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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I use this one, too. But TRUST ME ON THIS - if you have never tasted peaches from the Palisade area of Colorado (near Grand Junction in the western part of the state), you have not LIVED. OH EM GEE...Mother and I were out there a couple of years ago, and we just about DIED when we ran across these peaches. EASILY twice as big as the ones here, and oh, dear Lord - the taste didn't even compare. I mean, we're talking nectar of the gods here, ambrosia, whatever. We're gonna order some this summer...they're about $1/ea. plus shipping, but believe you me - SO WORTH IT. I'm drooling right now.
  2. Oh, I do love you!!! Awesome. My parents were exactly the same. We KNEW better than to cross the line.
  3. I used to live in Smyrna. Can I be an adopted Smyrna-ite? Although I'm also an adopted Vinings-ite (the REAL Vinings, inside 285, not the FAKE Vinings in Mapleton). I kinda liked ZC...I like to pick my battles these days, and so we were always able to remain cordial with each other, even when disagreeing.
  4. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Those chubby little fingers clutching things are so precious. LOVE the pic of the two of them together, too. Thank you for sharing! :wub:
  5. Oh, indeed I do. Pretty sure the one who lives here knows about it. The others live out of town.
  6. Stop trying to steal my thunder. I asked that in another thread. :beatinggatorovertheheadwithastick:
  7. No, the REAL question is when do we go trick-or-treating this year??? I'll cut you some slack on account of you're new and prolly don't know all the rules yet, but that is THE most important question at any time.
  8. That really is a beautiful story. Thanks for posting, Pubby. My condolences to the family. I have a special place in my heart for recovering addicts. Very. Special. Place.
  9. Just a reminder that what they're fighting for here is aboortzion after 20 weeks (five months). TJB made a good point in the other thread about this exact same subject started by TP - he said he thought most aboortzions would be for a horribly deformed baby at this stage. I personally think if a dr. ordered it to save the mother's life (with the mother's concurrence), etc., then such a procedure could be performed as surgery in a hospital at most any time. These folks are adamant about 20 weeks. The other thing they're fighting is the aboortzion clinics being updated to be surgery centers.
  10. Jenilyn's husband has a landscaping bidness.
  11. I LOVE doing Christmas stuff in the summer!!! It makes it have more meaning (to me, anyway) because it's devoid of all the folderol and commercialism of the actual season.
  12. Twinsies!!! ('Cept for the red wine and tattoos. ) YESYESYESYESYES!!!
  13. Oh, shut up, you ornary grammer notsi you.
  14. OH NO SHE DI'IN'!!! :faintingdeadaway: WHO says things like that? WHO even thinks like that? I mean ye gods - I cannot FATHOM what would enter my head to cause me to say something like that, no matter who was listening. Her publisher dropped her even though her latest book (that comes out in October) shot to #1 on Amazon. I'm sure somebody will pick it up. I like some of what she cooks. Esp. her gooey cakes. :smackinglips:
  15. Thanks for the laugh! I don't know the rate; I wouldn't abort at any stage due to my convictions, BUT I do realize that there are times that other people would deem it reasonable. NOTE: I didn't make my response to start a debate on aboortzion. I did it merely to point out that the whole thing they're fighting for is the over 20 weeks, which is five months. Wiki says (I know, but I don't have a lot of time) that the earliest birth is 21 weeks, 5 or 6 days ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preterm_birth#Notable_preterm_births ). The Texas aboortzion bill would have banned
  16. She did indeed stand up. She stood up for a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy after 20 weeks (that's five months pregnant for those of you in Douglas County). Yessirree, Bob. She is a proud sponsor of death.
  17. mei lan


    Amen, sister!!! Smoke, please let us know if y'all need anything. But trust me - the prayers are the most valuable things we could possibly give. Great minds, dana! I had just sent Blondie a message asking the same thing before I scrolled down to check the topics.
  18. Susan, major kudos to you for caring for your father!!! :bighug:
  19. Agreed. As to why this came out now, I have no idea. When was the deposition? Who leaked all this? I did hear one wonk (no idea who or what their leanings are) say that it was leaked to stir up racial crap ahead of the George Zimmerman trial. I like some of her cooking, but her demeanor wears very thin. Esp. considering how bawdy and uncouth she was on that party show she had several years bad. I've heard that's how she is in real life, and that's a shame.
  20. Can't watch. Thanks for the confirmation that it has a happy ending, though.
  21. I always stop and talk to little kids, even if they don't talk to me first. Yes, I am a dork. I always say thank you when men hold the door open for me. All too often, they let it slam in front of me.
  22. AGREED, AGREED, AGREED. :sigh:
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