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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. And not to hijack your thread, B, but have you seen the latest pictures of my tiny siblings at Zoo Atlanta? :wub:
  2. . Another favorite...
  3. Thanks, Blondie. There was a bus fire on 285, which I'm guessing they got caught up in the crap from that. Smoke & Wife - my family are praying for Spencer every day. Bless his heart. Please tell him we think he's the bee's knees for being so brave.
  4. Srsly? There's already an Ace at Seven Hills. But if that's fine with them, it's fine with me. I love me a good hardware store. Geeeeeeek!
  5. Actually, I've decided that they're all my favorite. In the first one, who couldn't be moved by Daddy holding her and that little headband? In the second one, she's got her little tongue out working on something. In the third one, she's sleeping, and yes, DGITW does look lovely! In the fourth one, she's raising herself up, and looking all interested...oh, and look at those fat little hands she's bracing on! In the last one, I love that little expression with her mouth...like she's about to start talking to you or something.
  6. The only thing I can say about other people is that there are a lot of shallow, self-centered people in this world. RE: the bolded statement - PERFECTLY NORMAL. What kept me going was just thinking every morning...one more day. I can do this for Daddy this one more day. I sort of adopted a Scarlett O'Hara "I'll think about it tomorrow" attitude during that time. The last two sentences are perfectly normal, too. My mom and I had each other, and it still took everything we had. I was helping her care for him, working full-time, maintaining a house an hour away while living with t
  7. Which is nearly half a mile. Just sayin'.
  8. Utterly adorable pics, all, but my favorite is the one where she's sleeping. PRECIOUS!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
  9. Been where you are (in a different but no less hideously awful situation), and I can so sympathize. My heart hurts for you. What I found about people is that those who had never experienced hard times were just clueless. "Oh, sure you can go with us." (OK, I'll just leave my helpless dying father and my already over-stressed mom alone to fend for themselves.) "Come on - shake off that depression...it's not good for you." (No doo-doo, Sherlock.) "You really need to get out of the house and do stuff with us...it'll make you feel so much better." (You REALLY are not hearing me here - I ha
  10. Yeah, sorry - gotta go with you on this one. (Big "DUH" goes here. ) I know people used to wander all over creation when they were kids, played outside who knows where till dark, walked five miles to school (uphill both ways in the snow without shoes), yadda yadda yadda. But we are not living in the 1950s now. We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto, and bad people really do exist. To each his own, but I've said before that if I'm in charge of a priceless treasure, I'm for dang sure going to do my best to make sure I guard it well. Yes, people can bee too protective and be so-called helic
  11. Oh, dear Lord - I just died of cuteness overload. :wub:
  12. CORRECT. And while LPPT's post is lighthearted, the truth is that most stalkers feel they are not stalking, and that their "true love" just needs more time/persistence/whatever to realize she means yes even though she's saying no now. And non-stalker men in general mostly do not understand how vulnerable women feel in situations like this. Another complication is that we women just don't want to make anybody feel bad. We don't want to hurt their feelings, and the stalker just sees that as massive encouragement. Edited on account of I cain't spell.
  13. True dat. Hey, now - don't y'all be pickin' on my twin. We'uns got to stand up for each other. Yeah, we be odd, but odd is the new black. Or something like that.
  14. mei lan

    Big Rocks

    We paid $125 four years ago at CSC for a rock a little bigger (and somewhat different) shape to be a jumping rock for our swimming pool (6' deep, so no diving board). They are nice folks, and we've bought pea gravel from them as well.
  15. The stalking phenomenon is just completely creepy at every level. All too often women are unable to make anyone believe that a person is really pursuing them. A good Criminal Minds episode comes to mind. I encourage anyone dealing with a stalker to read Gavin de Becker's excellent book, The Gift of Fear. It could save your life.
  16. What a great thing you did, Pubster! If not for pcom, I swear none of us would ever know anything that's going on in the county. Happy Birthday, Pcom!
  17. Performance-enhancing drugs. Apparently they have some serious dirt on him. They're still talking banning for life...I think the announcement is due to come down today.
  18. Very. Very. Fishy. I could not agree more.
  19. Amen, twin. Not only should A-Rod face the music (and I wouldn't care if they banned his behind, but he'll prolly just get a couple of years, which could end his career, I'm thinkin'), but Barry Bonds, et al, should be stripped of any records they are shown as holding. Yes, Hank Aaron still has the most home runs. Stupid MLB. Bud Selig is useless. But at least he's doing a little bit. :sigh:
  20. I'm not a patient, but I can attest to this. Glad it's not just me.
  21. Yeah, like I said...we won't need the room. But the camper will be nice! We can wash up after eating enough of those peaches to choke a horse.
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