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Dallas Bigfoot

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Everything posted by Dallas Bigfoot

  1. Wednesday morning headlines: Dick sticks it to Lane. Drew out for good. Run off an anti-climax. Smiles all around.
  2. Just think about this. A severe solar storm could wipe out satellites and it would mean no digital football this fall. And to think our government did away with analog (waves). Conspiracy.
  3. I'm glad this guy was not working for me at the time because from what you are saying he might want to blame me for giving him the job. He still thinks Lowe's is responsible. He said he will probably loose the job because he can't work. I offered to take the job from him but he wanted a finders fee. I don't think I'll sub work to him anytime soon.
  4. If you somehow are injured at a business while shopping is the business responsible for paying any medical cost? Case in point a person I know was shopping at Lowe's and was pulling out some suspended ceiling 'T's and cut his fingers causing him to have stitches. He said the 'T's in the display tray were bent and he had to tear open a box and while trying to pull some out is when he got cut. He said Lowe's assisted with the cut giving him gauze to try and stop the bleeding and offered to call an ambulance. They took the info and said Lowe's corporate would call him. He said when they called he
  5. Not all Beavers are alike. The one he encountered was a wild one so much that he had to have shots (rabies). Sometimes it's just best to leave unfamiliar Beavers alone. Some you encounter Tide won't wash off. Come to think of it I've never seen any Beavers in a cage at a zoo.
  6. To sell books door to door are they not required to have a business license? First you should ask to see their business license and then ask to show you their business' ID which should be hanging around their neck or clearly visible. If not SLAM. Don't take chances even if legit. Once they leave your steps or yard check which way they went and try and to ID car. Then call sheriff's office.
  7. And when he finds the alleged rapist he is going to bitch slap him sooooooooooo hard.
  8. If you are issued a cell phone by your HOA are you required to report it as income for the value of it and cost per month to operate to the IRS? I know if you also use it for personal business you have to report it but if only for HOA usage it seems you still have to report it because it is considered value as in payment for services. If you report a tax violation to the IRS how much reward do you get?
  9. Try Pickett's Mill about their group shelter. I heard they are going to open it up for Saturday's only very soon. Call and talk to James. He is the only ranger left due to DNR budget cuts.
  10. If you haven't voted early be sure to vote Tuesday. It's not a right but a privilege so go out and vote. I don't care who you support but a lot of our service people have died to protect your privilege to vote. VOTE EARLY AND VOTE OFTEN (LOL).
  11. If you watch the weather channel 101 and watch the radar it seems most of the time that a big storm (yellow and red) splits as it gets to Dallas going below and above Dallas. Strange. Is there some super power doing this or is because of the politics in Dallas? Maybe there is some secret equipment inside the tunnel under Dallas. Maybe it's because of Pubby because he doesn't want anyone raining on his parade.
  12. I don't know a thing about the incident but I'm sure the police acted stupidly. Oh, I'm sorry. Had an Obama moment. I have Paulding, Cobb, Douglasville and state police on my cell. Won't hesitate to call for backup. I have yet to meet an arrogant Paulding deputy. All seem to be respectful of citizens. Next time you see one in person thank them for their service (do the same for all military personnel) and tell them to be safe.
  13. What is the best site to get a real time shot of my home from above? Want to see if walkway can be seen and other items. I tried Google Earth but it was taken in the afternoon and you can't see much for the shadows.
  14. That's what I did with my old tags. Library has books on bird house plans or pick up one from HD or any book store.
  15. World Cup was good but the referees stunk. The ref that didn't allow the USA goal (wasn't off sides and defender had his arms around Bradley) never would say why he didn't allow goal even to FIFA officials. He is banned from FIFA games. Also Mexico and England got robbed of goals because of bad refs. FIFA officials apologized to them but not USA. Obvious refs and announcers wanted Spain to win. But there were some good matches. If Germany played all games like first one they would have won. Disappointed Argentina didn't do as well. Meradona is a hoot.
  16. Build a bird house, bend the tag and use it for the roof.
  17. It's really the Marshall's job to write tickets for ordinance violation - parking on street. However in the subdivision you mention the idiot ACC chairman singles out certain people. You can ride through the subdivision and find cars parked on the street or on the grass most days. One is even a couple of houses from the HOA president. They sent a letter to the people across the street from me about a car in front of their house but the car belonged to a neighbor. ACC guy said it was still their responsibility to keep cars from in front of their home. Like I said..........idiot. There are so ma
  18. Room A is the "parlor" which is used for guest or when the preacher comes to visit - no kids allowed. Room B is the "family room" because that's where the family gathers to watch TV and talk about what's going on with you all. We have the same situation. Usually though friends gather in the kitchen/breakfast where we have a long bar overlooking the kitchen. Then again, depending on the weather, we go on the back deck, go by the pool or go to the den in the basement to shoot pool. But you can call them what you want.............it's your house.
  19. His mom sounds like a guy I worked with several years ago. He was angry at his two boys that still lived at home. They had failed out of college three times and didn't want to work. Their mom did everything for them. They were 26 and 28 years old. They got fired from their last job as grave diggers. He should have booted them long ago but he said his wife enabled them since they were toddlers. I told him he really is showing he is the "man" of the house..........yes dear.
  20. My father was a stern and controlling man. I call mine "Childhood Memories or Nightmares". We had chickens and dad would cut off their heads and we watched it run around. We had to clean off all the feathers. Being the youngest I caught most of my dad's rants. How many kids know about games like red light, mother may I and Simon says. Didn't want to be like my dad but went over board sometimes. Still hug my kids, boys included, and tell them I love them. Kids need to be told that no matter what they do or don't do. Used to steal pomegranates and plums from a neighbor's yard when we were ab
  21. Have you ever thought about sitting down and writing about your childhood and experiences, good or bad, for your children and grandchildren. We just had a big clan meeting (family reunion) where about 200 people came. It happens every 5 years. My sister and brother suggested we write down things that we went through and did during our early days including old photos. My children were more or less shocked at some of the things I did. No electronic gizmos or computers. Listed some of the games we played and about damming up a creek to make a swimming hole. We made kites out of twigs and newspape
  22. Where on Macland. That's a long road.
  23. Water your tomatoes on a regular basis and the same amount. Also if you have some old sheet rock (Gypsum) laying around you can crumble it up and put around the plants.......cheap calcium fix.
  24. Lived in Charleston 28 years and miss it. There is so much to do 24/7 and all year round. Go with the suggestions above but you might want to go to the visitor's center first and then decide what ya'll would like to do. We used to go to the Shem Creek Bar and Grille in Mt. Pleasant. When we lived there we would take a couple of days every spring and play tourist. When we go back and the tide is low you can smell the pluff mud (marsh). Miss going crabbing, shrimping and surf fishing.
  25. The ones herein that don't want SPLOST are going to be the same ones that scream and holler when they are stuck in traffic, hit a pothole, and their kids have no place to play. And they also have a better idea. No parks and no road improvement. Maybe we should change our main roads into tolls to help pay for improvements. Or better still just go back to dirt roads and have kids play in the streets. Get real. Alternative if you don't like progress is to move to the Oregon wilderness. A lot of your same thinking people live there. VOTE YES ON SPLOST!
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