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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. Boy that topic got me all excited................... Took me a while though to figure out that you can't do too much in that little house. My feet would get cold. They are cute though for what they are actually built for.
  2. ------------------------------- Prostitution
  3. I hope the subdivision does great because those houses are too pretty to end up in foreclosure. I would hate to see that happen to any subdivision. I would like to say that we have had our first good news about the housing market. Existing home sales were up last month. I hope you enjoy your time building your new home. It was truly the most exciting we have ever done.
  4. ===================== How many houses have sold in the s/d? Many of the same houses that I walked through 12 months ago are still empty. Our house is very similiar to one close to the sales office and if he can get over 475k for that then mine is worth well over 700k. It is a very nice s/d but you have to price them according to the market. If foreclosures start your lot will drop fast down that hill.
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