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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. Good luck. I looked for a bucket truck rental for a few days not long ago. I don't think that service is available around here. However, I noticed the other day that the tool rental place on 278 just east of the courthouse has the beefier man lifts for rent. Not the little shaky things I've seen, those scare the he'll out of me. These are the more substantial ones on a platform. The ones with ground clearance and all terrain tires.
  2. As of today, everything north of the railroad tracks, with the exception of the backway into Home Depot, belongs to the rest of y'all until the middle of the first week in January. I'll not participate in the madness.
  3. Dollar value is Vizio all the way. My opinion on the best to buy overall is Samsung. Their one of the best to start with and tend to stay that way the longest. You've already heard about refresh rates and all that. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is the quality with which the tv produces the color black. That sounds counter intuitive I know, but it's amazing the difference it makes in the quality of the picture. The last time I was doing the research to buy one, that led me to go with plasma, even with the downsides. That's not an option anymore. Just might want to keep an eye out for it
  4. Got a flu shot back in early to mid october, was sick for three days and was left with a cough and chest congestion thats just now finishing up. Don't know if the two were related, but the timing was damn suspicious.
  5. Expansion of that could be used to wipe out what remains of the blight surrounding those runways on the South Cobb Dr, side. And there probably wouldn't be all that noticeable a difference for the people who live there now. I like it. And I say that as someone who came up right thru the middle of that blight. Moved up out of that part to an apartment about a mile down Atlanta Rd. Man that was poopin' in the high cotton right there. I was fancy then I'm telling ya. A couple of three years later those apartments were condemned. When they were condemned they were still better than the first plac
  6. I haven't seen the plans, but I'd put it at 95% that under this project, it will go back to two. Plans are completed well in advance and begun usually years before that. Any alignment change would be a "down the road" kind of thing. You can extend the limits of a project laterally with a change order. To extend the limits longitudinally gets into the area of a re-design. That's a can of worms I've never seen opened.
  7. West Hiram bypass is in and 4 laned, ready to hook up to SR 92. All it would take is a new curve to the west at the intersection. The imagined east Hiram bypass was only built to 278. The original plan was for that to continue to SR 92 north of Hiram.
  8. Old alignment SR 61 from the old courthouse south thru town to the relocation down by Chattahoochee Tech.
  9. I had to read it a couple times, but if I'm understanding your question, you're asking why are homes, businesses, etc. allowed to be built in the path of considered infrastructure construction that would later conflict. Thereby raising the cost of the future infrastructure construction. First, I'm sure you know that in most cases you're talking about two or more completely separate governmental entities. The vast majority of the larger projects are planned and built by the state. Of course the local governments involved are included in the planning phases. They are the ones who issue buildin
  10. Bear with me, some of this is going to get into the weeds. The original concept/thought/idea was for SR 92 to be let under four separate contracts/phases from the end of the last expansion in D'ville at Duralee Ln. to Nebo Rd. Those would be Phase 1 from Duralee to the railroad. Phase 2 being the bridges for Bankhead and the railroad over relocated 92. Phase 3 from the railroad to Malone Rd. Phase 4 from Malone to Nebo. Phase 2 was to be let first, as it would take the longest to complete. Phases 1 & 3 were to be let simultaneously or one shortly behind the other about a year later. Th
  11. Gyro City Hiram is on the debil (f"acenbook) Seems to be some tangential connection that may have caused some confusion according to this: Gyro City Hiram November 3 at 4:38pm · Great picture of our partner, Papa George (center) and his grandson with our cousins from Utica, NY and also one of our good friends. Always a good day when you go to Marietta Diner! https://www.facebook.com/gyrocityhiram/photos/a.366139990464833.1073741828.366123097133189/366485257096973/?type=3 Digging further because I'm bored. Copied from the Marietta Diner's Menu: CHEF SELECT STEAK TIPS PAPA GEORGE Gri
  12. You could have went all day and not said Elavil. That curse of a drug played a big part in snatching ......... Sorry, had to stop there. That gets way to far into the personal. Kind of tripped a trigger there. This whole subject does and I've never been the one with the problem. The more I read here, the more I think about all the people gone from my life. Elavil can take your soul if it's allowed to. That's not an opinion, That's a witness statement. Be careful.
  13. They extend the days they're open for lunch around the holidays.
  14. Without going through a list of ailments, let's just describe it like this. If I were a car, the engine and electrical would be in surprisingly fine shape for its age and mileage, but the frame, transmission, suspension, brakes and tires are complete junk that's dangerous to keep on driving. Oh, and the upholstery is a 70's shag that's really worn and tattered. And if you see me talking to myself, I'm probably not. I'm actually talking to the invisible guy that walks along behind sticking me with sharp objects. He's real to me. If someone stayed with you 24/7, they'd be real to you too. For m
  15. They'll still be working on the new place a while. Just as a PSA, they have gyros, gyro plates and my favorite, gyro salad at The Olive Tree. Partaken on many occasions and only been disappointed like once
  16. Hmm, maybe some sort of "incident" involving a bathroom that imprinted on someones subconscious or something. I'd feel for anybody where something like that may be the case. On the other hand that old quote "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" could be a couple of inches off dead center.
  17. Need to get a ride up to go to Nick's on Virginia Ave. All anybodies gotta say is "let's go" and I'm up for that trip. The bike can be warmed up in about 10. Oh, and extra tzatziki is the only way to order ma'am.
  18. The logo on the sign I saw matches this place in Dacula. I don't know that it's the same people, but this is an exact match. http://gyrocityga.com/
  19. Maybe late to the party but, just passed a new place opening up in the old chicken world. Believe the sign said Gyro City. Please let it be good, please, please.
  20. So sorry to hear this. It's what I both feared and expected to happen. But if I can offer you a little hope. Diagnosed with type 2 early 2013, by 2014 I was fortunate enough to have my A1C number back under 5.7 and had lost about 55 pounds. Still under 5.7 and now down 80 lbs. If you wanna hear it, I'll tell you how it was done. But I warn ya. If you can't fully buy into the philosophy that all pain is temporary, it won't work.
  21. You review what ya got. If I had a new one star to try out, I'd talk about that. But I don't. I have a freakin' DQ. We could talk about the sewer smell at the only other joint we got down here, but ain't that gettin' a little old. Feel free not to allow the subject to take up any more time.
  22. The only way Keiser works is if you turn yourself over body and soul to their style of HMO. Did it for a few years in my youth. It all depends on the luck of the draw with the doctor you get. I had one that just seemed to be annoyed that I was there. He kept stringing me along like there wasn't much of anything wrong. Then came the morning I threw up water which was all I could get down. (TMI) Went in and literally begged at the desk for them to let me see someone else.The head of the place came in, did her thing and left me in a dark cool room for a while. When I woke up I was in the hospital
  23. Just cherry pickin' stuff out I know (and quoting myself which is just wrong). But I bet it's the same thing. Cooking the taste out of the meat and then serving it cold. That could mean only one thing. DQ has gone to the microwave/re-heating device of some sort. And they ain't doing it right to boot. Really was looking forward to a decent burger every once in a while without going into Hiram. Oh well.
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