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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I could live in New England. The little bitty towns and villages...
  2. mei lan


    Did I say old? :thump:
  3. Yep, same dude. Beat me to it. Yeah, sounds like this went over like an out-of-air balloon. Morons.
  4. momof3 and I are the local FB refuseniks. Edited on account of I need to larn me some grammar.
  5. mei lan

    RIP Sandy

    :sniff: Yes, that was lovely. OP, I'm just so sorry. A hole is definitely left in our lives when our little furry loved ones pass on. :cray:
  6. You gots some excellent taste, chickie! I love it all, but esp. the wood pieces. Tres nice. What about your desk? Did you ever find one?
  7. So how are the folks who are STILL without power, etc., from Sandy going to fare? Ye gods...what a mess. I also hear that winds will be hurricane force, and that there will be a 5 to 7-foot storm surge, as well as 5 to 20-foot waves. GAH!!!!!!!
  8. Twins, as ever. And if I had an account, oh hell NO, they would not get my password.
  9. I assume this means you are also an introvert? I am an extrovert, but grew up with two parents and a brother who are all interoverts, so I know them well and love them. I find as I get older that I'm sliding way more towards introversion on the spectrum.
  10. Nah, I think she had it right the first time. :woof:
  11. It can't be too late. It's one of the few things mandated by the Constitution. It'll continue; it just may not look like it presently does. Saturday delivery being axed is fine by me.
  12. mei lan


    Dude, that is AWESOME!!! You just got added to my Former Smokers Hero List! I am WAY impressed!!! I've been gonna write you for a couple of days to see if you were feeling better because I remembered you mentioned some tests a few days ago, but slacker here kept forgetting. I'm really glad to hear the excellent news. So you and I don't agree on everything (but really, who does agree on everything all the time?) - you're still my favorite journalist (and I don't use that word lightly...I can count on one hand the people I would actually call a real journalist - as in an old-time journalist
  13. Are we out of the drought yet? At least I'm not having to water plants now.
  14. mei lan


    That would be me. Give me a toasty blankie, and I'm outta here. A few years ago, I had a 90-min. test for a gallbladder thingy, and I was lying on this hard, cold table and wasn't supposed to move. It was misery.
  15. No, I read it correctly; I was just self-identifying that I hate people. Also, I still don't know what the topic is about.
  16. Me, me, me!!! :raisinghandexcitedly: What's this topic about, anyway? Lost in NE Paulding (as usual)...
  17. My former dork of a boss got two tickets for this in the same weekend a few years ago. They're serious about it.
  18. HAHA I had to watch it again to catch it. Yeah, nice...and yes, it did cost them a few pennies.
  19. You are correct, and that was a hideous situation, as was the school thing in...Chechnya, was it? But I'm just wondering if there's a gas we don't know about that would work? I'm sure they have everyone working on it would know about stuff like that. The other thing that I'm sure is hindering things is that this is a bunker...not something where they can just rush in and separate him from the kid. I like momof3's idea of just shooting him in the face, though.
  20. I was wondering if there's something out there that wouldn't harm the kid long-term that maybe we don't know about? I dunno...I just want him OUT of there...
  21. Megadittos. But he wouldn't go for that. a) Too much chance of something going wrong in the swap, and 2) way more attention if he's holding a kid.
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