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Dallas Bigfoot

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Everything posted by Dallas Bigfoot

  1. The state has raised cost for licenses and other fees to help offset lower revenue. Have any of you noticed higher fees? I went to get my permit to carry renewed and was told no renewal any more but I had to more-or-less start over. Requirement is every five years. When I got my receipt it showed $35 for the permit, $40 for finger printing and a $1 charge for "Probate retirement". Is this how the state pays for retirement funds for employees? Do they add the "retirement fee" for all state probate employees or is this just for Paulding County probate employees? If this is just for Paulding,
  2. maybe they are putting in a Race Trac or a Quick Trip service station. They need another gas station like we need another church on a corner.
  3. I will hand it to the Georgia Bulldog fans. They are loyal. I attended Clemson and we are faithful fans win or loose just like the Dawg fans. Can't say the same for Carolina Gamecocks. My daughter graduated for Carolina and I have a grandson there on a music scholarship. Don't know where I went wrong. When Carolina loses they attack their team. After one game when they lost, fans were throwing things at the team as they were leaving the field. Poor losers and fair weather fans. Seen them react that way for years.
  4. And Montana had one of the earliest snow falls on record. Not at higher elevations but at lower levels than ever before. Old wives tale is if you have heavy fog in summer there will be significant snow falls in winter. We had at least two good fog days this summer. Wait and see if we have a lot of snow this winter and you'll know if it's true.
  5. Georgia's lose is the fault of A. J. Green. At least that is what we kept hearing from the announcers. "If A. J. Green were in the game Georgia would be winning." A. J. this, A. J. that. That's all we heard. Didn't realize Georgia winning or loosing was all on A. J. Green. He's a good player but it takes more than one person to win.......or loose.
  6. If you are a supporter of either one you should stop and pick up the signs. Or if you are a good concerned citizen and there is no traffic you should pick up the signs and drop them off at the politicians front yard.
  7. I had Dr. Sayheed as my primary but had to change due to medical coverage plan. To me he is a mans doctor. Blunt, honest yet understanding. Hated to change. Excellent doctor. You should be glad you are not on Kaiser-Permanente system. Still, advice on how can my wife get her medical files from Dr. Wehunt now that he's closed. Help!
  8. My wife hasn't seen Dr. Wehunt in several years and needs her medical records to take to a new doctor. She was never called. How does she get her records now that he has closed his office.
  9. I don't see people riding around with Georgia football flags flying in the breeze. In fact, including here, there is no mention of how the South Carolina Gamecocks whipped up on Georgia. I know, wait until next year. And don't say because Green couldn't play is why they lost. Cry baby Spurrier just pulled it off. FYI I went to Clemson and they beat Presbyterian 58 to 21. Only reason PC scored was because Clemson had their third string in and used their fourth string quarterback in the 4th quarter. GO TIGERS!
  10. Who would be the contact for the property? I heard the road widening won't be started until 2015 due to lack of funding.
  11. One thing Glenn has done is helped wake up America that we are being taken over by a group of socialist that want to destroy our country. He is getting people to think for a change instead of being lead blindly like the non-thinkers. Yes, he is a showman to an extent but nothing like Obama. Just like Boortz, Hannity, O'Riley he has his quirks but at least he is forthright about what he believes. You have to listen to FOX, CNN, MSNBC, ABC and others and then make up your own mind. If you watch just the left leaning stations (CNN, MSNBC, ABC) and read the NY Times and Washington post ONLY like s
  12. And just what do you think your precious Obama is..........a monk?
  13. What's going on at the old Abney Elementary School in New Hope? There are cars there very day. Is it being used by the school district for offices? Is it adult education?
  14. Just to be safe from harming plants and grass wet them down before applying house wash. It's also cheaper than buying all that plastic and throwing it away.
  15. What's wrong with a 'Popeyes"? They have really good cajun chicken and specials.
  16. I'll never watch the weather again.
  17. In the grocery stores they are called 'lose leaders'. They reduce an item to almost cost then raise other prices to make up the differences. Profit on can goods is from 2 to 4 cents a can. Big profit is in non grocery items. Typical all grocery stores. Look how Kroger has built up their beauty aisle and made it more visible. Have you tried Food Lion? I heard they accept all store coupons and even double up. Their meats/steaks are really good and tender. Fred's was in a bad location in Dallas. Exposure is important. Location of stores to make a profit is like kisses. Location, location,
  18. They first heard it as FREE housing. They thought Obama was going to pay their mortgage/rent, buy gas for their cars, get free groceries, etc. It's all about entitlement. It's like they think we, the government, owes them all these things free. They made bad choices based on how they were raised by their ignorant, free loading parents. It just breeds more entitlement. God help us if we have a severe disaster where there won't be government help for a while. Just like Katrina these people will be lost and blame some one else for their plight. Some will resort to stealing from others even if the
  19. First week of school so all should take extra care when driving in the morning and afternoon to protect our future generations. Don't forget to vote Tuesday.
  20. Actually it was dirigible that Obama got from Germany. He is using it to spy on us to see what kind of political yard signs you have ......Dem or Repub. He is planning a blitz greed right before the 2012 election so he can claim Marshall law and be king forever. Either that or Roy Barnes is using it to show what a blow hard he is.
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