Some computers do not come with disks, but rather you are supposed to make your own recovery disks once you log into windows.
Call me if I can help you.
When you boot from the recovery disk it should give you the option to restore the computer back to the factory condition. Is this option not presented?
How did you reinstall Windows? Did you have a restore disk from emachines? If so, the proper drivers should have been loaded. I will be away for the next little while so it may take me a while to respond.
Thanks for the kind words.
I have read Google's privacy policy and I must say that you are most biased when it comes to Google since your significant other works there. How can you even make the statement that they will not use our data for evil purposes in the future. Does Google also have a time machine that we are not aware of that has allowed you to see the future?
This is one reason I have resisted using gmail (you have to sign into google to get your mail). Just don't use any google services that require you to stay signed in and delete any google cookies..
Try rebooting the router by unplugging the power for 20 seconds and then plugging it back in. If this does not work, enable the UPnP but leave the DMZ alone. If this does not work, google is your friend. I'm not an X box guy.