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Everything posted by LisaC

  1. Hubby had a Garmin for years (bought it before they offered lifetime updates) and he loved it. He bought a TomTom about a year ago and loves it even more than his old Garmin.
  2. There were some issues with some devices having issues connecting to the internet.
  3. And I can't forget the 5 flavor pound cake that a sweet lady bakes for me every year. YUMMMMM!
  4. LisaC


    Perhaps it's time for the people to stop "demanding" that the state spend money that it doesn't have?
  5. One of my favorites this time of year is a creamy curried butternut squash soup a friend makes. She won't give me the recipe, but it is delicious!
  6. "What you hear isn't always the truth" - my favorite thing said in the video.
  7. I figured someone would go after him one day for treating prisoners like prisoners.
  8. LisaC


    What this is probably going to mean for some employers is that employees WILL pay the tax in the form of lower (if any) pay increases, cut overtime, cut benefits, etc. But, things like this will continue to happen as long as our government shows no restraint in spending and Americans are holding their hands out waiting for the government to support them.
  9. This is the best fudge ever - I only let it cool for about 15 minutes after it reaches soft ball stage (use a candy thermometer, but still test it in ice water) and I only use a wooden spoon to stir/beat it with. I've already made 6 pans of this and will make 2 more tonight to give as gifts. I make fudge, toffee (the cracker toffee above), turtles, pralines, ginger cookies, wedding cookies and truffles for baskets and they are a big hit!! Thinking of adding white chocolate covered pretzels (drizzled w/dark or milk chocolate) this year. Who needs sleep with all of this chocolate around!
  10. An iPad and some of the accessories that go with it.
  11. BUT, I disagree with the article. If Wal-Mart has to increase prices, that is going to encourage other stores to increase prices. If Wal-Mart has to pay employees $12.00 an hour, so is every other retail and grocery store so they can compete with Wal-Mart to keep their employees. And if Wal-Mart has to pay $12.00 an hour, that is going to discourage them and other employers from hiring more employees because there is more of a cost to an employer than just the hourly wage - employers subsidize and provide medical, dental, vision, 401k, profit sharing, vacation, not to mention an increase in
  12. My coffee must be defective - I drink a lot of coffee and let's just say that it's not working.... not even a little bit....
  13. Say the American people fell for this nonsense and the government passed a law saying that Wal-Mart must pay their employees $12.00 an hour. How long do you think it would be before the government decided that all businesses (big and small) should start paying $12.00 an hour? It might not seem like a lot of money to some, but think about small businesses - that would put some of them out of business. It certainly wouldn't encourage businesses to hire new employees. It would, however, force Wal-Mart to increase prices. When Wal-Mart increases prices, that will carry over to other stores an
  14. We do a family photo card (or at least with the princess in it) every year - we order our cards online from Exposures and we hand sign and address them. I keep the list in Outlook, but I still like doing hand addressed envelopes if I have time. Amen!!
  15. We send out 100+ each year - I'm almost finished with them and will mail them by the end of the week. We've gotten about 20 so far - I love getting Christmas cards, but the number of people that mail them any more seems to be dwindling every year, and we still have a few that include the gratuitous "look at what we did and how wonderful we are" letter every year.
  16. My princess is apparently a genius - she is capable of turning over just about anything that has liquid in it, regardless of the design (and sometimes even if it has a "spill proof" lid on it). So, if I give her soup, it's my job to make sure that it's safe for her to eat. Just sayin....
  17. Here's my thought - when I get stuck in a long line (usually behind the person huffing and puffing about it taking too long), I make it a point to thank the cashier. Although she gets paid to be there, she doesn't get paid enough to listen to customers complain and whine because someone in front of them was taking too long. A little kindness goes a long way (especially this time of year).
  18. That is good, but NOTHING replaces the old-fashioned fudge that is on the back of the old Hershey's Cocoa Powder tins. That stuff is fabulous and has a completely different texture than the creamy fudge that marshmallow creme fudge makes.
  19. My hubby makes gift baskets for his corporate clients (all the way down to shrink wrapping them). He fills them with fruit, candies, cookies, nuts, ornaments, and all sorts of things. It's a little work, but he enjoys giving them and his clients love them.
  20. I have bread, milk, TP and hot chocolate - bring it on!!!
  21. I DO get great benefits - I love my job and have been here for over 21 years so I've earned every single one of them.
  22. 6 weeks paid time off, a boatload of holidays, a couple of personal holidays, maternity leave, additional 3 weeks of parental leave, short term medical leave, long term disability, great health, dental, vision and life insurance, day care, backup care for children or elderly, and all sorts of other stuff.
  23. I've been out assisting the county's economy today - surely that qualifies for mayberry?!?
  24. When in doubt, don't do it. Turkeys are on sale everywhere - toss it and go buy a new one.
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