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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. Before I even clicked on this post, I KNEW this question had to involve former member and (insert anyone on the face of the planet). Mamma must be proud.
  2. I think he is, but the court will have the final word. Why send those pathetic pictures to anyone?
  3. No doubt it was a missle. Definitely not a jet. Someone is covering something up. Thank goodness the messiah has all those warships protecting him. 34 to be exact, right zoo?
  4. For they most part, we agree. I know high school baseball costs over $500.00 per player so we pay the bulk of the costs.
  5. Exactly. That is the reason for my parenthesis above. (if necessary). There is so much gov't waste and nobody to hold them accountable. I believe we could save millions by just getting rid of the jobs that are political favors to family and friends.
  6. So which is easier, (if this is even necessary) (1) add a couple more kids per class or (2) get more money from people in the form of taxes. We don't have it. Keep pushing more people into bankruptcy and foreclosure. Here's a little secret, gov't can always be trimmed. Always.
  7. Everyone has to cut back. Nobody should be exempt. Not even schools. Oh no, did I just say the schools?
  8. Some people also don't have any friends that they can talk to so they get on chat boards ONLY to cause trouble. They jump into threads hoping to bait some folks all the while enjoying the frustration they create among other posters. It is a psychosis that should be monitored with proper medication so sane people can deal and relate appropriately. I am glad I speak your language NJ. You are always welcome company in this world.
  9. I'll bet she has tenure. That trumps everything. After all, "she's a great teacher".
  10. Anyone who supports socialism is a socialist. Socialists are not true Americans. Have a good night sunshine. Time to give the moon his shot. See you in the morning.
  11. Sunshine, you have a comprehension problem. Socialism destroys America. Gov't intrusion reduces American choices. When gov't takes away our choices, it substitutes it with socialism. They think they know better for me than I do. Wrong. This country was built upon freedom and the individual pursuit of happiness. Programs that hinder this aren't American and those that support those programs aren't seeing the true America. I hope one day you can post good things about this country and start seeing the good in people who have hope. You and your buddy Obama have the same illness. Tak
  12. McDonalds should leave the city and put new stores outside the limits. Let the lost tax revenue be a message to the city for other corporations to do the same. This socialism these idiots in SF are imposing is what the Obama administration loves. Can't imagine anyone true American who would think this is something good for us.
  13. You're right NG. "Blue dog Dems" or conservative dems who ran in races nation wide got their butts handed to them. I blame the democrat party for putting Will in a situation that He couldn't win even if he walked on water. They actually believed (along with a lot of supporters) that he could win in a super majority republican district in a political time that the (D) stood for "don't elect anyone of this party". Will needs to look at his political stances, distance himself from anything union (not taking thier money), and present himself more in line with the constiuents that he wants to r
  14. We just feel we can tolerate her better until 2012 than trust anything from the democrat who has recieved campaign money from unions. Go figure. Look for a new nominee from the repubs in '12.
  15. Hey bullshiit..........where does my farewell say I am leaving for what you claim? "I have had the priviledge of meeting some wonderful people here on pcom. Whether we agreed or disagreed, I still think the world of you. Most of you have my email address or phone number if you need to get in touch. Adios amigos." I simply need to quit things that don't make my life productive. I don't like what I have allowed myself to become here on pcom. Are there minor issues that aggravate me? Yes, but I can take those. The bigger picture is relates to me more on a personal level. Just like you
  16. I have had the priviledge of meeting some wonderful people here on pcom. Whether we agreed or disagreed, I still think the world of you. Most of you have my email address or phone number if you need to get in touch. Adios amigos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-HRbsejTyw&feature=related
  17. His reality left him years ago. I guess that is what happens when you sponge off the gov't all your life. To the point I guess that your own family won't have anything to do with you.
  18. And, if the smartest people are running the country, then they're stupid too. He's just a lonely old man.
  19. I've never hit my kids. But the wife could use a little straightening up at least twice a week. All joking aside, if direct disobedience occurred, they got spanked. Wasn't needed much as they got older.
  20. Yep, and that girl looks real inspired to work.
  21. My good friend who owns a Chick Fil A called me a couple months ago to let me know. We heard about it a month earlier but we were still excited anyway. We also heard it from a local friend in real estate too. I hope both of them aren't wrong. I'll be truly disappointed.
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