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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. I don't see anything in watching them either. In the least, it makes for entertaining tv.
  2. Personally, I believe the mob got Kennedy and covered it up. Who helped them is a minor mystery. As far as the 9/11 stuff, there are some questions that linger but you can't do what was done and expect to have that many players involved without someone coming forward. Too many things to line up and execute.
  3. I hope everyone who wanted a handout from the producers of the world are happy. Thanks for adding more paperwork to my already busy work day. It will be a nightmare. Liberals and their socialism/marxism sucks.
  4. How dare you accuse (MSM) of presenting TM as a religious (Christian) nutjob. I don't think they would do something like that.
  5. scroll up and read post 2 and 4. Their responses don't surprise me.
  6. Don't muslims build mosques as buildings of "accomplishments" too? The mulims in Jerusalem built their mosque on the site of the old Jewish Temple to help prevent the prophetic temple from being built in the last days. This will serve as a monument for the muslims to honor what they did. I see this as a slap in the face of all those who died on 9/11. It is ashamed to see Americans blinded by the intentions of a philosophy that attacked this country and is still doing it today.
  7. Alright you three. I want to offer my apology to you guys concerning several responses in another thread. I went back and read my inappropriate responses and I regret the things I posted. I don't have a personal beef with any of you and I sure don't want to start one. Behavior like that isn't healthy for anyone so I extend this "olive branch" as a gesture of reconcilliation. I will work harder on more constructive responses in the future.
  8. Need another drink? Now that PT isn't your punching bag, you on the prowl for new victims? Just as your description above speaks, you guys could flock together in the "most disgruntled" pcom group on the board. I have never seen several guys stir up more trouble on this board and you want to condemn others. That is hilarious.
  9. Even your socialist mind has warped your sense of reality. That's what propaganda from the left does. Once you admit to your true self, life becomes much easier to live. Release the hate and come to grips with the truth and you'll feel a weight lifted right off your shoulders. At least you should admit who you are. I love this line.
  10. As was I. I've read enough of him to know where he stands. I referred to "lib" in his case because he just wasn't understanding the word "generally". That seems to be lib brains when it comes to reality and truth. Guess they could see the correlation. Doesn't surprise me.
  11. I'm conservative thank you. No party affiliation at all. As for you, don't group yourself with conservatives either, you are as European Socialist as you'll find around here.
  12. What does the word "generally" mean to you? It seems some of you people can't get that through your thick lib skulls. Face it, your party is generally the party of higher taxes and bigger gov't. Ut oh, there is that word generally again.
  13. I wonder if one of these bad cops could run into AE sometime? Perhaps one has and beat the hell out of em. We could only hope.
  14. Go back and read my statement. It is very accurate. Dems generally = higher taxes and Republicans generally = lower. You cheat yourself if you think any other way. You can rest assured in this economy, the democrat WILL raise taxes. Can't argue that. Good day.
  15. Lets remember this: Even though several of the republican candidates "raised" taxes when they held other offices, you can rest assured that a democrat in office will NO DOUBT raise your taxes. So, it is better to vote for a republican who MIGHT raise your taxes than it would be to vote for a democrat who WILL raise your taxes. (no pun intended)
  16. Two to four would be nice, depending upon what you got left................if any. Thanks CC. BTW, I'll trade you free chicken coupons at KFC for them..............
  17. Poor AE. Whine, whine, whine. Somebody got their lunch money stolen a lot in school. I am glad I don't blame others for my shortcomings. Guess we know what kind of past AE has had. I wonder if he spent time in jail "innocently" convicted? He might be disgruntled from all that prison extracurricular activity that he "had" to participate in.
  18. You could give a nice couple who lived in your subdivision a few years back about $100000.00 in cash with no questions. If would be a birthday you would never forget.........
  19. Tell me how this thug was given the authority to have a child while in prison? (If I read that right)
  20. Baybreeze in D'ville. Good prices and great food.
  21. He won't mention stuff like this. Cop killer let out of jail
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