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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Correct...broken out into land and house, if you will. The replacement value would be for the house and contents. But say you buy a house for $200,000. Then you do $100,000 improvements. If you don't up your insurance by $100,000, they're only going to pay the $200,000. Also, when the coming inflation hits, if you keep your insurance at what the value is or what you paid for it, the replacement/rebuilding costs will eat you alive.
  2. I'm not knee-jerkin'...I'm truly giving thought to my responses. Unemployment benefits, I don't have a problem with a drug test. I have to take random drug tests and I'm employed. Medicare, I don't have a problem with a drug test. Drugs would be likely to make health problems worse. Social security, no drug test. I paid it in, I should get it out. Except those receiving get more (generally) than they paid in, so perhaps a case could be made for the amount over what a person paid in. Generally speaking, any time you receive a benefit from the government, strings are attached. And in
  3. Best be talkin' to your insurance agent. The amount insured should be the amount it would cost to REPLACE IT, not what it originally cost or what it is worth at the moment.
  4. You say this as if it were a bad thing. DAMN STRAIGHT, take their check and make their sorry arse get a job. If they can find the money to do drugs, they can find the money to live without my taxpayer $$$.
  5. Listen, sister - controversy sells, doncha know. But yesterday my attempts at controversy got lost in the baby daddy thread, and today all the drama is in the cops vent thread. Oh, well...I tried.
  6. Oh. I thought it was gonna be a pic of a fresh pile of cow doo. Poor Susan. I'll try to be good. (maybe)
  7. I'm in the camp of it wouldn't occur to me to think my dad was having an affair if I saw an old pic of him with another woman. My father was close to lots of people. BUT was the photo of them kissing, or something else that would lead you to think affair? I guess I missed the point...
  8. You got that right, sistah. But Madea will be sad.
  9. And some could be women's lib bugs and just want to be called Female Bugs. Or Bugs of No Particular Gender.
  10. This story is the gift that just keeps on giving. My favorite was the wag who wrote something about Weiner being a "peter tweeter".
  11. Hmmm. All the drama is over in the baby daddy thread, I guess. Oh, well, bookworm...I tried to start some trouble for you.
  12. It's just because, dang it!!! I was looking for something to offend me, and you were there! FTR, I love ladybugs.
  13. Agreed! But the gardenia is my all-time favorite. We have one about this size, and the smell is simply HEAVENLY.
  14. Oh, I agree...people are the same rude all over. My point to the nephews is that if you're in a car (ok, not a teeny car like yours), you're far more protected than if you're on a bike. And I, too, have had the obnoxious bikers pass between me and another car. Skeers me to death, because they're usually in between us before I even know they're there (i.e., SPEEDing).
  15. DAMMIT, WOMAN!!! There you go again, OFFENDING ME!!! How dare you?!?!?!??!? I am so reporting you to Pubby.
  16. OK, that made me cry. I already liked you two from what you wrote previously about how the Thrashers brought you closer together, but wow. What a marvelous, marvelous story. I love reading about people with excellent character who do excellent things.
  17. I often tell my nephews that it's not them I worry about on a motorcycle...it's all the other idiots on the road who don't watch out for motorcyclists.
  18. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA I like you. I swear, that is SO something I would do. hahahahahahaaaaa
  19. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAA That right there is the funniest thing I've read this week. hahahahahahaa (And yes, I've had those feelings, too. )
  20. Or, as in the case of too many people I know, their big dogs are actually tiny lap dogs inside a huge dog body and while they may lick you to death, they won't scare anybody. Or like this big dog we used to have - he'd bark his fool head OFF at people he liked (neighbors, friends, etc.), and wouldn't even look twice at somebody he didn't like.
  21. So you get a bill for $11,000,000. Stop yer whinin' and be glad you have such a benevolent entity to buy electricity from. (She said, looking over her shoulder to make sure Cobb EMC doesn't pull some stupid stunt.)
  22. Building codes state windows are to be able to withstand certain impacts. I find it hard to believe two girls play fighting/hugging real fighting/whatever could cause enough force to break a properly installed window. The windows in many buildings are required to withstand debris and objects hurled into them by hurricane-force winds. Somethin' don't sound right somewhere. Either what really happened, or the window, or both.
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