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Everything posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. ~sigh~ I haven't decided yet. I have alot going on in April, but if I don't go, it'll be the first Bon Jovi concert I've missed since I was....14? I went to the last four tours.
  2. Electronically. I did it all in about fifteen minutes and the checks were both deposited within a few weeks.
  3. Who were they done with? I did mine through Turbo Tax on Feb 10th and got my fed refund on the 19th and my state refund two days ago.
  4. Crush it and inhale the 'smoke'...not really smoke, but a dust. http://boingboing.net/2009/04/11/smoking-smarties-can.html That's an extreme generalization. Some of the most successful, happy, productive people I know are stoners. I also, however, know many stoners who pretty much sleep and smoke themselves through life. Blanket statements never work because there's always a group of folks that it don't qualify. If I *had* to chose, it would really depend on the person. If they're it's a regular stoner vs a regular drunk driver, I'd go with stoner for sure.
  5. There is information on this in the document I linked in my 'USG' thread - right under the UGA section.
  6. Some kids do it just because it gives a good shock- not a big enough one to cause any damage, though. I first saw it because, in high school, Dxh and all of his friends were bass and guitar players. Pick-ups take 9V batteries, and their guitar and bass cases were always full of strays. When the one in their instrument died, they would test each stray with their tongue until they found one that worked. Hilarious to watch.
  7. My little monster has done most of that list, plus some. That's the *one* thing I don't play with. I grew up with guns all around the house - dad's hand gun was within reach in his room if I decided to get curious. I knew better, but it had been drilled into my head since I was old enough to walk that you do not touch guns. I've never had that talk with my little one - never thought about it because none of us had guns until her dad recently moved into a house with several. Should have, my mistake, and we have that talk now...but I don't trust her judgment around something so sudde
  8. I just want an excuse to dress in something other than business clothes and have a little fun.
  9. Little one just blinked at me when I tried to explain to her that something she wanted would cost me a half of a days work... ...So I made her start working - more than her regular cleaning and chores. If she wants something, I can find things she can help me with (that save me time and money in the long run anyway) so she can buy it herself. Little bit makes exactly half of what I do an hour, but never makes it further than about a half an hour into it before she quits. So she earns her bit, adds it to the piggy bank, and is 'earning' that toy she wanted. Eventually, I'll wind up pitchin
  10. I'm not watching, but there is, indeed, a dude with a mullet. Kind of reminds me of a Beatles haircut in the front and sort of long in the back. He did horribly last week.
  11. Hush yer mouth! It'd be better if he was always barefoot. ....was he barefoot?
  12. I'll remember that should I ever get that response from you. I don't do mass texting most of the time. I did when OH proposed, and I did when I was sending updates while he was in ICU a couple of weeks ago. I hate receiving them, too. 99% of the ones I get are chain mail.
  13. Dxh brought home about $400 a week. I got a job also making $400 a week...and I pay more than $125 a week in childcare for the little one. After gas, daycare, and taxes I bring home just under one weeks worth of work a month. ...but it's a job. I got up every morning, contributed to society, paid my taxes and brought home enough to completely cover our groceries for the month with a little left over. To me, personally, it was better to do that than to sit at home with my daughter and get food stamps. That's just me though, and everybody's opinions differ.
  14. Mine doesn't have the ability to play anything but the silly tones it came with (or picture taking options, or the internet, or anything other than make calls. You know, like a phone is supposed to do ) The Other Half's crackberry not only has a different flippin' ring tone for everybody that calls him, it sings Johnny Cash to you while you're calling him. Highly annoying. Nothing like getting to the chorus and having him pick up while you're loudly singing.
  15. To answer the original question, yes the little one knows about my finances as well as her dad's. She never knows exactly how much I have, because she's only 5 and doesn't quite comprehend what that means. She does, however, know when payday comes, what bills have to be paid, and that once I look at how much is left I either give her a thumbs up or a thumbs down on those cookies she's wanting or the movie she's been dying to go see. After a year of talking openly with her about money, she's more than understanding about the times that things just aren't going to go as she wants them to. Not on
  16. I also agree that he has an obligation to his daughter...that part I agree with. I dunno...I just can't imagine. Dxh and I are a whole different kind of 'divorced parents' than most, it seems.
  17. Noon works for me. It'll probably just be me, unless I can get Mister to come too. He only has a few tats. My BFF is covered, but I doubt she can get a babysitter.
  18. I'm up for either of these, but I don't have a wedding dress. Find one in my size and I'm all over it. I'm not heavily covered, either, but I have 9 if that counts for anything.
  19. The ex is still making him pay child support? Seriously? FIRST thing I did when Dxh lost his job was say 'Lets find you a job, figure out how to keep your apartment, and spend your unemployment on your bills....I'll figure out how to pay for the kid.' I didn't want him to pay me, then lose his place and therefore wind up not being able to have visitation regularly - all boils down to him being able to spend time with her. He wound up not getting unemployment, lost the apartment, and can't have visitation regularly anyway. I still can't imagine making him pay his $650 a month when he doe
  20. Shhhhhh, don't bring this up! I use that stuff on Ebay! They really should charge shipping on the stuff, at minimum. I know the mail carrier actually gets out and bring it to the porch and everything. ETA: I'm fine with no mail on Saturdays, but I really need the Post office to be open. Some of us work jobs that prevent us from being able to get to the post office during normal hours - some of us have things that need to be mailed regularly, also.
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