even have to pay for it. Edited to add that I am in Go Blue!
  19. I think - I'm not sure, but I do think that Gipper Girl may have gotten engaged recently. Maybe I dreamt it. She'll probably mention it if she really did get engaged.
  20. hahahahahaha Poor Sadie. Dang. Those two are pitiful. PITeeeful!
  21. Here's the last para from Dr. K's article linked by Mrs. Howard above: It's not an outrage. It's surely not a death panel. But it is subtle pressure applied by society through your doctor. And when you include it in a health care reform whose major objective is to bend the cost curve downward, you have to be a fool or a knave to deny that it's intended to gently point you in a certain direction, toward the corner of the sick room where stands a ghostly figure, scythe in hand, offering release. Well said, sir...well said.
  22. I'll bet there were a few bruised arms before word got out, though. :snicker:
  23. Well, damn - what are y'all...like, adults or something? Oh, Lordy - YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! Geez Louise, I would die if I were joined at the hip with somebody. Truly, I think I would smother. If a guy said to me you need to go to bed the same time as me, I think I'd start hyperventilating and continue on my way out the door.
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