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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Oh, good. I know that would have been an even bigger issue to deal with. We love our krwills and want good things for her.
  2. Hey, you got me, his twin...that should be nearly good enough.
  3. While the cynic in me agrees with you, I take what she's said at face value. She appears to have led a very tortured/troubled life, and I feel sorry for her. I hope she finds peace.
  4. You been hangin' out with Jesse "Sloganmaster" Jackson?
  5. Bless her heart, and yours. Denial is a powerful thing. Geez, things like this suck swamp water. I hope things calm down and that she sees things clearly.
  6. Shocker. (Not.) Geez frickin' Louise...the TSA chaps my arse every time I think of it. I said at the time it was gonna be a debacle - as well as the entire DHS - and I was right. I noticed Rand Paul blocked the Patriot Act renewal for a few days at least. That should be in the crapper, too.
  7. Dang it...he just cannot catch a health break, it seems. Still praying. Thanks for the updates, y'all.
  8. Biden is one of my least favorite public figures (and that's independent of his political views), but the man has had more tragedy and grief than any person should have to deal with in a hundred lifetimes. I pray God's comfort on his heart.
  9. Geez frickin' Louise. Our tax dollars at work for us. :smh:
  10. What. A. Doll. Congratulations, angel!
  11. I believe part of the $10K reporting crap is due to the Patriot Act. As Thomas Lifson (conservative blogger) wrote today, it is ridiculous that moving your own money can be a crime. Should only be a crime when something else is found to be criminal, like drugs, etc. Many stories out there of the government seizing small business accounts on these grounds when the deposits were simply the nature of their business. As for Hastert, and the Duggars, and who knows who else - if you have a skeleton such as this in your closet, for crying out loud, what on EARTH makes you think it won't come o
  12. Yeah, like everybody needed that extra bit of drama. I'm so sorry.
  13. Thank you, precious low, for going to see them and updating us. I will keep them in my prayers.
  14. Thanks, but I got enough troubles without borrowing from tomorrow's.
  15. Do they know a cause for the symptoms?
  16. Sorry that happened, dude. I'd be torqued about it, too. :sigh:
  17. Sorry...I was too busy guffawing at the Atlanta map to post. They nailed it.
  18. I like Billy Joel's cover.
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