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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. We did, too. A bunch of times. 6yo nephew loves it. :wub:
  2. You are so correct. :sigh: :cray: I do, too. :cray:
  3. Several reasons, TP, but among them are that girls in our culture have been taught that the important things in life are surface things like looks and money, and they've been sold a bill of goods by Disney that if they marry the perfect man, they will have the perfect life, and live happily ever after. They've been told that LUV - and more specifically, BEING in LUV - is everything. Problem is, there is no perfect man, there is no perfect life, and there definitely AIN'T no happy ever after. Besides no man being perfect, no man can meet all of a woman's needs as so many women seem to thi
  4. I am appalled that you would post such a vulgar display of wealth here on this board for all the world to see. You think you're so high and mighty...I gotta good mind to come down there and slap you. :angry2: :rofl:
  5. Oh, baby - that is a true beauty!!! I love watching Barrett-Jackson (and the other one whose name I can't recall right now). But I love auctions, period. They fascinate me. Car, antique, cattle, land...you name it, I'm interested.
  6. Fo' shizzle - it now adjoins the Greater Crossroads Metro Area.
  7. Exactly. Being willing to walk away is the key to any negotiation. I think people are just sort of flummoxed by car sales people because they feel intimidated or something. But my dad was the ultimate car trader, and I am my father's daughter. I will add this - my mother bought a Merc four years ago from RBM of Atlanta over on Roswell in Sandy Springs. She'd always wanted one, and had Daddy still been alive, that was going to be their next car. Anyhoo, I was skeptical, because my only dealings with a luxury car dealership were disastrous (Chris Volvo). But we got out of the car, and
  8. I love them!!! I'm so glad they're running episodes of them again. Me, too!!! I think she is da bomb, in manner of the old school stars. I'm not in front of my DVR, but going from memory, some I have on there are White Heat The Man Who Came To Dinner at least five Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers movies I've never seen (I LOVE them together!) Gingerbread Man The Lady Eve many, many episodes of iCarly, Drake & Josh, Victorious, Jessie (recorded by 6yo nephew who is often here) 70+ episodes of b/w The Andy Griffith Show We have the Genie from DirecTV,
  9. Crazy exes obey things like no trespassing signs?
  10. I'm not going out, either. I just like staying home, reading/watching an old movie, and going to bed early knowing that I don't have to deal with the goobs on the road. Although, if I were going out, I swear I would have to check out the possum drop in Tallapoosa. Dang if peeps don't know how to have fun. Also Ford Tough - welcome to pcom!
  11. I had to look through these pics again. What a cutie.
  12. Well, I was gonna say refrigerator, but I forgot about the water heater. Yeah, homey ain't goin' without hot water if she don't hafta.
  13. OH MY GOSH!!! Man, I hope somebody teaches those punks a lesson. :angry2: :angry2:
  14. IDK. I did find a really encouraging blog by a musician dude, though, that I bookmarked. I use startpage.com, which is powered by Google, but blocks all Google tracking. I guess maybe pcom was blocked? heh
  15. That's ok, honey. :patsblondieonthehead: I don't get it. I googled it, and got a bunch of random web sites. What was supposed to be the answer?
  16. Oh, Lord Jesus, it's a far!!!
  17. I would say it was the perfect publicity stunt ahead of the 1/15 premiere of the new season, but it's been handled so utterly poorly that I don't think it was. Even industry insiders are laughing at A&E and talking about what a stupid move it was. From people in the knew, it would appear that A&E was tired of all the Christian hokum and wanted to steer the show more towards a laugh-at-the-backwoods-hicks type thing which they originally thought they were getting, only they dreadfully misjudged how much people would truly love the Robertsons. Industry insiders said A&E had no cho
  18. What an adorable goggeh! You are correct that they are such a joy. And they are so smart! I love the thing about waiting to see if he has any mail.
  19. That looks purty good for a ring from 7-11, don't it?
  20. Oh, all right. Shoot me a PM as well. I don't wanna be the left-outist chick here.
  21. I second this hugely. Doing what the PT folks say is THE biggest help in getting back to normal for any surgery like this. She may hate them (they're used to people hating them, bless their hearts), but she needs to do exactly what they tell her.
  22. mei lan


    I don't disagree, but taking money that retired MILITARY personnel, of all people, earned is just beyond the pale. Rep. Ryan has cooked his own goose with this travesty.
  23. I'm not into the whole paranormal thing* but I originally read this is as "paranormal cooties" and thought geez louise - worse than regular cooties! (Yes, I am a dork.) * While I generally do not prescribe to the paranormal "thing", I won't say that certain things are not real. There are an awful lot of unexplained things out there.
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