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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. I don't think cmorg needs any encouragement.
  2. Bring some credibility with you next time and we can talk. I've never been a victim of a home invasion, but I am outraged against the practice. We see how you roll. If it doesn't affect you then you don't care. See you later Dreamer.
  3. I know it's frustrating for you to think rationally anymore and maybe that well water has gotten in your ears, but I'll agree to this direction and let you be. Your words are just that with no basis behind them. Pcom understands. Adios locos.
  4. I've been friends with this guy for 12 years and our kids have grown up together. I'll take that over 45 co-workers who apparently aren't friends. Your wife, she has credibility and it's great she hasn't been subject to this. I'm glad you haven't either, but like I said, just because it hasn't happend to you, doesn't mean it won't. Frankly, I don't think we'll hear about it if it does.
  5. You do realize that most folks on here laugh about you all the time, right? Your little stint a few months back about your dreams and little kid in the well put you over the edge of sanity. Post like these really continue to enforce the perceptions that rational folks have of you. Carry on with YOUR fanatasy world and try to lay off the mushrooms.
  6. PM me sometime and I'll let you know what they are. Or maybe you can go to sleep and have one of little dreams of yours so you can come back and post what you have "seen".
  7. You calling me or my friend a liar? How many people that you don't know do you trust? I trust people I know more than the ones I don't. I can give you a number to call if that is necessary. He's an honorable man that carries more truth and thought than you'll ever know. BTW, this has been going on in the airports longer than you think. It's just getting worse in the past few weeks. I talked to my friend about this months ago.
  8. If we profiled like we should, most of this wouldn't have of occur. But you and your liberal pansies think hurt feelings are more important than dead people. Bizarre in your world. If you want to equate government intrusion to fear then so be it. Personally, I don't enjoy it but like I said, you seem to welcome any and all opportunities for cheap thrills. If that has to float your boat then so be it. Not my cup of tea and I'll will fight it tooth and nail. I won't fly for that very thing and I will be honored in protecting my family from the intrusion that this matter is. My kids will
  9. Real good friend told me last night that he's been groped, fondled, shifted, teased, and patted by the best of the TSA. He flies weekly. He's gotten used to so I guess we have nothing to worry about anymore. Not saying everyone does get groped but I doggone won't keep insinuating that nobody does. Just cause it doesn't happen to Ol' Blue, everyone else is crazy and fear-mongering.
  10. Only you would make a comparison of a Doctor and a $10/hr TSA worker. Serious is not in your mind anymore. Your sanity is draining out your ears boy. Fear doesn't and never will guide my path but like I said, if you enjoy a stranger fonding your inadequacies, then have at it. Keep dreaming and looking in wells for dead people and let us know how that turns out.
  11. We'll see how that goes. We're already at war with these people (moderate to extremist) so what's one more reason.
  12. Totally screwed up reply. I want my wife to be touched in those areas only by me. You may get off on the idea of a stranger groping you but that isn't how we roll. I noticed you didn't address the issue of the muslim women being exempt from inspection below the neck. Maybe you can have a dream and see what we have in store for us in the future.
  13. Still not the right path taken. Union contracts still in place and top heavy pensions that will still bite them in the butt are there too. Heck, give my company a bailout and release me of all my debt and I'll turn a quick profit too. Until GM sees the error of thier ways, what does the future hold when they know the gov't will bail them out.
  14. I'm for selling any and all military equipment to the general public to. There shouldn't be a ban on that either. After all, a well equiped militia will always keep the gov't in check.
  15. How about when teens get a hold of one of those 4 door sedans? Talk about a recipe for disaster. Where are our elected officials on this?
  16. You stole my thoughts. 1. You will be profiled. Your saftey overrides your feelings. After all, you'll feel better knowing your flying in a perfectly safe plane. 2. Your name will be the first clue of a possible threat. 3. If you parked a camel in the overnight lot, definite pat down.
  17. Some people embrace gov't intrusion because they are so weak in their own personal responsibility department. They have someone else to blame if any troubles come up. Seems someone has a tight hug around the neck of that demon.
  18. You do realize who you are arguing with right? You do know that you can't argue with her. She reminds me of jughaid who used to post on here. former member started posting almost exactly after jughaid disappeared. Only a coincidence, right? Someone as combative as former member is, I wonder how she didn't post a single thing for 4 years when she first become a member here on pcom. Makes for an interesting conversation. I suspect a new name will be coming soon after enough exposure occurs on this.
  19. Too late...............maybe "Unemployed Boss" would be a good alternative.
  20. You are right. He should pay it back but how do we know he will? His word apparently means nothing. He definitely doesn't deserve anything "honorable" because he didn't do anything honorable. Discharge this creep without honor and send him on his pathetic way. Maybe he needs to send a thank you note for those who will fight for his right to be a pansy too.
  21. The troll is all over the board only to cause mischief and anguish among the sensible. Please remove yourself from the web that is spun so the troll can move on to more victims.
  22. You're right. Someone needs a man, desperately, to fill its free time. Moving on.
  23. Now religious views trump any contract too. If we are a country of contract law, then that should preceed everything right. Guess not down at Grant Park.
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