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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Amen, amen, and amen. God bless them every one. And their families.
  2. Right there with you, sister. GAH!!!
  3. God bless him. And my father (one of the greatest generation and WWII vet), and every single other one who served.
  4. This sounds about right for the size house described. And the windows part would depend on how many windows. I should think the more detail-oriented you wish the person to be, the more you should expect to pay. Just sayin'. Windows are a pain. Also, pane.
  5. Please tell them we think they are awesome. That shows true character. Been there. I remember the utterly sick feeling of that realization. :sigh:
  6. Unless she's using again. There's no navigating with insanity (as you know). momof3 - I didn't get my pun earlier when I said she was a pill. hahahahahahahaaa
  7. That BRC song breaks me up every single time. God bless them every one.
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAAA :snort: Glad to see she's keeping the old-married-middle name. :snark: One other thing - Laurie, you always do a very good job of giving information on stuff like this to the best of your ability. I appreciate it.
  9. I knew when I read the first part of the original post that this was going to be about your wacky MIL. Somehow, I'm guessing the word "boundaries" won't be found in MIL's lexicon. Old enough to know better. I don't think her not knowing what's normally charged is the problem. Her being a...shall we say...PILL is the problem. momof3 can correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the impression I've gotten over time.
  10. I was just about to type the same thing. And that would go UP if the windows part included window exteriors.
  11. That's ok...I could be wrong, but that was how I took it.
  12. I knew there was a reason I liked her! (You know I like you, too, Pubster...even if we don't always usually almost never agree. And I do appreciate your journalistic efforts.)
  13. Pretty sure FreeBird was being facetious.
  14. And the year before. Or maybe it was twice in one year. Whatever.
  15. If he'd been arrested for child molestation, yeah, I'd have a major beef about it (if I were a resident). But vandalism? Nah. They got their punishment and as long as he/she walks the straight and narrow and completes community service, fine by me.
  16. I wanted to be a professional baseball player. Not in the women's league...in the regular major leagues. True story. Today, if money were no issue, I'd be a recluse somewhere and write.
  17. Is you is, or is you ain't for Pappy?
  18. You know, that's really awesome! I am thrilled that people want to do this sort of thing, because most of us don't. (Although it doesn't freak me out like it would many.) I think it's a very helping profession - CAN be a very helping profession, although many prey on those who are grieving. But I think that's GREAT that you're going to school for it! WTG!!!
  19. I seem to recall after the Fire Tax was approved, that they took the fire dept. out of the budget, leaving it to be funded only by the tax. I'm guessing this wouldn't be needed had that not happened. :breathingdeeplytolowerbloodpressure:
  20. Right there with you, sister. Stupes, all of them. ('Cept us.)
  21. I think we're just hearing about it because of the Copeland case. Augusta Hosp. said last year these cases comprises 8.5% of their patients. Apparently (and woo hoo), Augusta is the best wound care facility in the country.
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