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Everything posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. I get a discount for paying the full amount so when I have the whole amount that's what I do.
  2. Seems more likely it was a bunch of GOP representatives who don't want to risk alienating south Georgia where their votes are, to me.
  3. I believe he also played the banjo? He was very talented.
  4. We are the only animal on the planet that does not interact with one another face to face. It will be interesting to see how long it takes society to fall apart when people no longer accept responsibility for the things they say and a whole generation comes of age who were not taught even basic good manners, much less things like charity, compassion or civility. When you consider how much information we gain from body language and facial expressions, it isn't any wonder there is so much discord. So now there are three of you ignoring the requests of basically everyone else to stop h
  5. So if you didn't hear it, it must not be true? Sheesh. Some of you really need to get over yourselves already.
  6. Deer also tend to cross the road in the same areas so if you have seen deer at a particular spot in the past, those would be the places to watch. It was that way for the 30 years I drove to/from work on Braswell Mountain Rd, anyway. Also, the time change will make them much more difficult to see...
  7. The Shining Salem's Lot Pet Sematary Prince of Darkness Many of King's books I do not find literally scary, and I have read them all, but those were as bad or worse than the movies. Seeing Salem's Lot in my younger years left me with a lifelong phobia of anything vampire-ish in nature. Oddly enough, I was put off by an episode of Psych that was on the TV when I woke up one evening. I generally found something to laugh at in almost every episode but there was one about nightmares and zombies and such that I really found parts of unsettling.
  8. But you are taking pills that are for intended for people, correct? I do know a lady who swears by some kind of veterinary liniment they sell at Tractor Supply for aches and pains. Maybe horse stuff, will have to ask her again what exactly it was...she is in her late 80s and just has just lately begun to slow down from her usual activities that might involve anything from a chainsaw to an extension ladder. Beats all I ever saw.
  9. So basically the United States is a socialist country where the middle class spends the time It is not working defending the policies that allow the rich to remain rich or become richer while the middle class works harder to not get ahead. Or so it sounds from this post (except the part about defending policies - that is based strictly on what takes place all over the internet on a daily basis).
  10. I wait until election day. I feel that is the best way to be sure I have as much information as possible before deciding where to cast my vote. I am always happy to see third party candidates on the ballot. It is unfortunate that so many choose to vote for 'the lesser of two evils' rather than to seriously consider other possibilities only because the two parties' have managed to bend the process to maintain their broken system. Until that changes, not much else will.
  11. Not really strange at all: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas I had read something along these lines before, although not on the internet: Similarly, the skeleton of a teenage girl (named 'Naia' after a water nymph from Greek mythology) was found in 2007 in the underwater caves called sistema Sac Actun in Mexico's eastern Yucatán Peninsula. DNA was extracted and dated. The skeleton was found to be 13,000 years old, and it is considered the oldest genetically intact human skeleton ever found in the Americas. The DNA indicates she was from a lineage derived
  12. A quaint bit of wisdom that comes to mind whenever there is talk about how much money people are making off the stock market: Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
  13. Would be just as interesting to know who approved/allowed/ignored the dumping of construction waste when the courthouse complex was built. There was not an actual garbage dump/landfill. I think this is more of an inert landfill. My question is this: how likely is blasting at that site to damage the very expensive taxpayer-funded courthouse complex and other structures in the area? Hate to be the one to break the news, but the city needs to concentrate on some other more pressing issues if they want high quality ANYTHING in Dallas. Design for the future, plan for today seems
  14. Outrage is not going to solve the problem. Neither will a knee-jerk reaction. I don't think there is any question that the decades-long 'war on drugs' has done little except create an ever bigger black market and now that black market is also flooded with dangerous counterfeit substances. What we need (rational leadership and medical professionals - not lobbyists - working together to find a real solution) we are not going to get. Sorry, it is impossible to discuss this problem without any political undertones whatsoever because politics played and continues to play a large part in b
  15. I got one up near the Rock campground across from Polk Motel a few years ago. No idea where to get one now.
  16. Was it the 'homeless veteran'? I have seen that guy & his wife pull up in a pretty nice Trailblazer, park in front of Taco Bell and then he goes over by the highway to stand while she sits in the car and smokes and drinks coffee. Dunkin Donuts coffee the day I saw them. He was smart enough to leave his cup on the dash...
  17. Pretty bad here in Dallas too. All kinds of seemingly able-bodied young adults around here who clearly do not work. This is why I am not impressed by the low unemployment stats; they do not make a difference for certain demographics (ie-low skilled workers). Not everybody can (or should) work in fast food restaurants. Rockmart has it's share of homeless already, as, I am sure, does Douglasville. It wasn't this bad at the height of the recession that I recall.
  18. Would just give me another reason to be glad I don't subscribe to Twitter.
  19. I imagine this would do away with the extra breaks they give during the year that they did not previously give?
  20. I never was much one for rope climbing, and we never know what tomorrow holds in store despite the number of appendages or how tightly they clamp so I will sit this one out, but I do understand what you are saying. I was fortunate to have had pretty much whatever I needed growing up thanks to a mother who was exceedingly ambitious, smart and hard-working. Had to scrape and scrimp as an adult; first because I was new at it and then later due to some less than stellar choices and decisions. Whatever else it has been, my life has not been boring or uneventful.
  21. Good. Maybe that will be the end of the 'emergency broadcast system'. I do hope there is a way to opt out of any such text messages. If I wanted to hear from any of the clowns in DC I would sign up for a Twitter account... I prefer to get my info the old fashioned way - by paying attention to what the hell is going on around me. (Whoever it was made the snide remark about my marital status should carefully read this thread. I am a ray of sunshine farting rainbows compared to some of you...)
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