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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I don't know, either. I think it's kinda silly, but it is what it is. I don't understand your question the way it's worded, but bottom line is the VOTERS decide whether a state is red or blue. The red and blue came about sometime around the 2000 Presidential election when TV news people started showing maps in the two colors with red states showing for Bush and blue states showing for Gore. Red/blue delineation probably taken from military exercises. Since Georgia typically has a majority vote for the Republican Presidential candidate, it is considered red. Your question
  2. Personally, I think this is a GREAT idea. PS - I thought I was the only person who says "shan't". But that's probably my high-fallutin' ways, like spelling "theatre" instead of "theater".
  3. Finally, an answer. Thank you! (Although this thread isn't nearly as entertaining as the one about what's going in at the old IGA location. ) It really is. Maybe something good will come along and lease it. I do hate to see bidnesses go under, though.
  4. I'm sorry, but that just made me laugh. If I thought of a venture less likely to go there, I couldn't come up with a better answer. You, my friend, are not right in the head.
  5. As I keep saying, it only takes one time. And you were trying your best to get to her. I'm glad she wasn't hurt.
  6. Thank you. Here's my thing, and I brought it up in mom of 3's thread about her 7yo granddaughter being allowed to ride another school bus without a note - would that mother have placed a rare and priceless Ming vase on the railing of that exhibit? I'm pretty sure not. And yet, how much more valuable - TRULY PRICELESS - is a child?!?!?!? And it's not like she was holding him up to look at a baby panda or something a toddler would find adorable...they were wild African dogs. Huh?!? I'm sorry...maybe I'm being harsh, but somebody needs to be the advocate for that kid, and it sure wasn't her
  7. That's exactly what I said to my mother when I was telling her about the story. And I don't even have kids! But I can guarantee you that if one of my nephews were in the same situation, those dogs would have had to eat me first before they ever got to him, because I'd have been shielding him as best I could.
  8. I swear I'm a walking commercial for them. I used to think oh, I'd never leave cable, and I thought satellite was the stupidest thing ever. But when I moved out here to the sticks, Comcast couldn't figure out who the cable company was; they issued a trouble ticket and said they'd call me when they found out. So after two weeks, I happened upon a DirecTV display in Circuit City (I miss that store!), and got free installation with a one-year agreement. I figured I could stick it out for a year. That was nearly 10 years ago, and I have never looked back. OH EM GEE...my satellite goes out WA
  9. Did Martino's close? The past few nights I've not seen any lights, but I hadn't heard anything official, so I thought I'd ask.
  10. He just did it because he had no choice. I'm hearing the sponsors put the pressure on him in addition to all the bad publicity. Moron hasn't even visited Staten Island, one of his own boroughs.
  11. Amen, sister. I love your outlook on things. I'd ask if your husband had a single brother, but then there's that whole MIL thing.
  12. Good heavens...Page 3 readers would revolt if she were on there!!! This girl is such a mess...DFCS should just take those 14 kids and adopt them out so hopefully they would have SOME sort of a decent chance at life. 'Cause I don't see any future for them with this chick.
  13. Dear Mr. Postman - My voting against Mr. Obama has ZERO to do with the color of his skin. For the record, I disagree with his white half just as much as I disagree with his black half. Also, I was planning to vote for Herman Cain in the primary had he not dropped out. Oh, you are so cute in your naivete'.
  14. I agree with Mrs. Howard on the nap thing. But you make an excellent point as well, Jenilyn. Wy 5yo nephew knows who the President is, and he knows that we disagree with his policies. But every time the subject comes up, we make sure to say, "We don't agree with his policies, but we respect him because he is the President of the United States. If he were here, we would call him Mr. President and shake his hand and be gracious to him." We also say Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney.
  15. Holy crap! I guess I'd best plan to get there when they open. But great news! I love to see people voting!
  16. My cousin opened about a dozen persimmons a couple of weeks ago and they were all spoons (heavy, wet snow) except one, which was a knife (icy, cutting winds). GAH!!! Reference: http://www.almanac.com/content/predicting-weather-using-persimmon-seed
  17. I love it, but I rarely sign in. I do like Creative One and bookmark or save to my hard drive things that I like. When I see something I like, I right click on the pic and choose the first option "Open Link in New Tab" (I use Firefox), and that doesn't mess with the main page.
  18. Agreed. And if they're so hot to trot for her to sell it, they can force the issue. One of my uncles got pissed that his parents' estate wasn't settled (20 years after their deaths...mega sentimental attachment by some of the siblings), and he told them to give him his part or he was filing suit. Made them all mad, but he got his part. Edited on account of I'm a grammar/punctuation nerd.
  19. THIS. And there may be NOTHING you can say (if this is indeed the case with her) that will make her "get it". Part of Alz. is obsessing over something (important or not...most of the time not) and just going on and on and on and asking the same questions over and over and over. She feels she can trust you, so she goes to you. Set your expectations for her down at the level where you believe she is, and when she calls or whatever, just go to your already-prepared answer and be nice as you generally are. If she has Alz., this isn't about the house...it's about her mind not working correctly
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