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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. I am so screwed. A tree fell across the line AFTER the power went out in the area. They fixed the wider outage and moved on. The automated system doesn't differ between that and a wider outage. That means we'll be down until at least their secondary sweep. So now there is a pickup (not mine) stuck in the middle of the driveway (don't ask, it may cause me to go murder someone) so that I can't leave, no power in an all electric house, and I've eaten two apples and a hand full of nuts since Thursday. That murder is sounding better and better.
  2. 15 hours now. Damned cold, damned irritable.
  3. I'd like to apologize to Greystone. Looked out and discovered that at some recent point the power was back for everyone but me. 2nd tree down took out the power line up the drive. Lucky me. In the 20 or 30 minutes I was out there trying to see if there was anything to do there had to be at least 6 or 7 trees breaking at the trunk around the house.
  4. Greystone outages, 5pm 8,000, 6pm 12,000, 7pm 16,000, 8pm 18,600. Either slowing down or running out of customers.
  5. Another hour another 4,000 outages. Now 16,000.
  6. The Greystone outage map is going the wrong direction. 4000+ additional outages in the last hour. Closing in on 12,000.
  7. There went the power. Flashed back twice and quit.
  8. Well, hate to state the obvious, but i'd start out with calling the power company. And if that ain't gonna work I'd start looking for a generator and a heater or two. If all else fails use some of that tax money on 911. Good luck.
  9. Branches breaking all around on a slow but steady basis. Weakened pines leaning 30 degrees at the top. This is going to be a long night up here in my little patch of woods.
  10. Appreciate the recommendation, needed a little electrical work done. Checked their site and they do electrical so I'm inclined to give them a try off that info and this post. Just wanted to ask if this is somebody you're gonna be using going forward or was it just a one time save kinda deal?
  11. Maybe somebody will give me some for Christmas. But then again, it's a nice thought to give someone a really good pair of running shoes too. It's impractical if they only have the one leg though.
  12. Things must be desperate down at UPS. Lost package still lost, but one I ordered two days ago just showed up via two goomers in a Penske Rental truck with no uniforms. One driving like he'd never been in a truck before and the other literally running. That right there is a company that got caught with its pants down. Wait a minute......is UPS sexually harassing the entire nation?........What?.......... too soon?
  13. Yeah I'm talking to you Comcast, you giant heartless corporate monster. For some reason you have seen fit to take away my 24 hour radar and local weather channel with the snazzy synthesizer music. You suck!! Straight up, you just suck! Yeah I know the same information is available from about 3000 or more other places, but when something was coming you could put that on one tv in the house and keep an eye on it. When bad weather was coming this was a feature in bars where folks tended to ride up on bikes. It was one of the few advantages to cable over satellite. So I say again, you suck!
  14. So far mine is one well traveled item. Out for delivery 3 times and back to the processing center twice. I noticed nobodies saying who the carrier with their package is that's having an issue. Makes me wonder if it's mostly just the one company. Mine's UPS, how about y'all?
  15. Man, talk about creating a monster, that intersection's already the armpit of hell. (SR5@Douglas Blvd.)
  16. That fell thru before the concrete was dry on that sign footing. The sign stayed up for like a couple of years though, because the developer of the building went broke before it was finished.
  17. I'd tell ya but it'd just make ya sad. I figure one of us being that way is enough. Sigh, Christmas just hasn't been the same since 1964 when daddy went outside on Christmas Eve, shot his shotgun up in the air and came back in to tell me Santa just committed suicide.
  18. That's going to be the main corridor very soon as the 92 project is completed. This store will just be a blip in that area when it's all said and done. Makes a case for the old driver training classes............ and that tank purchase I've been considering.
  19. The one in 92 will be neighbors with a scrap yard. I just don't see a negative impact there.
  20. Husband to his psychiatrist while discussing his wife, "No Doc, I didn't say she was crazy. I said she likes literary nuts."
  21. A question if you happen to know. Do they insist on doing the pickup and delivery? I have the equipment to transport. That would make it affordable.
  22. At one time there was three WH's on Fulton Ind. within sight of the I-20 bridge over FIB. Each one was a very different experience. Different from each other and different according to the time of night/day.
  23. Sigh........one day I'll find somebody to drive the truck while I cut trees. Sigh......... It just ain't right......it's a nice enough truck. Maybe the ladies don't dig Fords. It's gotta be the truck.............right? There was the one that told me she didn't much like the nut holding the steering wheel. I guess she was a mechanic or somethin'. Anyway I digress, this is the kinda lift I saw:
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