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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. I thought that communist occupying the white house said this was going to get better? Guess what America, someone has to pay for all those loafers who choose not to insure themselves. I wonder if anyone was out on the political stump telling us this was going to happen?
  2. If you all don't think GW isn't about halting capitalism, go to some websites and listen to some of the demonstrators about their goals. You'll see how they hate anything business like.
  3. They want GW to be true because they don't like capitalism. Plain and simple.
  4. millions of years of breathing and this is what it has come to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvy_uJxJ_-g
  5. Here's what we know about GW. The earth heats and cools over time all by itself. An exploding volcano in the early 90's put more noxious gas in the atmosphere in 2 weeks than man has EVER done. GW is more political than scientific these days. Algore is a bum and idiot. Most data that is used by GW theorists has been manipulated to propel their position. The world is catching on to the farce known as GW (man made).
  6. I'll take "I just kicked his @ss with facts and common sense" Alex for $500.
  7. I'll spell it out for you WR, the load of crap referral was to your post. Ridiculous, pointless, and brainless loads of crap. And you know it. I hope you have a most wonderful day.
  8. Of course you do. This movement is the most anti capitalist, anti American movement on the planet. What's funny, some of the dirtiest areas of the world are in communist countries. Look at Russia (no longer communist) and China.
  9. You'll notice on some business that they will not take 50's or 100's. Since these are legal tender and you have them to pay for services, do companies have to take them as a form of payment? Is there any legal precedent stating they can refuse?
  10. Thanks to anti American/communist groups like the ACLU, criminals get more passes today than ever. Glad we don't have to worry about these.
  11. Here's your bunk about Pinatubo (Philippines) Global environmental effects Space Shuttle (Mission STS-43) photograph of the Earth over South America taken on August 8, 1991, showing double layer of Pinatubo aerosol cloud (dark streaks) above high cumulonimbus topsThe powerful eruption of such an enormous volume of lava and ash injected significant quantities of aerosols and dust into the stratosphere. Sulfur dioxide oxidised in the atmosphere to produce a haze of sulfuric acid droplets, which gradually spread throughout the stratosphere over the year following the eruption. The injecti
  12. And that the number one contributor to our heating is the sun getting hotter lately. I guess since we aren't in pubby's camp, we are all in denial. He doesn't even address the fact that most of the data gathered has been manipulated to fit their ridiculous conclusions. But hey, it takes all kind of 'sky is falling' type people who make their money on manipulating the mases. Go figure.
  13. Can you imagine algore as a cave man living at the end of the last ice age? I can see him running around screaming at all the other cave people and telling them to put their fires out that it was warming the earth and all the glaciers in upper New York would melt and cause the ocean level to rise. On a serious note, what was the cause of "global warming" that melted all the snow and ice after the last ice age? Can the OP answer the question since he is obviously a believer. How about Mars and thier global warming issue. Do man hold a responsibility there too? Are coal emissions to b
  14. Here's the way you should have posted it................ With more Americans believing the truth that global warming is a myth, agenda driven scientists paid by GW marxists are trying to figure out a way to restate the fantasy more convincingly. Please don't come in here and try to deceive us in our truthful ways of thinking. Your boy algore has dug his own hole.
  15. Loves was truly the best crab legs I'd ever had. I sure do miss them.
  16. I remember this topic being argued by the "jughaid" person. So I went back to look up the comments because the topic title implies that we all discussed this before. Guess what, jughaid isn't there anymore. Just vanished.....poof. I wonder "why" all those posts are gone? Where did the infamous "jug" go to? I have a pretty good idea where 'jug' is now and what he/she is posting under here on pcom. I wonder why all the secrecy?
  17. Ahhhh, poooor baaaby. Looks like another communist win win situation. I guess if the people don't agree to take the gov't trains, then the gov't will just..............oh I don't know....... kill them for not complying.
  18. I agree. It's a viscous circle where one player waits or relies on the next. Cruising along at the bottome in this economy is not a welcomed thing. It is better than the alternative but progress is never made if the economy stays stagnant. Eventually, the bottom starts to erode again.
  19. Just so you know, Flor and Decor only sells off-goods, seconds, and cabin grade hardwoods and tile. There is a market for those products but make sure you know that going in. Special order products are their only 1st quality items. Factory Direct doesn't necessarily mean 1st quality.
  20. I think that is all that this is too. What I would do before this guy did any work on my property, I would check to see if he had insurance and I would definitely make him sign a contract for the work and amount just so you can have some protection. Heck, I would probably get out there and video tape it if you feel uncomfortable. Just be sure you cover yourself for any liability and try to minimize a lawsuit.
  21. Bankrupcy and Foreclosure lawyers are raking it in too. That doesn't mean the economy is getting better. Since there are many segments to this "robust" economy, it will take a massive explosion of the smaller ones to drag the larger ones that aren't doing so well. Until the building side of the economy starts up again, we will always have dismal reports to publish. I'm afraid that most folks will just be satisfied that we aren't slipping down anymore and accept the new standard. Not what we want in a President who has NOOOOOOOOO leadership skills. Some of you can post all the happy numbe
  22. .....Or when they can see progress and NOT be told there is.
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