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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Assuming criminal statutes back it up, my answer is yes. She's 13...she knows better.
  2. Laurie, those pics of it with Bear are beyond precious. I am now in a cuteness coma.
  3. You smart peeps is makin' my pore noggin' hurt.
  4. I'm thrilled!!! One twin is abandoned in the wild, but twins have been successfully raised in captivity, which is what they are aiming for here. The vets are caring for one cub now and will rotate them with Lun Lun. She is such a good mommy! http://www.zooatlanta.org/home/article_content/giant_panda_twins
  5. And this is why I love you. We disagree on the correctness of the verdict, but we agree on the rest. I feel badly for the Martins and the Zimmermans. And there are DEFINITELY no winners here.
  6. Agreed on all points. I say he needs to move to New Zealand (or somewhere even more obscure) and change his name. He will never be safe here.
  7. WOW. I did not think they would do it. Way to go!!! The prosecution was just hideously awful in this trial, and the judge was only slightly better.
  8. I will also admit to snickering, but how in HADES did such a thing get by more than a couple of people before it aired? I can see how the poor anchor chick read it, just because she's used to following the TelePrompTer and rolling with the flow. But DANG.
  9. SOOOO well said!!! Esp. the part in bold. Took me a long time to learn that, but my life is SO MUCH BETTER since I did.
  10. Oh, Blondie - thank you so much for posting for us FB refuseniks. Bless their hearts. MAN, an experience like this really does change you forever. My prayer is that in two years this will be but a distant memory as they live their happy and healthy lives. :wub:
  11. You and the pups go wait outside by your mailbox...I'll be by anytime now.
  12. Thank you for defending me. Yes, I do understand both situations. I was making a blanket statement about the environment at large in TN vs. the environment at large here - BOTH brought about by government leaders. I know why the taxes are high. I contact my commissioner (Mr. Barnett) and generally cc Mr. Austin (the Chairman of the Commission) when I have a concern. I didn't know the part about being a county employee.
  13. Love that version of the song, love Darius, and love the Duck Dynasty folks.
  14. Don't know about him specifically, but with the crime occurring in 2006, and with our expediditious appellate system, I'm guessing he'll be dead in no time...no more than 20 or 25 more years, tops.
  15. Evil, sick, perverted, lower-than-cockroach-dung animal.
  16. He be markin' time on Death Row. http://www.examiner.com/article/court-upholds-death-sentence-2006-silver-comet-trail-death
  17. I'm sure that's the issue - theirs is probably at least 60%-40%, if not more. :sigh:
  18. If you must know, I do indeed know who my commissioner is, and he and Mr. Austin have heard from me on several issues. RE: my taxes - well, I'll explain it this way. My brother lives in Johnson City, TN. His house is worth three times what my house is worth. He lives in the city limits, so he pays two sets of taxes. He does not have ad valorem tax on cars (which we don't now either, but I still do till I sell my car), and he has no state income tax. His local sales tax is 9.75% (it could be 9.5%, but I think it's 9.75%); ours is 7%. He lives in a more modern/improved area than I d
  19. I understand what he posted, and I do understand it has to be run like a business. And I still say my taxes are too high. However, if the county government leaders had showed some restraint and honesty previously, I might be a little more inclined to listen to what they have to say. As in, oh you HAVE to vote for the SPLOST or your taxes will go up. Then the VERY NEXT DAY after the SPLOST passed, they raised taxes anyway because "oops, we found an error". Other examples too numerous to go into here as well. When they start acting like responsible leaders, I will start treating them like
  20. I am a singleton, always suspicious of things that might be a threat to my security, and I try to always err on the cautious side. But I'm also an honest person, and it just doesn't occur to me sometimes that other people can be bad. I can totally see myself doing the same thing you did. Sometimes things just catch me off guard, and then afterward, I'm just kicking myself thinking what I should have done/said/whatever. I HATE when that happens!
  21. Oh, goodie - another rain fan!!! I LOVE the rain. I'm a farmer's daughter, and I will NEVER turn down a chance for rain. Memories of drought are too fresh. And I like thunderstorms, too! We'll sit in the corner and listen to the rain with all the other weird kids.
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